Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

You chose to be defensive and attack rather than ask what I meant. I dont give two shits about gay, straight, republican , democrat...fact is were all human. WHO CARES about one aspect of someone's life when there are so.many other things that outweigh the importance of it. Im sorry that I didn't pour my feelings out and wave a verbal flag supporting this child further. Where I come from we dont have time to entertain this bullshit rhetoric of what's right or wrong. Be a good person. Have a moral compass. And it if isn't directly effecting you...WHO GIVES A SHIT. you need to relax. Your waiting to jump on anyone for saying something you don't understand. And rather than ask, you spit the same venom your so against . Breathe and look from the outside in man.
Make your self clear then, and remember the kind of thread you are on. Don't blame me if you posted ambiguous shit like a callus lazy asshole. Like you said, WHO CARES? If you spent as much time and effort making yourself clear, then you wouldn't need to post a paragraph defending your ego and hurt feelings.

I'm actually very laid back and not angry at all.
Make your self clear then, and remember the kind of thread you are on. Don't blame me if you posted ambiguous shit like a callus lazy asshole. Like you said, WHO CARES? If you spent as much time and effort making yourself clear, then you wouldn't need to post a paragraph defending your ego and hurt feelings.

I'm actually very laid back and not angry at all.
Fair enough. I see how I left my self open. I have no ego. If anything this has taught me to be more clear which is a victory in the sense of learning. If there is ANY side to support its children. The only thing that bothering me is that children suffer for stupid shit. Thats all.
You chose to be defensive and attack rather than ask what I meant. I dont give two shits about gay, straight, republican , democrat...fact is were all human. WHO CARES about one aspect of someone's life when there are so.many other things that outweigh the importance of it. Im sorry that I didn't pour my feelings out and wave a verbal flag supporting this child further. Where I come from we dont have time to entertain this bullshit rhetoric of what's right or wrong. Be a good person. Have a moral compass. And it if isn't directly effecting you...WHO GIVES A SHIT. you need to relax. Your waiting to jump on anyone for saying something you don't understand. And rather than ask, you spit the same venom your so against . Breathe and look from the outside in man.

where are you from and what did you mean?
The complaints of the mean girls culture comes up a good deal, maybe the people complaining are just bad at fighting on the internet. Idk, I hopped right in and started arguing against a 15 dollar minimum wage, no real issue. If what you say doesn't have merit I guess I can see why you would take issue with getting called out, nobody likes to lose.
Fair enough. I see how I left my self open. I have no ego. If anything this has taught me to be more clear which is a victory in the sense of learning. If there is ANY side to support its children. The only thing that bothering me is that children suffer for stupid shit. Thats all.
I'm glad we have that cleared up, cause we have a lot of assholes posting bullshit on this thread. I'm sorry for coming down so hard, but my patience with some kinds of people is wearing rather thin these days. If they wanna grow and evolve that's one thing, I don't demand perfection, but not too many republicans can learn and grow. None can learn from experience it seems, hate and triggering the libs are their only priorities. That's who posts the shit on here, the fear and hate driven and they all voted for Trump, though many are ashamed to admit it.

If there weren't so many antisocial assholes sowing distrust here and in America, perhaps people might be more tolerant. However the tolerance for treason and blatant stupidity has reached it's limit, the free ride these assholes have been enjoying is over.
Fair enough. I see how I left my self open. I have no ego. If anything this has taught me to be more clear which is a victory in the sense of learning. If there is ANY side to support its children. The only thing that bothering me is that children suffer for stupid shit. Thats all.
A good response, I or any reasonable, decent person here has no issue with your posts. You've got a good heart and that's all I require of another person.
The complaints of the mean girls culture comes up a good deal, maybe the people complaining are just bad at fighting on the internet. Idk, I hopped right in and started arguing against a 15 dollar minimum wage, no real issue. If what you say doesn't have merit I guess I can see why you would take issue with getting called out, nobody likes to lose.

Pre-programmed snowflaking is my guess.

