HC wait times


Well-Known Member
So Im curious what people are seeing for wait times for licences either renewals or first registrations. Im at about 6 weeks now for renewal and still waiting. I also used the newer online forms on HC site and printed them off, signed then sent off. they seemed to have streamlined the paperwork a bit more for renewals.
So Im curious what people are seeing for wait times for licences either renewals or first registrations. Im at about 6 weeks now for renewal and still waiting. I also used the newer online forms on HC site and printed them off, signed then sent off. they seemed to have streamlined the paperwork a bit more for renewals.
I sent my last renewal in early August and got it back early December.
So Im curious what people are seeing for wait times for licences either renewals or first registrations. Im at about 6 weeks now for renewal and still waiting. I also used the newer online forms on HC site and printed them off, signed then sent off. they seemed to have streamlined the paperwork a bit more for renewals.
It's not near as fast as it was in the past
I've renewed multiple times,and the last time i'm phoning them after 4 months
I'm done with HC,nothings changed in years
I'll make sure my script is current...and i figure i'm good to go
It's like a long wait time is the norm now.I gave up last year after waiting over 4 months for a renewal.Not my 1st one,i've been doing this for years.I keep my script up to date and i figure i'm good to go.Nothing has changed,i don't need a gate keeper
Sent mine in regular mail vs registered for the first time in late January - didn't even write "Renewal" on the envelope. I received approval 6 weeks later. Just lucky I guess.
Damn, that's fucked up. I even phoned them just to make sure they didn't lose it or something. They confirmed they had it and said the long wait time was normal and blamed it on covid.
Damn, that's fucked up. I even phoned them just to make sure they didn't lose it or something. They confirmed they had it and said the long wait time was normal and blamed it on covid.
My neighbour sent his in early November and is still waiting. Crazy how it's all over the map for wait times. Last year I waited several months and felt like a sitting duck as the license expired. It's not likely that anyone is going to check anybody anytime soon for compliance - since being licensed in '08, thankfully no one has ever checked plant count or stored weight.
I was thinking of finally filing for my med grow but our pot doc is leaving at the end of June and it took me 10 years to get him to sign so fuggit. I'll get him to renew our med permits in June before he goes and keep my eyes open for a new doc that's cool about signing but chances are it won't happen. If I ever get busted I'll just hope having a permit for 12g/day and being way under my limit will keep things from getting too bad. Never even been charged for a drug offence so that should help. Wife has 6g/day.

Years of allowing huge med grows to people who are obviously doing it just for profit are finally getting the gov't to check growers out more and I don't want no part of that so I'll just stay under the radar. It's worked for 40+ years.

Better send in your next renewal now! lol what a fucking joke, they must have one single person at hc doing these applications. And I’m still waiting for mine, maybe I should call to make sure the dummies didn’t lose it.

You should call to confirm they received it and you're in the system.

It took me just over 6 months for them to process my license... applied in oct 2020, received april 2021.
Still waiting, tried calling hc a few times and the wait time was like an hour and a half hahaha what a fucking joke. Also I like how the first thing the recorded message says is no rude or aggressive language lolol, gee I wonder why there’d be so many pissed off patients. Also I recently visited the hc site and it now has a posting saying if nothing’s changed on your renewal you can continue growing until the new license arrives. Hey thanks for that but I’ve been doing that for years already. But I guess if you have an increase or anything else changed on your license your fucked and have to shut down because of their incompetence? I swear a 10 year old running a lemonade stand could run hc better.
Still waiting, tried calling hc a few times and the wait time was like an hour and a half hahaha what a fucking joke. Also I like how the first thing the recorded message says is no rude or aggressive language lolol, gee I wonder why there’d be so many pissed off patients. Also I recently visited the hc site and it now has a posting saying if nothing’s changed on your renewal you can continue growing until the new license arrives. Hey thanks for that but I’ve been doing that for years already. But I guess if you have an increase or anything else changed on your license your fucked and have to shut down because of their incompetence? I swear a 10 year old running a lemonade stand could run hc better.

That posting on the HC website has been up since last October FYI. When did you apply? I know when I applied every post I found online said they were waiting 4-6 months. I did hear of a few people getting their renewals with 2-3 months currently.

You did eventually get to speak to someone right? They confirmed you are in the system? I ask because I had to resend my script twice. They lost it the first time, then it magically turned up again 2 months after I sent them another one. I wonder how organized they are over there when they can lose someones presciption. I know they got it because I mailed it via registered mail.