Don't want to ruffle feathers dude ,was refering to latest episodes,Rev. Al is talking like there is no wrong done in these situations,I said specifically that these people certainly didn't deserve to die,but cmon man they are involved in shit that is wrong and take no responsibility for the actions that put them in the situation that led to this shit.the 13yo is out late w a 21yo gangbanger on parole w/guns REALLY 13 yo where are the parents here. Floyd tried to pass a bogus 20 that his cousin tried to pass 1 hr. earlier at the same store. Sharpton doesn't even mention this. The girl w/knive was going off crazy,point is where is the accountability man,they shouldn't be dead but they are not walking in the park man and I'm not hearing that hey maybe we should clean up our act a little bit,I'm hearing that they were flat out innocent and then executed.ccguns