Quantum Boards / Too much Yapping no proof

Doesn't look like a side by side? All that does is make one of your post sort of on topic for this thread.
This thread has nothing to do with side by sides, go back as read the OP. This thread is about grower error, and the fact that one grower couldn't dial in his LED grow well. I don't know about him or you, but my quality is better and my buds are denser with LED. That's what this thread is about. What do you have to offer, aside from whining about stupid side-by-sides? Answer: nothing.
This thread has nothing to do with side by sides, go back as read the OP. This thread is about grower error, and the fact that one grower couldn't dial in his LED grow well. I don't know about him or you, but my quality is better and my buds are denser with LED. That's what this thread is about. What do you have to offer, aside from whining about stupid side-by-sides? Answer: nothing.
You attempted to come to that dudes rescue, and had as little as he did...zero but fel the need to come in and shout as if it matters. What have you done here...nothing. I have asked for the side by sides he said were so prevalent. And will continue to ask for them until you guys pony up or shut up. No stop getting offended by yourself not having anything.

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Now shut up and get the side by sides. YEs, an LED grower wants to see them. And doesn't want your opinions of feelings. LIke I have said this whole time...what does my garden, grows, style, light choice, ect...have to do with me wantign to see any of the dozens of side by side this thread claims are there?
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You attempted to come to that dudes rescue, and had as little as he did...zero but fel the need to come in and shout as if it matters. What have you done here...nothing. I have asked for the side by sides he said were so prevalent. And will continue to ask for them until you guys pony up or shut up. No stop getting offended by yourself not having anything.

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ow shut up and get the side by sides. YEs, an LED grower wants to see them. And doesn't want your opinions of feelings. LIke I have said this whole time...what does my garden, grows, style, light choice, ect...have to do with me wantign to see any of the dozens of side by side this thread claims are there?
I don't know what dude you are talking about. I didn't try to come to anyone's rescue. I can't see your pic, because apparently you don't know how to post pics properly. You will continue to ask for side-by-sides, and you will continue to look like a fool. You don't seem like a hippy to me, you seem very uptight. Keep growing with your HPS, boomer.
I don't know what dude you are talking about. I didn't try to come to anyone's rescue. I can't see your pic, because apparently you don't know how to post pics properly. You will continue to ask for side-by-sides, and you will continue to look like a fool. You don't seem like a hippy to me, you seem very uptight. Keep growing with your HPS, boomer.
Click on the link retard...
Keep growing with HPS??...that is how fucking dumb you are???

Want to be cool guy led grower calling another LED grower a HPS grower all because one LED asked asked to see one of the dozens the side by sides...
You realize how crazy and ridiculous you are right now don't you?
What nut case dude.

And once again cause you can't read or even listen...let a lone know what fukcing htead youre in yet wat to talk shit cause my image is too high res to show up standard you have to click? Page2...very top post...already said this but you need your hand held for everything.
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Click on the link retard...
Keep growing with HPS??...that is how fucking dumb you are???

Want to be cool guy led grower calling another LED grower a HPS grower all because one LED asked asked to see one of the dozens the side by sides...
You realize how crazy and ridiculous you are right now don't you?
What nut case dude.
You challenged the guy who said that LED was superior by asking him to prove it with side by sides. Go back and read the thread. You're stuck on the side by sides, which are totally irrelevant anyhow. You're just acting like an asshole at this point.
You challenged the guy who said that LED was superior by asking him to prove it with side by sides. Go back and read the thread. You're stuck on the side by sides, which are totally irrelevant anyhow. You're just acting like an asshole at this point.
WTF is wrong with you. He said the side by sides were there 4 comments before I responded to him asking for them(post 21...and post 25 dumbass). Another lie by you.
You jumped in along with a few others...without any side by sides. No one asked you, was talking to you...hell you weren't even a commenter in this thread till you replied to me. You have done nothing but troll and continue to. Dude said there were side by sides, and he, nor anyone has provide any. Yet you all think anyone should listen to you for what reason again? don't need your help in any way...grow better than you and can read and stay on topic...I also don't respond to people who aren't talking to me in the first place...specially when I have zero and would look like a fool. You on the other hand dive right in.
WTF is wrong with you. He said the side by sides were there 4 comments before I responded to him asking for them. Another lie by you.
You jumped in along with a few others...without any side by sides. No one asked you, was talking to you...hell you weren't even a commenter in this thread till you replied to me. You have done nothing but troll and continue to. Dude said there were side by sides, and he, nor anyone has provide any. Yet you all think anyone should listen to you for what reason again? don't need your help in any way...grow better than you and can read and stay on topic...I also don't respond to people who aren't talking to me in the first place...specially when I have zero and would look like a fool. You on the other hand dive right in.
Whatever dude.
Whatever dude.
Whatever? that's your response to getting caught red handed lying?...again.

