when you can grow like this come see me


Well-Known Member
I love you guys... This is fun! I posted last night, and just spent the last 30 min catching up. Poor data1 getting punked like a bitch. I imagine you're feeling a little sore at this point data. Too bad you're a big fat liar mouth. Although I can credit you with supplying this wonderful thread. I don't even have to be stoned to laugh at your dumb ass.

It's funny that you stayed off ever since your bullshit was officially de-bunked.

Other than threatening us all with a cyber ass whipping and then telling us who is allowed to be in your thread.

You are awesome data1, you are the coolest guy ever in life, i bet your dick is 3 feet long and 6 inches wide, you are the best ganja farmer in the world, I wish i could be more like you... there now do you feel better?


Active Member
those were not his pics we know ,but who ever said you would need 6 1k's is stupid you could get that ouf 4 400whps its called closer to the plant than a 1000 w can get its called trying diffenent wasy jackass!!!!!


Active Member
hah trying to steal other peoples work

Heath Robinson (username) did this. I believe this is HOG strain and he used 3 vertically hung 600watts using aqua farms

He's a great grower i saw his work on the now not working hg420

the butt face is the image he uses on all his images.


Well-Known Member
those were not his pics we know ,but who ever said you would need 6 1k's is stupid you could get that ouf 4 400whps its called closer to the plant than a 1000 w can get its called trying diffenent wasy jackass!!!!!
can people make fun of this guy next? :hump:


Active Member
i hope data1 makes a comeback!!! theres something so cringworthy about the guys attempts to be cool that i just couldnt stop reading....:?... funny though......


Well-Known Member
chec out eekamouse. he's in another forum and just randomly rambles about nothing and answers questions that nodody's asked him