Examples of GOP Leadership

GQP is a death cult.

GQP is a death cult.

Send the fucking things to Brazil and let them toss them if they don't need them, India could use them too. Find out why they aren't approved and tell them why they are getting them, if they are useful at all. Different counties have different standards and in a dire emergency that can change. Pharmaceutical companies get tax breaks for sending free expired medications overseas every day.
Those ventilators were paid for with government money and were supposed to go somewhere, laws must have been broken, serial numbers would make them traceable.
Dunno, but it looks like a sin as well as a crime, not to mention a waste. These ventilators are probably used all over the world and approved in many countries. You need trained people to go with them though, but that is doable with on the job training for those with a medical background. It seems such an utter waste and callous disregard for human life.
Let's see him pull that rick with the FBI, not to mention in court during the coming lawsuit.
Senior Justice Department official refused to appear for inspector general investigation — then abruptly quit

A Justice Department Inspector General investigation had a strange moment when a senior official refused to speak to the IG and then abruptly resigned.

According to the report, a "non-career member of the Senior Executive Service" refused to appear for a compelled interview with the IG, which then triggered a misconduct finding.

"During the course of an ongoing administrative misconduct investigation, the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) informed a then senior DOJ official ... that the senior DOJ official was a subject in the investigation and that the OIG sought to interview the senior DOJ official in connection with the investigation," said a statement on the incident.

The report describes "several unsuccessful attempts to schedule a voluntary interview" and specifically told the official that "neither the answers the senior DOJ official provided nor any evidence gained by reason of those answers could be used against the senior DOJ official in a criminal proceeding."

Still, however, the official refused to appear before abruptly resigning.

"The OIG concluded that the senior DOJ official violated both federal regulations and DOJ policy by failing to appear for a compelled OIG interview while still a DOJ employee," the statement also explained. "The OIG offered the senior DOJ official the opportunity to cure that violation by participating in a voluntary interview after leaving the Department, but the senior DOJ official, through counsel, declined to do so. The OIG has the authority to compel testimony from current Department employees upon informing them that their statements will not be used to incriminate them in a criminal proceeding."

The office of the inspector general doesn't have the power to subpoena former staffers from the DOJ for internal investigations. So the resignation of the staffer made the attempts at an interview moot.

Legal expert Marcy Wheeler speculated that the investigation possibly had to do with Andrew McCabe or Peter Strzok and inside officials attempting to attack the two men who ultimately were forced out of the FBI.

The chances this person had a role in beating up on Andrew McCabe or Peter Strzok are non-zero. https://t.co/WeLJKkFUQz
— emptywheel (@emptywheel)1618842273.0
Those ventilators were paid for with government money and were supposed to go somewhere, laws must have been broken, serial numbers would make them traceable.
5 bucks said they tried to sell them but when they couldn't sell them rather than pass them on to someone in need they just chunked them.
What do you expect, they've been auto selecting sociopaths and narcissists for awhile now and it's only gonna get worse, post Trump.
It is like when gays came out in the 80's, the sociopaths and narcissists are coming out in the 2020's. No disrespect to the gays intended.
It is like when gays came out in the 80's, the sociopaths and narcissists are coming out in the 2020's. No disrespect to the gays intended.
Not quite, the base is selecting them BECAUSE the are sociopaths and narcissists, it's why it was love at first sight with Trump. Most don't even know what a sociopath is or could even care less, these people are not thinkers, they are feelers and operate off their conditioning with out much true introspection. Racism and bigotry are learned behaviors, conditioning, and their feelings filter out and distort the reality that doesn't fit their preconceived conceptions and ignore inconvenient facts. They are generally less psychological flexible and have difficulties adapting to new circumstances and realities, most cannot evolve.

Our conditioning runs deep and every sense and mental "object" has a feeling "tone" attached to it of desire, neutrality or aversion. This correlates with approach and avoidance behaviors found in all animals and is the very primal driver of awareness and higher consciousness itself and sits at the bottom of the emotional "stack" or layer cake. It's the fundamental thing that drives consciousness and subsequent behavior including higher thinking. We evolved our feelings first, then our higher emotions and behaviors like attachment and finally logical thought.

That's why racism is like sin, a person can resolve to sin no more, but the flesh is weaker than the spirit as they say. Many people know that racism and bigotry are wrong on an intellectual level and resolve to do better by their fellow humans and do. The conditioning remains and leaks out however, but many people evolve to the point where their biases don't affect their judgement or basic perception of reality too much. Strong instinctive and conditioned feelings warp our very perception of reality and drive our emotions, this in turn drives our thinking and sets our mind's priorities. Most of the time we are rationalizing our feelings and not really thinking in a logical way, unless we are solving a math problem or doing some other abstract thinking.

