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Grandaddy purple Week 9 Flower
Do these trichomes look cloudy? Should I harvest this weekend?


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Marshydro tsw2000 310w from wall 14in from canopy, Fox farm ocean forest, FF light warrior and perlite. 3 gallon fabric pot. Soil. Feeding with synthetic nutrients
3 gallon pot dude thats alot of smoke. I am using 7 gallons thinking to switch to 5 gallon. This my baby going on her 2nd week into flower since flip. Also in fox farm ocean Forrest but use some Meigs Nutes and Mammoth P.


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Damn she’s beautiful man! Gonna be some fire when she’s done! This is my first grow and I am aiming for 3-4oz. After this I will be switching to pure organic because synthetic nutes just cause too many problems and headaches.
3 gallon pot dude thats alot of smoke. I am using 7 gallons thinking to switch to 5 gallon. This my baby going on her 2nd week into flower since flip. Also in fox farm ocean Forrest but use some Meigs Nutes and Mammoth P.
Also this is nothing. I saw a guy on YouTube use the same grow op I do which is a 3x3 tent and he used a marshydro ts1000 and got close to a pound out of 3 plants! In 3 gallon fabric pots! I would love to be able to reach at least 6-8oz in soil. I know a lot people say it’s only possible in hydro though.
Also this is nothing. I saw a guy on YouTube use the same grow op I do which is a 3x3 tent and he used a marshydro ts1000 and got close to a pound out of 3 plants! In 3 gallon fabric pots! I would love to be able to reach at least 6-8oz in soil. I know a lot people say it’s only possible in hydro though.
Damn man. Send me a link to thr chems you use. And you said you mix stuff into your fox farm ocean Forrest soil? Another thing to with your wallowing that 2000 watt 14 inches kinda close could be light burn
Damn man. Send me a link to thr chems you use. And you said you mix stuff into your fox farm ocean Forrest soil? Another thing to with your wallowing that 2000 watt 14 inches kinda close could be light burn
The yellowing was actually copper deficency from incorrect ph.
And I see on your temp gage your humidity gets to 60 percent is that when light goes off?
Yea most likely at night. Since the humidity stays between 30-40% during the day. And I can’t disturb the dark period so I can’t check the temp. I’m probably gonna buy a wireless temp gauge so I can check it during the dark period next grow.
Yea most likely at night. Since the humidity stays between 30-40% during the day. And I can’t disturb the dark period so I can’t check the temp. I’m probably gonna buy a wireless temp gauge so I can check it during the dark period next grow.
Yah man forsure as long as nothing was molded I wouldn't worry, but every strain is different. Its been raining here and my tent stays in garage. So I run my lights at night and off during thr day and the rain had my tents humidity 60 percent for like 7 hours out of 12. Which it normally stay 40-50percebt.
Also this is nothing. I saw a guy on YouTube use the same grow op I do which is a 3x3 tent and he used a marshydro ts1000 and got close to a pound out of 3 plants! In 3 gallon fabric pots! I would love to be able to reach at least 6-8oz in soil. I know a lot people say it’s only possible in hydro though.
This should be good I'd like to see this YouTube guys grow they're generally funny to see
Good looking plant. It’s very close to ready. Glad to see it because I decided to try a granddaddy purple outside this year (actually two. Buddy had one he almost killed, so he gave it to me. I brought it back to life). Got her in a 15 gallon root pouch. It’s looking great already, and the season has a long way to go.


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