Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Woke up with a headache this morning. Started to feel it last night, somebody walloped my arm, Think it made me a little worse as far as my neuropathic pain issues. That was the real thing that scared me. And part of the reason for taking the vaccine. Even the common Flu makes my neuropathy horrible. I vaped some herb, and watched a movie. It sucked, Woke up today with a headache. Which pain reliever did they say I could take? Will have to look it up once the computer is fired up. Do my stretches and start breakfast. That and cleared up my sinuses seemed to have gotten rid of most of my headache. Did look up what medicine you could take. It also said not to take it before getting the shot, it might reduce the inflammation and that is what triggers the body to start defending itself. So I am a little sore and tired, part could be the shortened sleep time also. Glad the sinuses clearing up got rid of most of the headache. Not even as bad as a mild hangover, except for the guy that who punch my arm last night.
I definitely got a harder poke the second time, but I attributed that to the pharmaceutical clerk being different
Fortunately I have no pain today
Hope your issues reside quickly
I definitely got a harder poke the second time, but I attributed that to the pharmaceutical clerk being different
Fortunately I have no pain today
Hope your issues reside quickly
Other than the arm I can probably chalk up the rest of how I feel right now to missing the sleep. The medication I am on is pretty fussy about me being regular. Sleeping that is.
I definitely got a harder poke the second time, but I attributed that to the pharmaceutical clerk being different
Fortunately I have no pain today
Hope your issues reside quickly
When my husband got his first jab he bled profusely . It gushed out and was still bleeding 45 minutes later . She must of hit a vein on the way in and her needle was very long. When I discussed this with the tech that did my jab she told me that the needles that initially come with the doses are quite long and that some places are nice and switch out the long needle for a shorter one. Since I went to a different jab shop then him mine was shorter and I had no blood ooze at all. Technique also matters. Some jabbers just don’t have a good touch.
Now I am seeing all the anti vaxxers straggling into the clinic . What a bunch of assholes. When I ask if they got the shot they get all offended and will dramatically say , OH NO or I will never or absolutely not like their precious ass is all important . They have serious attitude problems. I would just love to kick them in the ass on the way out the door. Lol
Now I am seeing all the anti vaxxers straggling into the clinic . What a bunch of assholes. When I ask if they got the shot they get all offended and will dramatically say , OH NO or I will never or absolutely not like their precious ass is all important . They have serious attitude problems. I would just love to kick them in the ass on the way out the door. Lol
Hit 'em with scripture: Galatians 6:7
You have the choice of natural immunity, but it comes with a high potential for side effects like, blood clotting, maiming and death. Oh, and it will be awhile before children are vaccinated and the new variants are infecting and sickening them at an alarming rate. So responsible adults will get vaccinated and those who don't don't care enough for others to wear a mask in public won't.
im not really arguing against vaccines I really dont have an opinion on this matter I just want the best for me and my loved ones thats all. I was just saying arguing on this does not matter because soon enough this is going to be a must. No one will be able to say I am not taking it its my choice because that choice is going to come with a fat consequience. Feels like a waste of time and energy to argue to each other about something like this
im not really arguing against vaccines I really dont have an opinion on this matter I just want the best for me and my loved ones thats all. I was just saying arguing on this does not matter because soon enough this is going to be a must. No one will be able to say I am not taking it its my choice because that choice is going to come with a fat consequience. Feels like a waste of time and energy to argue to each other about something like this
Your rights end where somebody else's begin, the right to life comes before the right to liberty. In the constitution it goes the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, in that order. Others have rights too and if you want to enter their business or work in it, they have rights to health and safety as do their customers.

Should you have the "freedom" not to wear a vest, safety glasses or hardhat in designated areas? Masks are PPE and so are vaccines and all the other things we do to keep ourselves and others safe. George Washington made the vaccination of his army mandatory, back then they would slice open your arm and smear on cowpox puss to inoculate against smallpox, it was a bit before the CDC came along.
im not really arguing against vaccines I really dont have an opinion on this matter I just want the best for me and my loved ones thats all. I was just saying arguing on this does not matter because soon enough this is going to be a must. No one will be able to say I am not taking it its my choice because that choice is going to come with a fat consequience. Feels like a waste of time and energy to argue to each other about something like this
As much of a waste of time and energy as worrying about what people are arguing about?
Your rights end where somebody else's begin, the right to life comes before the right to liberty. In the constitution it goes the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, in that order. Others have rights too and if you want to enter their business or work in it, they have rights to health and safety as do their customers.