So to be clear, you have no side by sides? can't read or count? and can't man up to a mistake or being wrong? Even when caught red handed multiple times.
Wow dude...wow.
You jumped in to fight someones battle and didn't even have the ammo. Now you're backing out...ok dude, who's not alright!? You're worthless here...no need to continue failing.

Wow dude, you're clueless. And off topic. And off base.

Another worthless user. No contributions and is arguing about the thread topic he came into???what is wrong with you? why are you here?
You second what...not having any side by sides and being completely wrong about what you're now dragging off topic with ?

What HPS grower you talking about...I don't see any here? But see a lot of liars and fakes trying to be cool by looking like idiots. You have no side by sides, and are self conscious and afraid of "HPS growers" attacking you. Though still not sure where there is an HPS grower attacking you here? Do you?

Still don't know how that means someone can say there are dozens of side by sides showing HPS losing every time yet nobody has a single one. Just a bunch of excuses and tears. And still wondering how me asking for the alleged side by sides means I am an HPS grower. Or that I don't wipe the floor with you all while running LEDs? Why can't I do that and still want to see the alleged dozens of side by sides showing hps losing every time?

So again after all this you have had another day to come to the table with something. And all of you failed miserably. Pathetically actually. Not surprised though...PAR for the course here.
If you put in half of the work you do writing here how people around you MUST do work for you giving evidence on things you question, if you put in half of the work just looking for yourself you might actually find something yourself.
Maybe you can tell us where you looked in order to find no evidence? Why do you think people need to take time out to satisfy you when it seems quite clear that you're not willing to that work yourself, better yet do your own side by side?
People not giving you what you want is not really any kind of evidence of anything, especially since you're acting like this week's entitled millennial keyboard warrior. Go do the work yourself. It's not that hard to do a search on the forum or YouTube, the amount of energy you put in inorder to not do something as easy as googling is astounding.
If you put in half of the work you do writing here how people around you MUST do work for you giving evidence on things you question, if you put in half of the work just looking for yourself you might actually find something yourself.
Maybe you can tell us where you looked in order to find no evidence? Why do you think people need to take time out to satisfy you when it seems quite clear that you're not willing to that work yourself, better yet do your own side by side?
People not giving you what you want is not really any kind of evidence of anything, especially since you're acting like this week's entitled millennial keyboard warrior. Go do the work yourself. It's not that hard to do a search on the forum or YouTube, the amount of energy you put in inorder to not do something as easy as googling is astounding.
Again...I did not ask for them out of the blue. The dude said there were dozens. YOu choose to try to answer "where are the side by sides"...with no side by sides? You choose to answer that way to a question that was not directed to you in any way. And now are offended that I don't care about you or your lack of answer....yet I never asked you a damn thing.
Burden of proof is not on me...its on the dude that claimed the side by sides. Yet you all want to take the burden by responding...yet don't have the goods so why?
Again...I did not ask for them out of the blue. The dude said there were dozens. YOu choose to try to answer "where are the side by sides"...with no side by sides? You choose to answer that way to a question that was not directed to you in any way. And now are offended that I don't care about you or your lack of answer....yet I never asked you a damn thing.
Burden of proof is not on me...its on the dude that claimed the side by sides. Yet you all want to take the burden by responding...yet don't have the goods so why?
You chose to not even search yourself or at least not being able to say where you searched. Enough. Ignore. Go get a life.
People needing side by sides?

