New plants already problems


Active Member
Jus got a new clone and seedling not even a week ago n noticed sum wilting today. I thought it was because they needed to b water because the soil was dry. They perk up a lil but they still looked unhappy. I noticed yellowing of the leaves and figured my lights must be too close I’m moved the higher. Any advice.



Active Member
Ok when I got them they were in rock wool I put them in the cup because I thought they were too small for a pot. Do you think this is causing the dropping and discoloration


Well-Known Member
Ok I’ll do that right away. Is that causing the discoloration
Most likely, it's the only thing I can see off hand without knowing more about the plants routine. Not sure if you put any type of feed or nutrients in the cup so it's hard for me to tell. Overfeeding and bad watering habits tend to contribute to plant problems. For now just transplant give it water.