Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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i won't say this is a nice opinion...but it is an honest one....FUCK the people who won't get vaccinated. let the ignorant assholes get covid and die, just that many less fucknuts making life suck for the rest of us. the only bad part of it that i can see is that they may infect someone with lower resistance, or those with other medical problems that make them more susceptible. maybe we can just wall off Kansas or Wyoming like George Carlin suggested, and keep all the trumptard conspiracy theorists locked up where they can't hut anyone but themselves. i'd suggest televising it, but most of the people who would watch this shit will already be in Kansas or Wyoming...
I'm already past it. I'm convinced that we will not achieve anywhere near the level of immunity that could end this epidemic. Communities with large numbers of antivaxxers will maintain and spread the virus everywhere else. So, vaccinations for the Coronavirus variant dujour will be necessary, especially for families like mine that are caring for their elders. Also, I may never return to an office. Strange world we are heading into.

I'm disgusted by these people who are hesitant and afraid of the vaccine but are willing to get infected by the virus. But as you say, they are us. It's time to move on and figure out what all this means to me and mine. Our society will never be the same as it was.
It's not hard. All one needs to do is point out when he's wrong about something to get on his ignore list. Given how often he is passionately wrong on some subject, I wonder if maybe Taco is just talking to himself and we all are on ignore.
Crap yes that happened just before the ignore. You think that was it huh.....sensitive!:bigjoint:
It's good to hear about your coping strategy. With two teenagers and two aged mothers under our care, my wife and I can always benefit from hearing how other people deal with similar stress.

For me, gardening and cooking is a good outlet. I'm harvesting fava beans today. I put the seed in the ground in October, and seven months later, they are ready, so it's a small thing but a personal victory.
Sounds like your hands are full, w/the aged moms,all I can say is appreciate them while their around(I'm sure you do but when the dreaded day comes it seems you go back in time and wish for more), as far as grief coping (my parents(I'm a adoptee) both passed pretty early(DAD 1984,I'm19) and Mom 2000 , there is basically 2 choices you mourn but carry on w/strength knowing the loved one that passed want you to succeed or you just go to pieces feeling sorry for yourself, it is hard but just embrace your routine and like you said just keep racking up the personal victories.ccguns
The socks fell under 40%, they must be so sad. :(

Come on, socks, you can do it!

well we have a real president; there's a ceasefire in Israel/Gaza didn't anyone notice how many were here. every time something is wrong in the world they come here and now they've disappeared- world Mommy (US) took care of it. what happened to the bong seller and her puppies from Taiwan who was pissed about no 'express' delivery on vape products from US? she eventually solved her problem and i'm willing to bet all she had to do was take a minute and read.

isn't everyone glad we're back?
I'm already past it. I'm convinced that we will not achieve anywhere near the level of immunity that could end this epidemic. Communities with large numbers of antivaxxers will maintain and spread the virus everywhere else. So, vaccinations for the Coronavirus variant dujour will be necessary, especially for families like mine that are caring for their elders. Also, I may never return to an office. Strange world we are heading into.

I'm disgusted by these people who are hesitant and afraid of the vaccine but are willing to get infected by the virus. But as you say, they are us. It's time to move on and figure out what all this means to me and mine. Our society will never be the same as it was.
That's the attitude to have man,you have a full plate and certainly can't worry about these algorythim newsfeed FKnuts being fed propaganda and swallowing it hook,line, and sinker. They refuse objective news and spew the BS that their fed and as I've said before w/the Cheeto Adm and their spawning of the "fake news" and "alternative facts" as a new way to frame LIES ,have turned some fellow americans into persona non grata in my book.It's sad but that's how it is now (these people are not capable of reform now IMO) and you and I need to put our energy and effort into what is truly important.ccguns
well we have a real president; there's a ceasefire in Israel/Gaza didn't anyone notice how many were here. every time something is wrong in the world they come here and now they've disappeared- world Mommy (US) took care of it. what happened to the bong seller and her puppies from Taiwan who was pissed about no 'express' delivery on vape products from US? she eventually solved her problem and i'm willing to bet all she had to do was take a minute and read.

isn't everyone glad we're back?
Well actually Egypt brokered the ceasefire but thanks Mom! ;).
Well actually Egypt brokered the ceasefire but thanks Mom! ;).