Believe me, these newest leds even work for starting growers and also the older mars hydro tsw series packs a punch. But:

- The boards with no fans and no extra heatsinks will run hotter, when no fans are applied. This will cost Umol and lifespan of the leds.
Many Chinese boards w/o grilled heatsink or fans with LM201 or older SMD leds will therefore not only deliver up to mostly 2.1 to 2.3 uMol. But also reach 80% of capacity after only two years.

- The newer leds LM301b and comparible, run much cooler, reaching 80% of capacity after 4 years. With 2.8 Umol. With these leds one can keep 18" away from the plants, reaching a lux of 70.000 while having temp of 25 degrees C, at 60 cm I get 50.000 lux. Which is excellent bandwidth for scrogging etc.

- 2 grams per watt is attainable. Even since the older cobspots and LM201 leds, with the new ones this is easily passable and soon we will see 3 grams a watt.

People switching from HPS, especially those growing organically, need to think about how to give the plants more food and less water w/o overfeeding. Thats the issue with these lights.

They need way more call mag also at greater light distances. They also need loads and loads of phosphor, except Gorilla like strains which seem to cope with less phosphor.

So w/o a perma tea, mulching and companion plants, its hard to keep your organic grow well fed w/o overfeeding. I supply extra funghi and microbes to aid with that and perma tea for the readily available sollubles and microbes.

2 grams per watt I'm telling you and never saw anything like that with HPS. Even with rookies with older boards around me in micro house tents.

What I think is the reason for people with HPS experience not liking LED:

If you use growing experience from hps this won't be a guarantee for for succes. HPS has way more depth penetration, so you can grow your plants vertically, w/o scrogging etc. I see a lot of comparrisons, where the plants grown under LED are not scrogged or stressed and the quantum board is applied like they did a sodium, a single board per plant. This is not a fair comparrison, while QBs dont have the same downward penetration, they are excellent for different shapes of growroom, you can build them in any config and supplement them with extra uv or deep red strips. But keep in mind that the optimal growing distance is less,between about 45 to 65 cms in a 35 wtt per square foot setup... If u want to keep growing like you did in your HPS setting, u need to at least double that wattage, and make a sky or barlike situation w 50 to 60 wtt to square foot to double your growing bandwith. So the way to go is pancaking, scrog. Use qbs if u want an even lighted grow space that isnt too high and want to grow scrogged. Also use qbs if high temperature is an issue in your growspace.

Use sodium or cobspots if u want to grow vertically in a lamp per plant setup.

Example of an unfair (imho) comparrison, where they use same vertical setup for hps and qbs, which look like cobs but at that distance can never have same results. Still these LED grown plants produce although you can see that the tops of the ledplants want to reach for the light. Wrong setup for a test like that:

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people just to lazy to use a search function on any platform, easier to jump on a forum an start yet another thread on side by side grows which are relevant to no one but the person doing them-- to many variables :bigjoint:
You're right I have zero side by sides to show, because side by sides are stupid. I have a decade of growing under HPS and over a year growing with LED. The difference is clear, no side by sides needed.
I’ve been doing side by sides in this room simply because i wasn’t about to replace all the DE’s with LED’s at the same time. Wanted to see whats up first. The one side of the side by side doesn’t really mean shit in my case. Same strain. I know the strain well. I just cared what i got from the LED’s.

It is kinda fucked with the two different environment needs. I had to give the DE hps side a little bit warmer temps than i like. I have the room temp at canopy(not leaf temp) at 85-86F under the hps and 81-82F under the LEDS. This is in a sealed room with co2. It worked. I’ve seen what i needed to see.

The 10K it will cost to replace the rest of the DE’s will pay for itself in less than about a year in power savings.

Fuck you PG&E
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