Fish Tank/Aquariums

**#$ you just reminded me, I need to clean my tanks. Since I got back into growing with a passion, my fish have been neglected. Not good.

I have a 200l and a 50 l tank. (What's that? 50 and 10 gallon I think) Tropical at around 26C

Surprisingly, (we live in a temperate climate) having that much water sitting around 26C - 78F just takes the chill of the room during winter which helps with the heating bills.

Box Jelly fish in the North of Australia are one jelly fish you do not want to have to deal with. blue bottles we get them regularly down here..
So did you have to ask someone to pee on you? ;)
I wore a wetsuit so it was mostly my legs that got it. I could pee on those myself :) I'm extremely self-sufficient.

Seriously though that doesn't work. Any drawing agent would. But if you didn't stick around the stings were transiently painful sort of like nettles. You didn't want to tangle with the Man O Wars but we didn't see them often.
I learned to free dive in the Philippines as a toddler, perfected it in S Fla through my teens. Once surfaced in the middle of a Portuguese man o’ war jelly. That was a not so good of a day, had to scrape the tenticles off my chest & back with my diving knife. Damn, that stung!

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We had a bunch of small ones wash up on Guam, probably only 5" or less, but there were herds of them. Never saw them when I was diving.
Actually meat tenderizer helps neutralize the stinging.

I wore a wetsuit so it was mostly my legs that got it. I could pee on those myself :) I'm extremely self-sufficient.

Seriously though that doesn't work. Any drawing agent would. But if you didn't stick around the stings were transiently painful sort of like nettles. You didn't want to tangle with the Man O Wars but we didn't see them often.

TV has lied to me this whole time :(
Hey, I remember this thread. It was created like a year after I created my aquarium thread...
