Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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There's a lot to unpack in that post, not the least of which is: what the hell is a 65 year old man doing naming himself a girls name and using some sort of furry fetish avatar?

By the way, having already had covid doesn't protect you. If you get one of these new strains, especially the Indian one, you will in all likelihood die.

Get vaccinated.
Not to mention what is a 65 year old man doing with a 40 year old women!
Is the Indian Covid 19 virus a new one that is more deadly then the other variants? It’s heartbreaking what is happening in India. 1 million deaths expected by August, not to mention the many unaccounted for. Religious ceremonies that were allowed by idiot Modi to blame for so much death. Religions suck!
But but but, isn't it OK to be a man with female characteristics? Isn't there a whole thread on how cool that is? And I applaud him for landing tail that is 25 years younger, I would love to see images of the beasts you are with. @sarahJane211 And actually, nowhere did he/she identify her gender. Boy the party of unity and understanding is sure quick to judge others.

Its comical all the trash here. Ill just leave this comment here, let you all chime in since you have nothing better to do than sit around for the next variant to come. Seriously, get a life. And if you don't know which vaccine to get, here is a helper. Again, Ill just leave this here, I won't check back, but yet I bet 10 people comment on this. Just like Trump living in your head rent free, just like you all do in mom's basement. Don't forget to tell her happy mothers day later too. Or I can. Carry on, comment away I won't read them :). Toodles losers.

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Welcome sock puppet!

What was the name of your account that was banned?
You gotta check when they update appointments for the next week. I called Safeway and they told me they do it Monday, so I checked the first Monday when I woke up at 1pm and they had 1 appointment that went in a few minutes. It was late anyways so I didn't really want it.

Next Monday I checked and they had one appointment left at 4:00pm on 4-20 so I took it. Thankfully all the Coloradan's needed 4:20 on 4-20 off to some reason, lol.

If I would have woken up early I could of probably had my pick, but I don't wake up early.

Anyways, got my first Pfizer on 4-20. My second is on Tuesday. Everyone else in my family had to travel downtown to get it, but I got lucky and only have to drive about 2 miles to my local Safeway. I was happy to find out it was the Pfizer too. Just a mild sore arm the first day. We'll see what the second one feels like in a few days.
Good for you, I'm fully Phizerfied, second shot 4 wks ago a feeling of fatigue, have seen friends complain of sickness after both shots though,but judging your reaction to 1st I'd say its a good bet you will not be sick and maybe just tired.ccguns
We are carrying elephants and morons on our backs and will for awhile. Society has forgotten how to impose discipline on idiots and politicians are afraid to lead or take a firm stand. Common sense is seen as authoritarian by those who lack a basic understanding of human nature. Authoritarian is power for it's own sake, policy pursued to save lives in accordance to expert advice and following laws already on the books, is not authoritarian. This might even include mandatory vaccinations, large fines for violations and even internment for the recalcitrant. It is by intentions that such things are judged, if the intention is to save thousands of lives and mass illness, then it is leadership in a democratic society that values liberty. Liberty is freedom under the constitution and the rule of law, this pandemic revealed many who think they are above the law, they believe they have rights and no responsibilities.

Those who protest masks (churches come to mind) go to those protests wearing clothes, the kind of "freedom" they advocate, should mean it would be perfectly legal to go around butt naked (wearing a mask of course). Being nude never killed anybody (don't fart with covid), not wearing a mask does kill people. So being publicly nude is a more moral choice than being in public without a mask.
Pandering to a minority of racist and antisocial morons has costs. No vaccine passports means many businesses will move out unless the feds offer POV with secure documents. Biden could ban air travel to those states who don't have them and require serum testing to get a secure federal POV.

I don't think the Canadian or other governments will accept state issued POV, especially since there is wide spread forgery. I can see many businesses suing Florida and this bonehead move costing the state billions of dollars and much business. All the other cruise lines are doing the same thing.
Norwegian Cruise Line CEO says it will stop sailing out of Florida if the state does not allow it to verify COVID-19 vaccinations (yahoo.com)

Norwegian Cruise Line CEO says it will stop sailing out of Florida if the state does not allow it to verify COVID-19 vaccinations
https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Ron DeSantis
  • In April, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order banning local businesses from requiring proof of vaccination.
  • That same month, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings announced a sweeping vaccine mandate.
  • Now, the cruise line may have to boycott sailing out of Florida.
The more vaccine cowards, the more likely you'll see masks.
Masks May Become Seasonal Wear, Dr. Anthony Fauci Says On ‘Meet The Press’ (yahoo.com)

Masks May Become Seasonal Wear, Dr. Anthony Fauci Says On ‘Meet The Press’
The pandemic is easing, but there’s still uncertainty about when and where to wear protective masks. Dr. Anthony Fauci once again stepped into the breach on Sunday’s Meet The Press on NBC, claiming mask-wearing could eventually become “seasonal.”

