Faces of the master race.

I'm completely baffled by their complete lack of resolution capability, you talk to this one then that one then this one then that one and nobody has the power to fix ANYTHING an endless circle of complete BS. I even went to a FN PHYSICAL Amazon location for help who does this? What a heartless looking mile long building it is, If I had to work there I'd probably blow my head off in the parking lot OMG security up the youknow what. Pandemic forced me into doing bus. w/them and this whole experience has been nothing but frustration and anxiety at a already trying time in my life.ccguns

it's because Bezos is a freak and doesn't trust his employees so Customer Service can't really help you..the shit show it took to fix my account I don't even need to tell you.

don't play with the account- whatever you set it up with password was your girlfriend 10 years ago and you want to get rid of-you'll be sorry if your try to make changes.

just keep ordering from Jeff..he likes it that way.
Meet Tim Scott:

View attachment 4863483

The Republican Senator from South Carolina

Is he concerned about what his party is doing to deprive Black people of their vote? Nope
Is he concerned about the 200,000 people killed by Trump's deliberate actions to hamper the nation's response to the pandemic, actions that had a devastating affect on Black people? Nope
Does he care that white supremacists very nearly murdered him on Jan 6? Not from anything he said.

What has him worked up today?

Tim Scott: Let’s set the record straight on ‘woke supremacy’

That's right, folks. Tim just coined another clumsy and forced term to go along with -- cancel culture.

"Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy,” Scott said after a tirade by host and former South Carolina representative Trey Gowdy. “We need to take that seriously.”

His reasoning? (there is no evidence he has that skill but I'll just assume he does) In his own words:

"Criticism has included the suggestion that I and other Republicans are “living proof that neither racial nor gender diversity is a guarantor of progressive, inclusive and broad-minded thinking. Diversity, much in vogue, has its limits.” In other words, my ideology does not match that which they prescribe based on my complexion.

That is woke supremacy. It is the “tolerant” left’s intolerance for dissent. It is a progressive conception of diversity that does not include diversity of thought. It is discrimination falsely marketed as inclusion."

If you understand that passage, please explain because I don't. I can understand why he's so bitter. He has no home. His GOP is the epicenter of Trump's white supremacy movement. Black people shun him because he really ought to know better than try to snuggle up to other Republicans, like Cindy Hyde Smith (Senator from Mississippi) who joked about lynching and depriving "the wrong people" of their vote. But there he is, front and center, being the exception that proves the rule. He can't admit the GOP has a white supremacy problem. So he made up a new term that sounds truthy enough to justify his self imposed tunnel vision that prevents him from seeing racism that is so evident in that political party.
Oh, this is an easy one

"Tim first released a financial report in 2009, he estimated his net worth at $3.88 million."
Question, as a group, are white people the most gullible on earth?

Question, as a group, are white people the most gullible on earth?

Fox News is exhibit A on Yes.
I know we harp on law enforcement a bit, but thank god there are some good folks out there working around the clock to catch these fuckers.

A Wichita Falls man who allegedly plotted to blow up a data center in Virginia has been arrested and charged.

Seth Aaron Pendley, 28, was arrested Thursday after he allegedly tried to obtain an explosive device from an undercover FBI employee in Fort Worth, according to a press release from U.S. Attorney's Office in Dallas.

An investigation began after a concerned citizen contacted the FBI on Jan. 8 about alarming statements posted on MyMilitia.com, a forum dedicated to organizing militia groups.

A user who went by the screenname “Dionysus” stated he was planning to “conduct a little experiment,” that he said would “draw a lot of heat” and could be “dangerous.” When another user asked what outcome Dionysus desired, he responded, “death,” the release said.
Marjorie Taylor Greene launching 'America First' caucus pushing for 'anglo-Saxon political tradition'
She might be the next republican president, except the incels don't like girls and the old racists are sexists too. Nope the job is strictly for a white guy, women are on a fools errand in the republican party. The republicans are auto selecting sociopaths or others like narcissist's who are low on the empathy scale and best represent the mass social pathology they have become. Jesus help us all if they ever gain power again in America.
America First is a foreign intelligence op just like it was in the 1930's. Then it was to help Hitler and today it's for Putin.
History does not repeat, but echoes, in this case the echo is rather strong. Today they wear body armor in public and not brown shirts, thought the swastikas are still around.
Marjorie Taylor Greene launching 'America First' caucus pushing for 'anglo-Saxon political tradition'
Marjie "Palomino" Greene is as hard to listen to as she is to look at. She put a hurt on my eyes and ears.

AKA; "Klan Mom"- Jimmy Kimmel
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Not feeling very masterly, from what I gather from comments on Newsmax.

High Court Punts on 2nd Amendment Cases Challenging Lifetime Ban on Owning Guns
The Supreme Court on Monday opted not to take up three challenges to a federal ban on gun ownership for people who've been convicted of nonviolent crimes.

The decision reinforced the apparent inclination by the court to skirt Second Amendment questions. But it also surprised and dismayed some gun advocates who'd hoped the court would whittle away at the lifetime limitation.

As reported by USA Today, the court's sidestepping the issue let stand a series of lower court rulings that prohibited people convicted of an array of nonviolent offenses -- driving under the influence, making false statements on tax returns, selling counterfeit cassette tapes -- from owning a firearm.

The decisions Monday were handed down without explanation.

Comments from the peanut gallery. Nothing seems to be going right for them this year.

"The lack of backbone among our nation's highest court is explained by the premise that the Justices are totally intimidated by today's left. The people in black robes also fear for the safety their families now. America isn't what it used to be by any means."

"These are the wimps of our times. They are afraid and intimidated by the left just like corporations and most republican members of congress.
When they destroy our nation they will be asking "what happened"?"

