Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I dated a Russian girl years ago. She was nice but her family hated me because the color of my skin was darker than they liked. I still got into her pants and I know her father hated it.
First thing her mother asked when she told her she was dating an American was: is he a jew?

The second question was: is he black?

The third was: what is his family origin?

When she told her German-Irish her mom said: ...we can live with that.

Full disclosure: my mother in law worked for the soviet defense ministry for 35 years. My father in law was with the KGB for 24 years. He's been a college professor/dean since.
First thing her mother asked when she told her she was dating an American was: is he a jew?

The second question was: is he black?

The third was: what is his family origin?

When she told her German-Irish her mom said: ...we can live with that.

Full disclosure: my mother in law worked for the soviet defense ministry for 35 years. My father in law was with the KGB for 24 years. He's been a college professor/dean since.

There's a double standard. If it was a son they could care less who he's seeing. But if it's their daughter they think she's being defiled by some subhuman. I met many parents that were not thrilled with me at first. Then I would be working on cars with their fathers and helping cut down trees and such. People can have stereotypes of people based on race and color. I've seen that evaporate in real time once they realized I was just another guy and treated their daughter better than anyone else.

I've never even thought about the race or color stuff. Asian, Hispanic, Black, White, whatever. I just like females. I don't give a damn about anyone's race or color.

I got around. Safe sex only though. I spent a lot of money on condoms back in the day. I've been with my current lady for about ten years now though and am done slutting around. But it was fun while it lasted. :mrgreen:
I dated a Russian guy when I was in college. He was a pharmaceutical major and stole prescription pills from his internship and got suspended for a year. He was a terrible boyfriend and under performed in the bedroom. When I broke it off with him and started dating someone else he tried to break into my apartment complex with a ladder and crowbar to beg for me to return to him. He cried about dumping him which was so precious because he tried to always seem like a hard ass.
Yes it's the parents. But people are quick to blame the teachers. Many of whom are using their own money for supplies.

We spend trillions on a failed Joint Strike Fighter program but can't pay for books in schools. When I went to school they had everything. If you wanted to be in the Band there was an instrument available. If you wanted to play sports the uniforms were provided free of charge. These days there is no money for that stuff so unless the family can afford the equipment the kids can't participate. It's just sick how we've left the education as some secondary priority when it should be the number 1 priority.

Ignorant people are easier to control. Look at north korea
Mom and dad realized I had a girl at my place, they probably phoned and she answered when I was not there. Thought they would be happy about her having Germanic roots, the last girl was English. They did hold their tongue when they asked me her name, I said Lynn. What was her last name? They got me there, I had no idea. I am sure they were a little concerned. She ended up being half Mennonite and half Native (Indian).
My first shot I felt like a horse Kicked me in my arm, no ill feeling at all, Now the second shot was a bit worse I felt sick for a few days my room mate felt really sick for almost 3 days. Pfizer shots. AT NMU with hundreds of Students there getting the Vaccine. I can't understand why People don't want it.

Maybe when their Penis starts to shrink more than the small prick they have now because of 19 they will reconsider. :) JK>>>> :(
I dated a Russian guy when I was in college. He was a pharmaceutical major and stole prescription pills from his internship and got suspended for a year. He was a terrible boyfriend and under performed in the bedroom. When I broke it off with him and started dating someone else he tried to break into my apartment complex with a ladder and crowbar to beg for me to return to him. He cried about dumping him which was so precious because he tried to always seem like a hard ass.

That's funny. I never had any complaints about underperforming. I might only be part black but I got the good gene. If anything I would get the "Please stop. I can't take anymore". :mrgreen:

Some guys are just stupid as well. I always treated the ladies like they were Queens. Whatever they wanted. Some call it pussy whipped. I call it being a good partner. You have to take care of your lady and her wants and needs. It's not a chore it's a privilege. The foot massages I'd give always paid off.

I'd tell these guys whining about their girlfriends that were drinking in the bars with their buddies that they should be out having dinner with their ladies instead of hanging out with the dudes. Buy her some damn flowers. Massage her feet, etc... Most guys don't know how to have a good relationship. The ones that do have great ones.
Doubt it is due to their ignorance. I think being told to do something or being shot might have something to do with it.

True. Also being told that the rest if the world is evil and not being allowed education outside of government propaganda leads to extreme ignorance of life outside of their controlled environment.

No reason to believe anything other than what is available.

Threats are easier to back up when the majority blindly follow due to ignorance.
Crazy ignorance. Why the hell does any of that matter? If two people are in love with each other that's all that matters. Fuck all that other shit.
You've obviously never been to Russia and know very, very little about it. No need to get your panties all in a wad over what very old Russians think. It's OK. You'll make it.
You've obviously never been to Russia and know very, very little about it. No need to get your panties all in a wad over what very old Russians think. It's OK. You'll make it.