Fauci said Americans have gotten used to wearing face coverings, which he said “diminishes respiratory diseases.”

The statement marks yet another milestone in Fauci’s ongoing mask advice. Notorious for once stating, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” he has since altered his views, claiming he made that statement to boost the availability of PPE to first responders early in the pandemic.

Government agencies like the National Health Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also shifted their policies on masks. It wasn’t until April 3 of last year that the CDC urged everyone to wear one.

On Sunday, Fauci again opined about mask etiquette.

“We’ve had practically a non-existent flu season this year merely because people were doing the kinds of public health things that were directed predominantly against COVID-19,” Fauci said.

“So it is conceivable that as we go on, a year or two or more from now, that during certain seasonal periods when you have respiratory-borne viruses like the flu, people might actually elect to wear masks to diminish the likelihood that you’ll spread these respiratory-borne diseases,” Fauci said.

He also predicted that we won’t see another surge in COVID-19 cases this fall if the majority of Americans get the vaccine.
Not Just Coronavirus: Asians Have Worn Face Masks for Decades
TAIPEI - Face masks are considered by many a useful way to stop the contraction and spread of the new coronavirus. The tiny surgical aids are less common in Western countries despite growing outbreaks in Europe and the United States. But its use has exploded in Asia. That’s because Asians, especially in Japan, China and Taiwan, have worn masks for a host of cultural and environmental reasons, including non-medical ones, since at least the 1950s.

Japanese wear masks when feeling sick as a courtesy to stop any sneezes from landing on other people. Japanese women mask their faces on days when they don’t have time to put on makeup. Philippine motorcycle riders wear masks to deflect vehicular exhausts in heavy traffic. In Taiwan, citizens say masks keep their faces warm in the winter and offer a sense of protection from air pollution, including any airborne germs.

Masks have become so popular that some manufacturers make them purely for fashionable use, with no protective function.

“In Asia it’s a bigger thing to be wearing the mask in Asia because it’s already ingrained in their culture to do it under other circumstances a lot more than here in the United States,” said Bradley Sutton, an American who once lived in Japan.
Not to mention what is a 65 year old man doing with a 40 year old women!
Is the Indian Covid 19 virus a new one that is more deadly then the other variants? It’s heartbreaking what is happening in India. 1 million deaths expected by August, not to mention the many unaccounted for. Religious ceremonies that were allowed by idiot Modi to blame for so much death. Religions suck!

Having fun?
Not Just Coronavirus: Asians Have Worn Face Masks for Decades
TAIPEI - Face masks are considered by many a useful way to stop the contraction and spread of the new coronavirus. The tiny surgical aids are less common in Western countries despite growing outbreaks in Europe and the United States. But its use has exploded in Asia. That’s because Asians, especially in Japan, China and Taiwan, have worn masks for a host of cultural and environmental reasons, including non-medical ones, since at least the 1950s.

Japanese wear masks when feeling sick as a courtesy to stop any sneezes from landing on other people. Japanese women mask their faces on days when they don’t have time to put on makeup. Philippine motorcycle riders wear masks to deflect vehicular exhausts in heavy traffic. In Taiwan, citizens say masks keep their faces warm in the winter and offer a sense of protection from air pollution, including any airborne germs.

Masks have become so popular that some manufacturers make them purely for fashionable use, with no protective function.

“In Asia it’s a bigger thing to be wearing the mask in Asia because it’s already ingrained in their culture to do it under other circumstances a lot more than here in the United States,” said Bradley Sutton, an American who once lived in Japan.

I've been shopping in Asian markets for decades. 20 years ago I would see people wearing masks. I never gave it any thought. I just assumed they had some kind of ailment that made them vulnerable so they were protecting themselves.

All I know is vaccinated or not, going forward I will be wearing a mask when out in crowded public spaces. I've wanted to for years and now I can because it has become the norm. At least for some of us.

The writings been on the wall for years. SARS, Swine Flu, other stuff. Covid will not be the last and the next will probably be worse.
I've been shopping in Asian markets for decades. 20 years ago I would see people wearing masks. I never gave it any thought. I just assumed they had some kind of ailment that made them vulnerable so they were protecting themselves.

All I know is vaccinated or not, going forward I will be wearing a mask when out in crowded public spaces. I've wanted to for years and now I can because it has become the norm. At least for some of us.

The writings been on the wall for years. SARS, Swine Flu, other stuff. Covid will not be the last and the next will probably be worse.
I’m going to be doing the same.
Not to mentions the millions and billions of people fully vaccinated that had absolutely ZERO side effects from both shots!! ....like myself, my husband my entire family and the hundreds of people I have been asking for the last 4 months.
Me too. Sore arm. Other than an overall sense of relief, I didn't have any side effects. 2nd shot done. Probably a booster some time in the near future.