Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

You're making incorrect assumptions about this "decision". The thread title and OP's comments are not the result of the child making a conscious decision, they're comments from an observing parent. What the child is doing is simply what feels natural and without are understanding, or lack of in some cases, or biases, or millions of references we have in mind, which they clearly do not.

Now you're talking about biology, as in, sex. I'd recommend taking a minute to go read about the difference between sex and gender.
The kid was born with a dick or a vagina. Nope lets change it that seems right
I don't watch media dont even own a TV. Has nothing to do with "right wing propaganda"
Its has everything to do with sense and right and wrong. Would you change your child gender @ 6 years old? Your kids will hate despise you.

Ok maybe get your head checked. You also the local diddler? I seen the fresh free candy sign

Seriously you're sick in the head
Your ability to comprehend the actual discussion leads me to believe your dumb as a stump. Who in the fuck said anything about an operation other than you triggered folks that can’t get your grey matter around what is actually being discussed. So you would force your child to play with GI Joe’s instead of barbies (both bad choices as well IMO) but you get the drift right?
You guys are fucked defending this type of shit get help. let a kid be the way a kid should be; the way they were born. Playing God doesnt help anything

Apparently it does though if you have the IQ equivalency that matches a squirrel
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Triggered idividuals that are totally not using sock puppet accounts to spread the ridiculous hate,

A child feeling more comfortable identifying as a particular gender is not what you are triggered into thinking it is by right wing hate mongers who spammed you so full of propaganda that you feel the need to essentially repost your spam here.
I don't think it is fair to lump those two posts together.

One might be well meaning, the other is a moron.
You guys are fucked defending this type of shit get help

Go read up on gender dysphoria. If you force a kid to live as a gender they don't identify with, it fucks them up and they have high rates of suicide. If you let them live as the gender they identify with, they develop in a more healthy manner, but of course then you have to worry about the dumbfuck rednecks out there committing criminal jesus assault, but at least the law will protect them to a degree and likely jail people that think like yourself.

Or, you could just post uninformed stuff on the internet. Not exactly breaking the mold there though.
You guys are fucked defending this type of shit get help. let a kid be the way a kid should be; the way they were born. Playing God doesnt help anything

Apparently it does though if you have the IQ equivalency that matches a squirrel
What exactly is everyone defending? Please be clear in your description and maybe read from the beginning......slowly maybe. Prove us squirrels wrong lol.
Yeah this is messed up. Let kids be for fuck sakes people. Until they are 18. And the guys defending this shit. U have thousands of posts. Get a life
Man I hate weed rednecks. Fucking walking conflicts. Probably just in it for money, basically the same as a politician pretending to be someone else just so they can leech from others. Parasites.
Already answered. Several times in fact.
Well. Whatever the fuck was said....I have this to say. That child is either a fucking boy or a fucking girl. That said child might be a little more ir less sensitive than a gendet calls for which would make some fucktards think that there child....Say if its a boy and is a little more sensitive to certain things like a girl would be....Some dumbass parents think. Oh! My child should be a girl. Let's make him a girl! Fuck that! Live in the real world! Where people are dumb and make wrong choices. Choices like these! Have common sense. Be on the internet! But make a good decision. Come on people! Quit letting the internet do your thinking for you
Yeah this is messed up. Let kids be for fuck sakes people. Until they are 18. And the guys defending this shit. U have thousands of posts. Get a life
How ironic that that is exactly what the intelligent ones are defending. And the fact your posting telling other posters to get a life, yup the irony runs deep in the unintelligent but Trump loves you.