Not even really a true ceasefire. They're still having skirmishes. And there's no money in peace for the corrupt leaders on both sides. This has been going on for decades. It doesn't appear that there will ever be any long lasting peace. Arafat and Rabin received the Nobel Peace Prize following the Oslo accords back in the 90's. It didn't bring any peace. They'll still be fighting each other decades from now. I hope they aren't but I don't see any path to peace.
That's the attitude to have man,you have a full plate and certainly can't worry about these algorythim newsfeed FKnuts being fed propaganda and swallowing it hook,line, and sinker. They refuse objective news and spew the BS that their fed and as I've said before w/the Cheeto Adm and their spawning of the "fake news" and "alternative facts" as a new way to frame LIES ,have turned some fellow americans into persona non grata in my book.It's sad but that's how it is now (these people are not capable of reform now IMO) and you and I need to put our energy and effort into what is truly important.ccguns
I think I'm just doing what everybody else is doing. Flash from big picture to little one. The epidemic, the vaccine and how our society responds to it is big picture (disappointing because about 30% or less will accept it). How me and mine chose to live through the epidemic, how we deal with life as the end game approaches is little picture. I can't really affect the big picture but watching what happens there informs my actions within my little sphere of influence.

And fuuuuuck Trump, his family, his toadies and the people who support all of that. But it wasn't Trump who led us into this mess, it is something else and I can't completely accept that it was outside influences like Putin's psy ops behind all of it. We've always had a sizeable contingent in this society that follows cranks and their lies. John Birch society, for example. They have been pushing the story about a false conspiracy between the left and communists to take over the world for half a century. The McCarthy hearings and House on Unamerican Activities was another Republican right wing authoritarian attempt at taking over the government by lies and force. I can't say why we have those people but they have always been with us. Probably because there is more than one reason.

It was a close thing with Trump. We will have to stay on guard. The authoritarian right are a minority but enough to tip this country into dictatorship if the majority sleeps on them.

Meanwhile, I have my little life to manage. My kids are going back to public school. They are vaccinated and free to restart their own lives. My oldest is graduating from HS in a few weeks, do we go to the public ceremony or not? We signed up for the public ceremony. It's time to start trusting the vaccine.
It’s a no for me I am sitting quietly watching what happens to those that have vaccinated first. Once it’s proven safe and fully effective then I’d consider it but no way atm.
It’s a no for me I am sitting quietly watching what happens to those that have vaccinated first. Once it’s proven safe and fully effective then I’d consider it but no way atm.
It's been in use since November of 2020. Nobody has died from it.

However, roughly 1.79 million people who didn't get it have died from covid.

So keep being stupid. You'll be another statistic.
You don't go out much, I hope.
All the time mate all the way through lockdown 2 holidays to Tenerife in lockdown smoked weed daily not ever been ill never worn a mask either. If you isolate your immune system weakens and you’re more susceptible to being unable to fight it.
It's been in use since November of 2020. Nobody has died from it.

However, roughly 1.79 million people who didn't get it have died from covid.

So keep being stupid. You'll be another statistic.
Actually 1200 have died so far and this is about personal choice also why should It bother those vaccinating if the vaccine works that is?! It’s personal choice and that’s anybody’s right.
Actually 1200 have died so far
Bullshit. Post the link to it.

this is about personal choice
So choose to die. We don't give a shit.

why should It bother those vaccinating
It doesn't. Which is why I said:

So keep being stupid. You'll be another statistic.
It's you that came in here talking about "your personal choice". You could also choose to just shut the fuck up about it. Nobody cares if you die, pal. Go right on ahead and join the other 3,445,636 that are dead because they didn't get it.

By the way, 1,629,403,048 people world wide have been vaccinated.

Global Source - The Johns Hopkins: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
Actually 1200 have died so far and this is about personal choice also why should It bother those vaccinating if the vaccine works that is?! It’s personal choice and that’s anybody’s right.