Mettrum 6M settlement

Just wondering if anyone in Ontario has been contacted by the lawyer that is now handling the settlement that has been reached. Originally I signed up with the Nova Scotia suit and I believe that was folded into the Ontario class action. Just wondering as I have not been contacted by the new lawyer in Ontario yet.
This is from product recalls before weed was legal where illegal pesticides were found on the product
I'm sure they threw all those away eh Brother?
A guy told me today that the LP's are sitting on a billion unsold grams of their floor sweepings with no where to sell it.
Beautiful !
Sink you old ship sink. fucking bastard have gone and screwed the market for the rest of us.
Ah that’s greasy I see.
They don’t take your privacy very seriously it seems
We won the case several years back now and still no decision on settlement. We will get something, but what is up for debate still. How they can take 8 years plus to do this is just beyond my scope of thinking.
As many here have said in the past "they are waiting for most of us to die"
This goes so far back now that many don't even know it happened. This is why many of us here were " Grandfathered"
in our licenses.