"Supreme court judges have already proven to be dung, they have proven themselves as traitors to our country, don't much matter what they say they or no one else will take our guns without lots of bloodshed."

"My gosh, the left does not have to worry about court packing. Conservatives have not had a win in SCOTUS since before the election! The 3 Trump appointees are cowards! "

"the Left tries to tell us that the Court is 7 - 2 conservative and out of balance ...... in reality the Court is 7 -2 left marxist ..... Trump's 3 woke appointments have evolved into commies , in other words , they've grown ! We can only count on Thomas and Alito . Justice Scalia must be spinning in his grave at seeing what SCOTUS has become !"
Not feeling very masterly, from what I gather from comments on Newsmax.

High Court Punts on 2nd Amendment Cases Challenging Lifetime Ban on Owning Guns
The Supreme Court on Monday opted not to take up three challenges to a federal ban on gun ownership for people who've been convicted of nonviolent crimes.

The decision reinforced the apparent inclination by the court to skirt Second Amendment questions. But it also surprised and dismayed some gun advocates who'd hoped the court would whittle away at the lifetime limitation.

As reported by USA Today, the court's sidestepping the issue let stand a series of lower court rulings that prohibited people convicted of an array of nonviolent offenses -- driving under the influence, making false statements on tax returns, selling counterfeit cassette tapes -- from owning a firearm.

The decisions Monday were handed down without explanation.

Comments from the peanut gallery. Nothing seems to be going right for them this year.

"The lack of backbone among our nation's highest court is explained by the premise that the Justices are totally intimidated by today's left. The people in black robes also fear for the safety their families now. America isn't what it used to be by any means."

"These are the wimps of our times. They are afraid and intimidated by the left just like corporations and most republican members of congress.
When they destroy our nation they will be asking "what happened"?"

"Supreme court judges have already proven to be dung, they have proven themselves as traitors to our country, don't much matter what they say they or no one else will take our guns without lots of bloodshed."

"My gosh, the left does not have to worry about court packing. Conservatives have not had a win in SCOTUS since before the election! The 3 Trump appointees are cowards! "

"the Left tries to tell us that the Court is 7 - 2 conservative and out of balance ...... in reality the Court is 7 -2 left marxist ..... Trump's 3 woke appointments have evolved into commies , in other words , they've grown ! We can only count on Thomas and Alito . Justice Scalia must be spinning in his grave at seeing what SCOTUS has become !"
Comment sections are really where the magic happens in la-la land.
And more?

Republican Rep. Stivers to Step Down as Balance in House Remains Tight
Republican U.S. Rep. Steve Stivers of Ohio said Monday he is stepping down next month, further tightening the balance of power in the narrowly Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.

Stivers, a former Ohio state senator, has been a congressman for the past decade in Ohio's 15th congressional district, which covers the suburbs surrounding Columbus, the state's largest city. He has served on the House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee.

Peanut gallery.

"I bet he or his family have been threatened by someone scary"

"Another rino from a blue state taking a job with the biggest lobbying group for illegal immigration."

"The majority of articles at NewsMax are now Thomson/Reuters and A&P. Almost not worth visiting this place anymore."

"Are all these Republicans that are stepping down or retiring being paid off to leave office?"

"At the first sign of opposition the RINOs run:
Not feeling very masterly, from what I gather from comments on Newsmax.

High Court Punts on 2nd Amendment Cases Challenging Lifetime Ban on Owning Guns
The Supreme Court on Monday opted not to take up three challenges to a federal ban on gun ownership for people who've been convicted of nonviolent crimes.

The decision reinforced the apparent inclination by the court to skirt Second Amendment questions. But it also surprised and dismayed some gun advocates who'd hoped the court would whittle away at the lifetime limitation.

As reported by USA Today, the court's sidestepping the issue let stand a series of lower court rulings that prohibited people convicted of an array of nonviolent offenses -- driving under the influence, making false statements on tax returns, selling counterfeit cassette tapes -- from owning a firearm.

The decisions Monday were handed down without explanation.

Comments from the peanut gallery. Nothing seems to be going right for them this year.

"The lack of backbone among our nation's highest court is explained by the premise that the Justices are totally intimidated by today's left. The people in black robes also fear for the safety their families now. America isn't what it used to be by any means."

"These are the wimps of our times. They are afraid and intimidated by the left just like corporations and most republican members of congress.
When they destroy our nation they will be asking "what happened"?"

"Supreme court judges have already proven to be dung, they have proven themselves as traitors to our country, don't much matter what they say they or no one else will take our guns without lots of bloodshed."

"My gosh, the left does not have to worry about court packing. Conservatives have not had a win in SCOTUS since before the election! The 3 Trump appointees are cowards! "

"the Left tries to tell us that the Court is 7 - 2 conservative and out of balance ...... in reality the Court is 7 -2 left marxist ..... Trump's 3 woke appointments have evolved into commies , in other words , they've grown ! We can only count on Thomas and Alito . Justice Scalia must be spinning in his grave at seeing what SCOTUS has become !"
Everybody mentioned the "left", except the one who threatened bloodshed, if he doesn't like the constitution or law. The "left" is their term for patriots these days, socialists are something else and only make up a fraction of American patriots.

I'd kind like to post there for fun, but ya gotta register at the shithole. I have some ideas on gun control, the constitution and the law that I'm sure many would find interesting... The place would be a troll's paradise. :lol:
Everybody mentioned the "left", except the one who threatened bloodshed, if he doesn't like the constitution or law. The "left" is their term for patriots these days, socialists are something else and only make up a fraction of American patriots.

I'd kind like to post there for fun, but ya gotta register at the shithole. I have some ideas on gun control, the constitution and the law that I'm sure many would find interesting... The place would be a troll's paradise. :lol:
Like shooting fish in a troll barrel.