Sorry for being so long winded with the mix of Buddhism and psychology, but it is the way people operate (all animals). In Buddhism liberation is a complete deconditioning, down to a fundamental level among other things, we can even decondition instinctual behaviors as well conditioned ones. There is an old saying in meditation, what you lose in a practice is more important than what you gain, you lose your baggage. The PFC is the most recently evolved part of the brain and the most flexible and deals with our social/emotional selves. It's where most of the baggage and social conditioning resides in people and it evolved this way as a result of our social evolution. Humans form sharing communities for mutual protection and support, with hierarchical social structures and cannot exist in a natural state without being part of one. To be ostracized was a death sentence, so we had to learn how to get along, share, support and co operate in order to survive.
Billy Barr's book will cover Billy's ass and that is about it, perhaps he will rat on Donald a bit, just to juice up sales. Bill's story needs to be told under oath, in many sessions before a special congressional investigation, a grand jury and in court. Bill might have been clever enough to dodge the bullet, but he knows things and Trump gave him desperate orders that he did not follow or did so in such a way as to cover his ass. From the moment Donald lost the election, Bill has been thinking about the future, but he was smart enough to cover his fat legal ass before that too. Time for the rat pack to cash in on books that make a vain attempt to cover their asses and screw over Trump, the more they screw him the higher the book sales and the cleaner they look. They just need to avoid appearing under oath because of it.
Will Bill Barr Spill the Beans on Donald Trump? | Vanity Fair

The former attorney general spent most of his time at the Justice Department licking Trump’s boots, but he wouldn’t back up Trump’s election lies. His new book could go either way—and could be a bellwether for the Trumpworld publishing market.

Former attorney general William Barr is joining the pack of ex-Trump officials looking to capitalize on the controversies that turned them into household names. Three sources told Politico on Monday that Barr recently sold a book about his time running Donald Trump’s Justice Department. One of the people familiar with the deal added that Barr has started work on it in the last two months; it will be his first book.

After fleeing the coop, many former Trump officials see the publishing world as a logical next step. But not all of them are receiving a friendly welcome there. Given that Barr ended his reign on bad terms, refusing to go along with the former president’s election-fraud claims, he’s a more eligible candidate than some of his more loyal cohorts—never mind his months and months of loyal stoogedom before that. “I think [publishers] try to draw a line between those who are operating in reality or got off the train before it crashed and those who are living in Trumpworld in an alternative reality,” one person familiar with the industry told Politico. “It’s going to be tough to publish a lot of Trump administration officials.”

For instance, Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro’s initial attempts to sell a book were reportedly shot down, though “Navarro was seen as a kook before this, so it’s not as if Peter Navarro would have an easy time selling a book prior to the administration,” another source told the outlet. Interest in a possible Jared Kushner tome is mixed, which may speak to his lack of currency with his father-in-law’s base. “I don’t think he has a lot of credibility with the MAGA audience, which is where you need these books to sell like hotcakes,” said one publishing company employee who expressed disinterest in Kushner’s book pitch. “And then trying to publish it as liberal torture porn is not going to work either.”

One issue hopeful authors are being forced to confront: the diminishing returns of books tied in any way to the former president. A number of Trumpworld insiders have already inked successful deals: Earlier this month, former vice president Mike Pence accepted a two-book deal with Simon & Schuster reportedly worth an estimated $3 million to $4 million, making him the senior-most ex-Trump official to cash in so far. Kellyanne Conway is reportedly in the process of authoring a salacious, first-person Trump-era memoir complete with behind-the-scenes gossip, presumably sucking much of the air out of the proverbial room. Politico also reported that Trump Supreme Court pick Justice Amy Coney Barrett netted a $2 million advance to unironically author a book on why judges must remain unbiased. “There will only be a few more big books from the administration that succeed,” a publishing source told Politico. “I think Trump is fading much quicker from the national consciousness than people were banking on.”
Not quite, the base is selecting them BECAUSE the are sociopaths and narcissists, it's why it was love at first sight with Trump. Most don't even know what a sociopath is or could even care less, these people are not thinkers, they are feelers and operate off their conditioning with out much true introspection. Racism and bigotry are learned behaviors, conditioning, and their feelings filter out and distort the reality that doesn't fit their preconceived conceptions and ignore inconvenient facts. They are generally less psychological flexible and have difficulties adapting to new circumstances and realities, most cannot evolve.

Our conditioning runs deep and every sense and mental "object" has a feeling "tone" attached to it of desire, neutrality or aversion. This correlates with approach and avoidance behaviors found in all animals and is the very primal driver of awareness and higher consciousness itself and sits at the bottom of the emotional "stack" or layer cake. It's the fundamental thing that drives consciousness and subsequent behavior including higher thinking. We evolved our feelings first, then our higher emotions and behaviors like attachment and finally logical thought.