Should you have the "freedom" not to wear a vest, safety glasses or hardhat in designated areas? Masks are PPE and so are vaccines and all the other things we do to keep ourselves and others safe. George Washington made the vaccination of his army mandatory, back then they would slice open your arm and smear on cowpox puss to inoculate against smallpox, it was a bit before the CDC came along.
dude no need to argue with me I'm not against or for vaccines I don't have any position on this topic just dropped by
I'm not against or for vaccines
There are roughly 190,000 dead Americans that felt the same way. Shortly before many of them died, they made posts all over social media begging for people like themselves ( and you ) to stop being stupid and get vaccinated.

Hopefully, you won't turn out to be yet another one.
yea that's what I mean every service job, anything that comes to mind that is mandatory to live life and experience is going to require you taking the shot so not much of a choice is going to be left if you are not a rich dude that is okay with staying in your circle rest of your life
nobody is being forced in your scenario.

A business has the right to prevent unvaccinated people carrying the virus onto their premises and putting workers or customers at risk. Would you force them to let unvaccinated people do that?
nobody is being forced in your scenario.

A business has the right to prevent unvaccinated people carrying the virus onto their premises and putting workers or customers at risk. Would you force them to let unvaccinated people do that?
We just had another meeting today about reopening our performance venues in the fall. Based on the current guidance, we will be able to reopen at 25% capacity. That number could be increased to 66% if all attendees have proof of vaccination or negative covid test. The upper administration had confirmed multiple times (including again today) that we will not be requiring such documentation, and will instead opt for the smaller allowable capacity. The big issues with such a requirement is the convoluted bureaucratic mechanics to support such a requirement, along with the associated costs. Additionally the reality that religious exemptions would have to be considered makes such a mandate fundamentally impossible to impose. As a worker myself, I have to get bi-weekly covid tests whether I'm vaccinated or not, based on the current guidelines.
dude no need to argue with me I'm not against or for vaccines I don't have any position on this topic just dropped by
You’re obviously not for vaccines if you haven’t received one yet. I don’t think it’s irrational to have concern about the AZ or the J &J vaccine though.

Even though there is a slight risk, my wife and I took the AZ vaccine. If we had a choice, we would have taken Pfizer Or Moderna but we didn’t. We realize the risk of death from COVID is much greater and you should too. For your family.
Additionally the reality that religious exemptions would have to be considered makes such a mandate fundamentally impossible to impose. As a worker myself, I have to get bi-weekly covid tests whether I'm vaccinated or not, based on the current guidelines.
What religion has scripture against a RNA vaccine?
We just had another meeting today about reopening our performance venues in the fall. Based on the current guidance, we will be able to reopen at 25% capacity. That number could be increased to 66% if all attendees have proof of vaccination or negative covid test. The upper administration had confirmed multiple times (including again today) that we will not be requiring such documentation, and will instead opt for the smaller allowable capacity. The big issues with such a requirement is the convoluted bureaucratic mechanics to support such a requirement, along with the associated costs. Additionally the reality that religious exemptions would have to be considered makes such a mandate fundamentally impossible to impose. As a worker myself, I have to get bi-weekly covid tests whether I'm vaccinated or not, based on the current guidelines.
It is good that your boss is keeping you safe with your condition. I wish you and your family the best.
nobody is being forced in your scenario.

A business has the right to prevent unvaccinated people carrying the virus onto their premises and putting workers or customers at risk. Would you force them to let unvaccinated people do that?
im not saying anything im not even standing anywhere? but in the scenario yes people are being forced, it will be that way because for you to be able to live life its going to come up all the time and limit you completly. Thats just whats going to happen imo im not against or for anything like I sad, I dont have a say in this obv so I dont bother my self with standing anywhere on this topic. I have to get it too you know where im from there isnt any vaccine for normal people to get it yet