Get away from fox farms. I know several guys that have bails of it sitting in the shed because fox farms, innce they make everything in small batches, they messed up the innoculant/biologicals/microbes/bacteria ect.... so the only way to get it to actually be "super-soil" they had to buy fox farm organics and add it to the soil themselves. Thats why they still have 200 gallons of FFOF soil sitting in the shed. You're seriously better off using promix with some perlite and some RAW microbes, its cheaper too. This is one of the many reasons i switched to hydro. Instead of buying all thay soil every time, just buy hydroton once. Uses up to 80% less water too. Sure you need constant power but you know what else does.... ligjtts! So if the power goes out so do your lights, at least in ebb/flow hydro you can still top feed if the pumps wont work but in DWC you're screwed unless you can oxygenate that water somehow. Ok sorry now im starting into a different topic... what was the question again? I love the first toke of the day.