Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Yeah, but everybody knows who the original was, a republican Trumper nut job and this just reminds them of the capital sacking. Maxine isn't gonna do 20 to life like the oath keepers and proud boys that their leaders ratted out to cut a squeal deal, she's gonna make new laws. It was a shitty meme for the "cause" of treason, racism and stupidity, it just reminds people of the insurrection.

Expect to be ruled by black women, it's the future and the future is arriving fast. They will not replace you, just out perform and out compete you into irrelevance and deep down you know it and are afraid.

hell all it made me think of was that mama's boy wanting his organic food and whatever happened to him and did he ever get his organic?
Wondering how many COMMUNIST TALKING HEAD HYPOCRITE SHIT-HEADS will quote this post ????? With your new found trust in BIG-BROTHER , please , do tell how addictive/dangerous & fatal that marijuana is according to the FDA :D


Good day :bigjoint:


Wondering how many COMMUNIST TALKING HEAD HYPOCRITE SHIT-HEADS will quote this post ????? With your new found trust in BIG-BROTHER , please , do tell how addictive/dangerous & fatal that marijuana is according to the FDA :D

View attachment 4888729

Good day :bigjoint:

Why would it be anything other than a educated guess that ww3 would start in Ukraine in the same year that Putin used the Russian military to attack it, which is also the same year that the Russian military started attacking American and other democratic nations citizens?

I hope you have a good day too man.
Wondering how many COMMUNIST TALKING HEAD HYPOCRITE SHIT-HEADS will quote this post ????? With your new found trust in BIG-BROTHER , please , do tell how addictive/dangerous & fatal that marijuana is according to the FDA :D

View attachment 4888729

Good day :bigjoint:
Thanks for dropping that turd, one person's opinion who was an "advisor" 40 years ago.

Population will be controlled by empowering women, birth control pills, vasectomies and social/financial affluence. It's worked that way in developed countries for a long time. America has to import people and so does Canada and the EU, most of them are brown and black these days cause the Swedes don't wanna come anymore. Even China is having trouble kick starting population growth, after getting rid of the one child policy, because of growing affluence and female empowerment. Japan is becoming depopulated because of bigotry against immigration and they are trying to make robots to care for their rapidly growing elderly population.

As for stupid people like yourself, they will have a vaccine for that one day, though some such as yourself will require many booster shots to work over the deficient parts of yer brain. They will one day be able to fix stupid, but not right now. I can understand your concern about eugenics targeting people like yerself with low IQs though, but science will provide an upgrade to your descendants, provided they survive. :lol: