12/1 Ebb & Flow LED

anything over 8 hrs ON is a waste in flower.

i've been taking notes.
Ive done it myself. Iv compared the yields between 8 hours on all the way through and 10 hours on, and 11 on and 12 on and 13 on. For indica types 13 hours on all the way through usually came out with more yield. Probably due to the plant harvesting 56 hours at a minimum more light than at 12 hours on. With more sativa type genetics the 13 hours on would almost put the plant into continued flower some even refusing to flower. With 12 hours on with sativa leaning genetics you could finish long flowering types but again sometimes they would just continue to throw more pistols, although the yields would get huge. I found with those types it was better to use 12 on for the first 3 weeks, then drop to 11 on for 4-5 weeks. Then once in peak bloom drop to 10 weeks. This would usually stop any regrowth or reflowering and also get a good yields. Doing a sativa type at 8 on all through flower the buds would be tiny and small and give a very low yield although cut the flowering time alot. But the plant would lose huge amounts of light hours it would of harvested to create bud. Yes the flowering hormone is higher with more dark but with too much dark and very low light hours the plant belives its in the winter season and rapidly finishes skipping most of midd and late flower were it builds most mass. You can flower a plant on 5hours on and it will also thow pistols with tiny scraggly buds that rapidly ripen and the pistols turn brown very fast. I dont think cannabis has evolved to just use 8 hours of light in flower. Infact cannabis has evolved to reap as much as it can from the environments its found in. The best usually being in tropical highland areas ov high uv levels with light hours that stay almost 12 on 12 off with only minor changes in light hours seasonally. There are auto flowering plants that are found in areas with short seasons and lower light hours but have small scraggly buds and very low thc levels
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Not wrong.
Some plant tomatoes is in March, some in June.
They're both going to get tomatoes.
There really is no wrong as long as you're getting the fruit you expect.
I expect 1 pound of bud from this particular grow. It will put 50+g of hash too! This style has always met the projected yield for me.

The grow will meet my expectation of yield so what's the drawback? None!
Yes, you do!
In the last 30 years of growing I've discovered that not all eyes are on the real prize which is to have a successful grow with the expected yield and not necessarily follow the herd.
sorry but if you think GLR is a bloom light regimen, i wouldn't admit to growing for 30 years. lmao. noob.
i have those pucks too. do you think that the far-red really puts them to sleep faster? i'm still on the fence about that claim

i just use mine as an Emerson effect.
There appears to be real science behind it and people running 13.5/10.5 hrs. in mid flower. It's my first time running the far-red initiator and 13.5/10.5. The plant stalled and stopped growing about a week ago, but it's been a weird plant from the start. It couldn't take 15w/ft in veg but has been just fine with 35w/ft since I flipped. I went back to 12/12 yesterday to see if anything changes.

I bookmarked pages 46, 87, 98, 99.
There appears to be real science behind it and people running 13.5/10.5 hrs. in mid flower. It's my first time running the far-red initiator and 13.5/10.5. The plant stalled and stopped growing about a week ago, but it's been a weird plant from the start. It couldn't take 15w/ft in veg but has been just fine with 35w/ft since I flipped. I went back to 12/12 yesterday to see if anything changes.

I bookmarked pages 46, 87, 98, 99.
so the do you think the extra few hours per day really results in more cola growth? or is the theory just to shorten up flowering time and get bigger buds too?

i'd be worried about a timer failure too.

maybe i'll try it some day
so the do you think the extra few hours per day really results in more cola growth? or is the theory just to shorten up flowering time and get bigger buds too?

i'd be worried about a timer failure too.

maybe i'll try it some day
I was just going for the faster finish with the summer heat and humidity coming. I think it's just for shorter flowering time, but I'm the student not the teacher. LOL

I used an Omron 0-12 minute "Power off delay timer" that's triggered by the normal light timer shutting off. The red is only on for two minutes after lights out. A lot of people just coordinate two separate timers, not an idea I like.
Just so everybody knows, gas lantern routine requires 12 hours on 12 hours off for flowering.
Just like any other routine, anything less than this or more than this is not gas lantern routine.
just so everybody knows, pretty much everything in this thread is incorrect.

it's not a flowering schedule.
it wasn't even designed for cannabis.
Think he has misread this web page

Looks good BUT I look at all the good growers on here and whatya know, they have lovely plants.