Cloning question


Active Member
Can I clone these they are 6 weeks and 4 days
18 inches and 21 inches on the one on the back
I need to water too before yall say anything lol soil is dry rn

I'm flipping the lights to 12/12 tonight that's why I'm wanting to take clones



Active Member
I jus did some light defoliation before flower I'm behind on watering my strings have frayed edges im a mess i kno domt judge me hahaha


Well-Known Member
Its lst in a circle around the pot View attachment 4901087

Looking good and now you show the carpet and I'm squirming.

Get some more plastic and cover it all up. And get some trays so the pots are not sitting right on the plastic.

I'm not judging but I'm just a stickler for clean weed. I have all the intakes on my tent filtered and only open it for essential purposes.

If you grow in an environment with carpet and other stray fibers and particles of dust and such it will accumulate on the weed. The fibers are the worst and pet hair. It's something many indoor growers don't think about and then post pictures of buds that look like an Afghan Rug.

You definitely don't want that open carpet when your buds are 8 weeks into flower and sticky. Just moving things around or walking in the area will put fibers in the air that can get on the flowers. Polyester and nylon are not desirable terpenes.

You can get coated wire made specifically for training plants.


Active Member
Looking good and now you show the carpet and I'm squirming.

Get some more plastic and cover it all up. And get some trays so the pots are not sitting right on the plastic.

I'm not judging but I'm just a stickler for clean weed. I have all the intakes on my tent filtered and only open it for essential purposes.

If you grow in an environment with carpet and other stray fibers and particles of dust and such it will accumulate on the weed. The fibers are the worst and pet hair. It's something many indoor growers don't think about and then post pictures of buds that look like an Afghan Rug.

You definitely don't want that open carpet when your buds are 8 weeks into flower and sticky. Just moving things around or walking in the area will put fibers in the air that can get on the flowers. Polyester and nylon are not desirable terpenes.

You can get coated wire specifically for training plants.
I'm trying to grow smarter and what ur saying is true because I have a 5 gallon bucket of dechlorinated tap water which i dont use it it's just for back up because honestly I just use filtered rainwater its ph is perfect every single time and I've had no problems so I just stick with that...but anyway that 5 gallon bucket has been sitting there for like 2 weeks untouched and I notice little fibers sitting on the top almost couldn't even see them...but they are the same exact color of my carpet...

But yes ur right I do need more plastic and I need some runoff trays I've been moving along best I can...its a new priority after I snip these clones


Active Member
The bendable wire is easier to use as well. Just bend and hook. No tying knots and dealing with string. A pair of small wire cutters and snip to the length you need. Can even reuse over and over.
I seen some at the garden store today it's funny u said that

I jus had a some string laying around and was trying to cut corners I was kinda afraid the sting would get embedded...but so far so good