Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
yeah thnx man but i have like the reflector and 4 enviro's but i was actually looking for the reflector with the 3 sockets but i cant seem to find 1 anywhere :(


Well-Known Member
yeah thnx man but i have like the reflector and 4 enviro's but i was actually looking for the reflector with the 3 sockets but i cant seem to find 1 anywhere :(

i seen them somewhere mate, can def getthem in theuk, i'l have a scrounge now and let you know.

and cheers they are looking nice if i dont say so myself :)


Well-Known Member
Eak, that reminds me of when mine should be done. Doesn't look like they'll be dry in time for new years, let alone xmas. Anyone have any tips for quick drying a small portion of it?
mine will be ready just before christmas and some will be quick dried. i have a metal rack i put abouve the radiator in the bedroom, quick dry's in a couple of hours. not as nice but good for a taster :)


Well-Known Member
TY Fyfe. I wish I had started a week earlier; relatives can be such a strain on ones nerves.
Yeah i wish i had started a week or so earlier to. Saves havin a really smelly place when the relatives decide to pop round at xmas. I'l worry about it when the time comes though lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
im so glad no one visits me at christmas or anyother time of the year lol, cant even remeber last time my mum was here, I shall do the visiting as normal this year lol


Well-Known Member
o plan on doing the same, get round everyone first that way they dont need to come to mine lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
yep thats the way to do it for sure, it hardly ever fails. Of course you get the odd random visits lol


Well-Known Member
my biggest worry atm is the sky man. he came at the weekend just to tell me he cant do it yet cause he needs access to the roof from another flat grrr.

he's coming back week on thursdsay and it should be suitable stinky by then.

my planst smell kind of rustic. like something old lol with a hint of spice


Well-Known Member
yeh they have had canna flores A + B 2.5ml of each on 32 occasions. just water last feed, more ntes next feed :)


Well-Known Member
lmfao not 32 occasions 2 lol

my lowryders aint very low lol, they must be least 2ft by now if not more

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
how are the girls coming Fyfe? you can just open the windows that will weeken the smell but bloody cold right now ay lol or just be cooking something like a good strong curry that should hide the smell you could offer him a puff lmfao westy has the right idear stink out the flat with girly air freshners :hump:

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
so u only use nutes for them when they start to flower .... koo then i dont have to use nutes for it's first 2-4 weeks of it's life then


Well-Known Member
how are the girls coming Fyfe? you can just open the windows that will weeken the smell but bloody cold right now ay lol or just be cooking something like a good strong curry that should hide the smell you could offer him a puff lmfao westy has the right idear stink out the flat with girly air freshners :hump:

there coming along nicely mate new pics up there ^^^^^^^ lol

i'l flood the place with air fresheners when they come lol