Either paid trolls who know their account is utterly exposed or real people who are being trolled by paid trolls and refuse to wake up to it and instead blame 'mean girls' culture when they say stupid/racist shit.
Yeah, in the next 100 years world population is estimated at 10 billion unless we stop reproducing like Irish Catholics! Gays and transgenders are natures response.
Did you volunteer to get yourself fixed? Be part of the solution then and not part of the problem, if you are concerned. Do you think this is an appropriate thread for a discussion of eugenics?

Female emancipation and empowerment along with birth control will solve the problem. Where females are not thus educated and empowered, there are high birth rates, like in much of the Muslim world for instance. Even China is having trouble kick starting population growth after ending the one child policy. In many poor place children are old age security, like they used to be in the west. Populations in North America, Europe, China and in developed countries are shrinking and we have to import people to maintain population. Most of those people are brown and black these days because people from the UK and Sweden don't want to come here any more. The Japanese don't want immigration because of bigotry and are hoping robots will care for the rapidly aging population, to make sure all of their young people aren't employed changing adult diapers instead of infant ones.
You're a weirdo dude.

Why can't you wrap your feeble mind around the fact that I don't like YOU OR YOUR BITCH ASS FRIENDS. I seen you all for years running around on here circle jerking each other, bullying people with opinions different than yours. Do you understand moron?!

Do you understand that is why I talk shit to you? How many more times do I have to say it. I honestly don't give a fuck about what his kid wants to do, it's "its" life, doesn't affect me, hence idgaf. But you douches on the other hand deserve throat punches for acting like "mean girls".

Then stay off the thread dick wad, cause I know what you are and also don't give a fuck.
You're a weirdo dude.

Why can't you wrap your feeble mind around the fact that I don't like YOU OR YOUR BITCH ASS FRIENDS. I seen you all for years running around on here circle jerking each other, bullying people with opinions different than yours. Do you understand moron?!

Do you understand that is why I talk shit to you? How many more times do I have to say it. I honestly don't give a fuck about what his kid wants to do, it's "its" life, doesn't affect me, hence idgaf. But you douches on the other hand deserve throat punches for acting like "mean girls".

I'm seeing a theme here. If not a theme, a definite pattern. Seek some help.

Mr E, he has a point. Maybe expand the horizons of your responses and we will not laugh at you so much.
You're a weirdo dude.

Why can't you wrap your feeble mind around the fact that I don't like YOU OR YOUR BITCH ASS FRIENDS. I seen you all for years running around on here circle jerking each other, bullying people with opinions different than yours. Do you understand moron?!
I don't think you actually know any of my friends for you to like or dislike them.

I seen you all for years running around on here circle jerking each other, bullying people with opinions different than yours.
I haven't bullied anyone since this one guy that just sucked at his job and made my life a pain in the ass. It was wrong, and was a bit shitty, but that was a long ass time ago and I really doubt you have any clue who he was.

So I believe that you are lying about watching me going around bullying people. And I am pretty sure I have never bullied anyone for any different opinions.

And I have never been in a circle jerk, I only went to a few frat parties back in my teens and never felt the need to conform enough to join one.

Do you understand moron?!

Do I understand that you are pretending that posting on here in a belligerent manner is somehow talking to people?

Yeah, but I also think that if you are a actual real person you are brainwashing into thinking that every account is actually someone, which is incredibly naive of you, and likely the reason that you have so much hate in you (if you actually believe this and are not just another troll).

Do you understand that is why I talk shit to you? How many more times do I have to say it.

I honestly don't give a fuck about what his kid wants to do, it's "its" life, doesn't affect me, hence idgaf.
Then why all the hate? It is especially shitty to call another human being 'it', it is dehumanizing. And a racist tactic.

But you douches on the other hand deserve throat punches for acting like "mean girls".
You deserve a cup check for being naive.

That you are brainwashed into being a useful idiot at best? Yes.

The only one triggered is you lol. Clearly I've hit home with you and struck a nerve. HA HAAAAAAA
All Caps and periods in between words.
Sure, totally not triggered.