It's not normal to adjust the ph of RO. Mix in all the nutes first, then adjust ph.
RO has most of the ions removed so it has a very weak ph that is easily changed.
Never store ph probes in RO or distilled, it tends to leach ions from the solution in the probe.
RO or distilled water is pH neutral so just a drop of pH Up or Down will swing the pH way more than if it were tap water that has minerals in it that buffer the pH. If you just want to give them water then just use it as is. It will not leach nutrients out of your plants like some bro-science practitioners will tell you.
Like @1212ham said, mix in all the stuff you are giving your plants then check and adjust pH if needed. And he's dead right about not storing your pH pen in RO or distilled water unless you want a dead probe. If you don't have proper storage sol'n then a 50:50 mix of pH 7 calibration sol'n and RO water will suffice tho storage sol'n is best to get longer life out of your probe. My pen is 10 years old and still works fine as it's always in storage sol'n.
Ok ok good shite. Thank you for your time.byour right about that shit. All of it. I put a wee bit of FF grow big in it and a drop of cal mag and pH plunges down to high fours. Sucks trying to manipulate everything like a god or something. Time to kiss and have faith, I think I