
What make and model is that.? Long time since I did V bottoms on Lake MI. 16' scared the hell out of me in 6' swells. Sold my 14' 30horse flat bottom jet finance my kid. Been getting wet since. LOL.
I'm not surprised that it scared the hell out of you lol.

The boats a 16ft coulam with a 4hp engine, it's designed primarily for Loch fishing/drifting so they're fairly safe in a chop.
I'm not surprised that it scared the hell out of you lol.

The boats a 16ft coulam with a 4hp engine, it's designed primarily for Loch fishing/drifting so they're fairly safe in a chop.
I can only assume it is calmer on the Eastern lakes. 4HP? No. I have to head west to beach. You can ride the prevailing wind. Distance and borders suck. We could have some fun. LOL.
Live on Grand river Ontario, supposed to be 120 species in this river.. didnt know they were that diverse. Browns, rainbows, speckleds, bass large and smallies, pickerell and catfish are all lve caught. Anyone cstch any snakeheads? Good eating apparently!
I caught a 6# fantail goldfish in a farm pond. Seriously they have caught piranha in Muskegon Lake at the power plant discharge. Been years.
Lake Michigan has sharks, so does Lake Ontario.
Every thing I just looked at says not a chance pal. There was one report from 1955 but of course no one can contact the guy who got bit by said shark nor his rescuer.

There are also electric traps to make sure invasive species dont get into lake Michigan.

Although sharks have been found on the beach outside of the lake Michigan none have been found in lake Michigan.

Same for lake Ontario
The Bull shark has been found 2,500 miles up the (freshwater) Amazon river and as far north in the Americas as "far upstream in the Mississippi River as Alton, Illinois,[26] and up the Ohio River as far as Manchester, Ohio."

And those are only the ones that are confirmed, the possibility that they have made it into the Great lakes through the St. Lawrence Seaway is very believable.

Well I would love to hear/see proof. They would have to either get through 15 sets of locks or a bunch of very powerful rapids but sure anything is possible lol.
"Bull sharks are able to regulate themselves to live in either fresh or salt water. It can live in fresh water for its entire life, but this does not happen, mostly due to the reproductive needs of the shark. Young bull sharks leave the brackish water in which they are born and move out into the sea to breed. Whilst it is theoretically possible for bull sharks to live purely in fresh water, experiments conducted on bull sharks found that they died within four years. The stomach was opened and all that was found were two small, unidentifiable fishes. The cause of death could have been starvation since the primary food source for bull sharks resides in salt water."
From Wiki.