bodhi seeds

so I’m lying? I plan on giving Bodhi another chance cause other great reports but I’m a liar? It’s just not possible that I didn’t enjoy soulmate? Get over yourself. You’re being ridiculous

As unpopular as your post has been received, I appreciate and respect your review. People should be able to share their views without being ridiculed and attacked.
We all have a high tolerance. Do you think all these growers don’t smoke? You just picked the wrong place to start calling names and bashing strains that have already proven themselves. You might not have got what you hoped for out of two Bodhi strains but don’t come in here saying how much better other breeders are than Bodhi! Also don’t bash GLG, they are nothing but great people so how dare you even mention that they might not be legit Bodhi seeds as if GLG replaced them with bunk seeds. You weren’t talking about a seed bank overseas, you were talking about one right here in our backyard. Honest reviews are welcome here but like I tell my children ”Think before you speak”.
facts don’t care about your feelings. I said truth and you can’t handle it. The other strains from other breeders I ran were much better. Sue me. I said Bodhi must have some good gear and I may have been unlucky with my two packs but you only hear what you want to hear. It’s like a gang up thing on the guy who dared give an honest opinion. I’m not the one with the problem. You guys are being babies about all this
We all have a high tolerance. Do you think all these growers don’t smoke? You just picked the wrong place to start calling names and bashing strains that have already proven themselves. You might not have got what you hoped for out of two Bodhi strains but don’t come in here saying how much better other breeders are than Bodhi! Also don’t bash GLG, they are nothing but great people so how dare you even mention that they might not be legit Bodhi seeds as if GLG replaced them with bunk seeds. You weren’t talking about a seed bank overseas, you were talking about one right here in our backyard. Honest reviews are welcome here but like I tell my children ”Think before you speak”.
Also I never bashed GLG. I love GLG and it’s my go to bank. Once again, you only hear what you want to because you’re looking for an argument and thats childish. What I said is what I said and it’s all true. Grow up
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As unpopular as your post has been received, I appreciate and respect your review. People should be able to share their views without being ridiculed and attacked.
Dude is a troll. “Bodhi sucks, these guys are better,” after an OG recommended those strains. The information could have been presented in a useful way instead of being a crybaby. We don’t need this bullshit drama.
Imagine having your feelings hurt by a man saying his devils harvest plants turned out better than bodhis. Imagine taking it a step further and joining an online mob to attack an opinion that stands against what you worship. Is this a cult here?
Im saying you need to smoke more of your killer weed to chill your jets but it dont seem to be working from what im seeing. Maybe you need something that actually works but thats just my opinion
Honestly I find garbage phenos in any breeders seeds, I just ran a bunch of csi stuff and I ran into a bunch of trash...But like I said I go through trash all the time, it just doesnt get posted
Exactly. some of the "fans" here take things too personally. They tell the "troll" to relax when it's actually themselves that need to do so. Let people have their say and move on................even if it's stuff you don't want to see. It doesn't matter "how" he states his opinion. Let him state it and move on to the next pic or smoke report. That's all guys :eyesmoke:
Exactly. some of the "fans" here take things too personally. They tell the "troll" to relax when it's actually themselves that need to do so. Let people have their say and move on................even if it's stuff you don't want to see. It doesn't matter "how" he states his opinion. Let him state it and move on to the next pic or smoke report. That's all guys :eyesmoke:

Yeah, whatever, would have loved to know what the hang up actually was instead of him having a hissy fit and plugging other breeders no one has ever heard of before. No mention of any struggles with the plants, no mention when they were harvested, and no pictures.
Yeah, whatever, would have loved to know what the hang up actually was instead of him having a hissy fit and plugging other breeders no one has ever heard of before. No mention of any struggles with the plants, no mention when they were harvested, and no pictures.
I see your point. Nothing for proof except his words. But you aren't Bodhi and one guy will not ruin his rep. I'm sure Bodhi don't mind a few hissy fits here and there. It comes with the job :eyesmoke:
I see your point. Nothing for proof except his words. But you aren't Bodhi and one guy will not ruin his rep. I'm sure Bodhi don't mind a few hissy fits here and there. It comes with the job :eyesmoke:

What are you talking about? I have a pack of Soul Mate, hunt for effects, and would like to know what exactly was his issue. Instead of providing any useful information, he just said it sucked and the other breeders (which he didn't have to mention) were sooooo much better. Anyways, can we please keep it moving.
What are you talking about? I have a pack of Soul Mate, hunt for effects, and would like to know what exactly was his issue. Instead of providing any useful information, he just said it sucked and the other breeders (which he didn't have to mention) were sooooo much better. Anyways, can we please keep it moving.
and here you are getting all pissed off about what he said and what I said because.......................................because............................................because? Because you want what exactly? Why is this guy, and now me, pissing you off so much? I'm here laughing about all of this :p