12/1 Ebb & Flow LED

Reading this just made my brain hurt.
Some people really need to read more and post less.

glr is the 12/5.5/1/5.5 you described and it is still used to grow all those poinsettia plants we see at Christmas. Works on cannabis but far from the ideal veg lighting schedule imo.
Flowering schedule I’ll refrain from getting into because it’s an uphill argument with no reason to indulge
so you're saying that GLR is a veg routine? that's not right per @1-2Learn .
everybody knows GLR is 12/12 flowering schedule
<sarcasm font on>
Why is there dead plants just chillin in the back of the room?

You aren't the grower that you think you are if you're seeing dead plants. Maybe you just don't know what plants look like on cut day.

Keep up the good work with those
1 or 2 puny ass plants you grow.
You aren't the grower that you think you are if you're seeing dead plants. Maybe you just don't know what plants look like on cut day.

Hey professor, keep up the good work with those
1 or 2 puny ass plants you grow.
You know, I'm thinking you may need a refresher course in grammar too.

In your case, as well as some others in this thread....
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That phrase has your name written all over it.

When you want to talk, let's bring up a subject that you actually know something about. What a dull conversation that would be cuz you obviously don't know shit.
You know, I'm thinking you may need a refresher course in grammar too.

In your case, as well as some others in this thread....
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That phrase has your name written all over it.

When you want to talk, let's bring up a subject that you actually know something about. What a dull conversation that would be cuz you obviously don't know shit.

Oh I was referring to these dead ones?


In fact your whole room looks like a mold and bug infested mess.

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You know, I'm thinking you may need a refresher course in grammar too.

In your case, as well as some others in this thread....
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That phrase has your name written all over it.

When you want to talk let's bring up a subject that you actually know something about. What a dull conversation that would be cuz you obviously don't know shit.

grammar fail x2: 3 not 4 periods is an ellipse. and cuz is not a word.

tell us again what GLR is please. lmao. moron.
he probably gave them more than 8 hours of light in bloom. lmao. they look nice and healthy and wilted to me!
Why don't you pull your head out of your ass? You might actually realize what you're seeing. You should just keep fertilizing your grass with your shit for brains.

You have clearly revealed that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You're the type of asshole that would criticize God's grow. You should go smoke one of those two or three joints that your plants put out. Troll!
Beginning in the vegetative state of the plant life cycle, lights are on for 12 hours, followed by 5.5 hours of darkness. Lights them come back on for an hour, with another 5.5 hours of dark after that. The cycle then repeats

i've got to go to work. you should read some books in the meantime. so you don't look like such a noob.
That part of the GLR light cycle is for the veg only. You forgot to mention the 12 hours on 12 hours off during flower. Talk about a fucked up definition with some bad information.
Anyone can grow a room of bug infested, mold ridden mids

do you have any healthy plant pictures by any chance?
I'm sure you know what mold and bug infested buds look like. That's probably the norm for you.

Are you a parrott? Are you and those other freaks just butt buddies. Following each other around every thread, putting in your two cents that aren't worth plug nickel.

You guys just stay with the herd!
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Regardless of what some others may have to say I'm going to continue to post this tent grow and I'm going to keep it civil enough so the ones with interest aren't offended.
Sorry for any ranting.
I'll stay on topic and ignore the BS from here on.