Mixing Metal Halide with LEDs?


Active Member
Does anyone know, has any experience with mixture of lights during vegging phase, and does it benefit it, like in my case the 250w Metal Halide and 2x LEDs? Or would it be better to veg with just the Metal Halide alone?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know, has any experience with mixture of lights during vegging phase, and does it benefit it, like in my case the 250w Metal Halide and 2x LEDs? Or would it be better to veg with just the Metal Halide alone?
it is all depending on your space. a 250w mh isnt very strong especially if its in a 4x4 or 5x5. adding leds would help.
i run cmhs smds and cobs in my 5x5 but am likely upgrading the cobs to smds as well. i might even buy 2 more cmh and run 4x 315w in my 5x520210501_193157_HDR.jpg