Quite the contrary. I'm very well aware of the prejudice in Russia. I'd never go there. I could get beaten by a mob because of the color of my skin. Fortunately there are much better places to go if I wanted to travel. Russia has some neat history and places to see but it's not on any list of my places to go. Those old Russians are free to think as they please. I don't even give a damn. :mrgreen:

By that rational, we don't owe any president any thanks for anything.
You're kinda right homie. The Citizens of this country do the real work. Giving credit to politicians is kinda glossing over the 300+ million Americans that tow the line every day. A pat on the back? Sure, but that's as far as I'd be willing to take it. Credit? The people get the credit. We elect our leaders, we pay the taxes that fund our government, we do the work that makes the country move, and we take care of our neighbors and community. Politicians just move us around like chess pieces and depending on which party is in power. Democrat president? Tax cuts for the middle class and poor, generally not going to start any new wars overseas, expanding healthcare to the most vulnerable Citizens in our country, expanding the rights of minorities and protecting them from racist scum, and expanding voting rights to make it easier for the average Citizen to have their voice heard. I even remember one of those Democrat president's killing bin laden without invading 2 countries that didn't attack us like his predecessor. Republican president? Fuck the middle class, fuck the poor, start a war to feed the arms industry, send some 18 year old kids off to the middle east, bring them back home all fucked up if at all, bash minorities, pretend to stand up for family values, prevent minorities from voting, and rob public schools of funding so it can be diverted to charter schools for rich kids. I have a gay male neighbor that claims to be a Republican. If any of you can figure that one out for me I'm all ears. It just baffles me to no end. And people with that kind of broken logic vote and they just might be your neighbor. It's a shame because he's a sweet human being. Just dumb as a box of rocks.
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the problem is that you can mean what ever you want to mean, but the fools reading what you write use their own definitions, no matter what you mean...they have their own agendas, their own goals, their own prejudices and preconceptions, so in reality, only about 10% of the point you are trying to make even has a possibility of getting through to them, because they don't hear the same thing you hear when the words are leaving your mouth....you say " Liberal and Fascist are two words that cannot be applied to the same person or organization at the same time, as they are directly contradictory." but what they hear is " Liberals name for scary people who want us to change and Fascist other name for other bad people who want us to change ARE interchangeable, because they both mean people besides those who think like myself, so there is no contradiction whatsoever."
You have to know what your enemy is thinking to understand them. their viewpoint of self preservation and fear of the unknown is so fucking foreign to common sense, empathy, understanding, or compassion that those words might as well not even exist for them, outside of their own narrow fellowship, and it must be narrow, because even though they believe most of the same stupid shit, some of them will interpret it slightly differently, and that leaves them open to becoming pariahs who don't toe the official line...i would say ignore them and let them eat themselves from the inside out like the cancer they are, but for the collateral damage their death throws will cause
I didn't invent the language, I'm just using the common one. In the common language, fascism and liberalism are the opposite of each other. Mussolini said as much. "Fascism is illiberal and anti-democratic." At least that's what it means in common English. Communication across our society breaks down if we can't agree on what words mean. I would agree that banal political purpose of division is one of their reasons for butchering our language.

This bit about remaking the meaning of words for political purposes. Authoritarians have been doing that for millennia. Orwell's 1984 was based upon that kind of propaganda and manipulation.

Definition of newspeak

propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings

So, people who use newspeak (Magaspeak?, Klanspeak?) are revealing themselves as either leaders or followers of a radical totalitarian political party. I can ridicule them however much I want and it won't change them but it differentiates myself from them.

So, I point and laugh.

Also, good to see you back, Roger. It's been a while.
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Mom and dad realized I had a girl at my place, they probably phoned and she answered when I was not there. Thought they would be happy about her having Germanic roots, the last girl was English. They did hold their tongue when they asked me her name, I said Lynn. What was her last name? They got me there, I had no idea. I am sure they were a little concerned. She ended up being half Mennonite and half Native (Indian).

lol and decades later we find out that our grandparents were all mostly full of shit about whatever they were told as kids about their heritage with all these DNA tests.

You're kinda right homie. The Citizens of this country do the real work. Giving credit to politicians is kinda glossing over the 300+ million Americans that tow the line every day. A pat on the back? Sure, but that's as far as I'd be willing to take it. Credit? The people get the credit. We elect our leaders, we pay the taxes that fund our government, we do the work that makes the country move, and we take care of our neighbors and community. Politicians just move us around like chess pieces and depending on which party is in power. Democrat president? Tax cuts for the middle class and poor, generally not going to start any new wars overseas, expanding healthcare to the most vulnerable Citizens in our country, expanding the rights of minorities and protecting them from racist scum, and expanding voting rights to make it easier for the average Citizen to have their voice heard. I even remember one of those Democrat president's killing bin laden without invading 2 countries that didn't attack us like his predecessor. Republican president? Fuck the middle class, fuck the poor, start a war to feed the arms industry, send some 18 year old kids off to the middle east, bring them back home all fucked up if at all, bash minorities, pretend to stand up for family values, prevent minorities from voting, and rob public schools of funding so it can be diverted to charter schools for rich kids. I have a gay male neighbor that claims to be a Republican. If any of you can figure that one out for me I'm all ears. It just baffles me to no end. And people with that kind of broken logic vote and they just might be your neighbor. It's a shame because he's a sweet human being. Just dumb as a box of rocks.
This is why I try to remember that the overall demographic that the Republicans legislate for is the Wealthy White Heterosexual Males.

So Wealthy White Heterosexual Males still have about half of the things they can be tricked into caring about to associate with the Republican party.