Im using TDS with the base 3 GH FloraMicro FloraGro and FloraBloom and ofc calmag with RO water. Ive seen nutrient burn plenty of times just never like this. Usually starts at the tip and burns the WHOLE leaf all the way down, not in like spots. Ive ran my last 2 runs at this stage in their live around 900ppms with no problem. These are around 850. I thought the rusting was severe calcium deficiency since its RO but i added more and foliar sprayed and nothing. Now the leaves are curling up and i just dont know. Like i said i follow a VPD chart to the T so its hard to believe temp or humidity is the issue. room around 72-73 during day with a 1 degree drift at night, RH at around 52 which makes a perfect 1 on the VPD chart. Should i cut back on 850ppms? I dont wanna end up with some baby nugs this was a 25 dollar seed these clones came from lmfao