Need some quick carbon filter advice please!

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Okay so I bought carbon at walmart which comes in a tub as opposed to a bag. And im using a car filter, so I gotta cover the bottom and since i dont have the mesh what should i use?

Would a dryer sheet work?


Well-Known Member
they're pretty thin. Just go to homedepot. They sell tons of different breathable foam filters. For furnaces and such. Some are perfect, and just a little thicker and less prone to ripping than a dryer sheet.
I managed to find some window screen mesh at canadian tire that is perfect in everyway. It's really small spacing on the holes so the carbon can't go through but it still is not restrictive at all to the air moving through it. Im sure other stores carry it as well.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I went wit the dryer sheets its a temp. solution though.

Im not headin up to HD for awhile, just drove there today. Well walmart (next to it) for the carbon which sucks balls haha i was right there.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
yeah well i went with the dryer sheet and it wasn't to bad. So far, stil gotta amke the box though. Dunno what i should make it out of?


Well-Known Member
yeah well i went with the dryer sheet and it wasn't to bad. So far, stil gotta amke the box though. Dunno what i should make it out of?

What are you making a box for ? is it to connect the ventilation to it, so you can move the air thru it ?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
No just a stealth box. It have a fasination with a hiden look to things. My cars a sleeper, my speakers (all 16 of them) are integrated into things such as 2 speakers under the bed, one built into the book self, and so one. I like that sleek look.

I cant decide what to make the box out of though. =(


Well-Known Member
No just a stealth box. It have a fasination with a hiden look to things. My cars a sleeper, my speakers (all 16 of them) are integrated into things such as 2 speakers under the bed, one built into the book self, and so one. I like that sleek look.

I cant decide what to make the box out of though. =(
Sounds like you have the imagination to figure something out. Are you doing the whole grow box or just something for the filter ? We need to know what size you hidden box is going to be before we can get our minds in gear.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
well veg after or an LST/ScrOG grow maybe. Im getting a homebox in a little bit. Im thinking of useing some pastic draws.