That's why racism is like sin, a person can resolve to sin no more, but the flesh is weaker than the spirit as they say. Many people know that racism and bigotry are wrong on an intellectual level and resolve to do better by their fellow humans and do. The conditioning remains and leaks out however, but many people evolve to the point where their biases don't affect their judgement or basic perception of reality too much. Strong instinctive and conditioned feelings warp our very perception of reality and drive our emotions, this in turn drives our thinking and sets our mind's priorities. Most of the time we are rationalizing our feelings and not really thinking in a logical way, unless we are solving a math problem or doing some other abstract thinking.

Sorry for being so long winded with the mix of Buddhism and psychology, but it is the way people operate (all animals). In Buddhism liberation is a complete deconditioning, down to a fundamental level among other things, we can even decondition instinctual behaviors as well conditioned ones. There is an old saying in meditation, what you lose in a practice is more important than what you gain, you lose your baggage. The PFC is the most recently evolved part of the brain and the most flexible and deals with our social/emotional selves. It's where most of the baggage and social conditioning resides in people and it evolved this way as a result of our social evolution. Humans form sharing communities for mutual protection and support, with hierarchical social structures and cannot exist in a natural state without being part of one. To be ostracized was a death sentence, so we had to learn how to get along, share, support and co operate in order to survive.
Sorry for having you write so much. It was a joke, the 'no disrespect to gays' part meant as the funny bit, don't want to tar them in shame. Making fun of the, time was right for sociopaths and narcissists to come out due to a culture change brought on by Trump. "I am a sleazeball but that is ok because the president is one and people love it".
Sorry for having you write so much. It was a joke, the 'no disrespect to gays' part meant as the funny bit, don't want to tar them in shame. Making fun of the, time was right for sociopaths and narcissists to come out due to a culture change brought on by Trump. "I am a sleazeball but that is ok because the president is one and people love it".
I know, I just felt like explaining to folks what drives people and help them to understand the political situation more clearly.

BTW: You mentioned you suffer from chronic pain in one of your posts and reducing or ending suffering is one of my things. Pain and suffering are two different things and if you take up a practice, you can pick them apart and laugh while in agony, I do. Here are a couple of links that can help with suffering and reduce your perceived pain, by experiencing it fully and not practicing avoidance, which has other side effects, but it takes practice.

MBSR was created for you and 8 weeks should help quite a bit (it gets better the more you train), taking the course locally in person is best, but there is a pandemic on the go.
Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free) (palousemindfulness.com)

If you want to know why I'm recommending this to you:
What Science Can Teach Us About Practice
The neuroscience of meditation can help us understand how practice shapes the mind, and offers fresh insight into concepts like mindfulness and suffering.
I know, I just felt like explaining to folks what drives people and help them to understand the political situation more clearly.

BTW: You mentioned you suffer from chronic pain in one of your posts and reducing or ending suffering is one of my things. Pain and suffering are two different things and if you take up a practice, you can pick them apart and laugh while in agony, I do. Here are a couple of links that can help with suffering and reduce your perceived pain, by experiencing it fully and not practicing avoidance, which has other side effects, but it takes practice.

MBSR was created for you and 8 weeks should help quite a bit (it gets better the more you train), taking the course locally in person is best, but there is a pandemic on the go.
Online MBSR/Mindfulness (Free) (palousemindfulness.com)

If you want to know why I'm recommending this to you:
What Science Can Teach Us About Practice
The neuroscience of meditation can help us understand how practice shapes the mind, and offers fresh insight into concepts like mindfulness and suffering.
I have been through pain management courses and have read up on it myself. With effort I can block it for a while but it is a constant effort and in the end the pain wins. Basically it is like having shingles over your whole body. So I do what I have to to keep it at bay. I am on a Facebook group (generally avoid FB) of people with the same affliction. I am at the far end of the scale. As an example last time I had my hair cut the woman used electric clippers and ran the tines across my scalp. This had my whole body in pain for two days where I could just try and be as imoble as possible (any movement just amplifies the pain). It was my fault, I told her I was sensitive to it and she used the shears anyway. I thought she was just lightly touching up some areas but she used them longer than I anticipated. Never letting anyone do it again.
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I have been through pain management courses and have read up on it myself. With effort I can block it for a while but it is a constant effort and in the end the pain wins. Basically it is like having shingles over your whole body. So I do what I have to to keep it at bay. I am on a Facebook group (generally avoid FB) of people with the same affliction. I am at the far end of the scale. As an example last time I had my hair cut the woman used electric clippers and ran the tines across my scalp. This had my whole body in pain for two days where I could just try and be as imoble as possible (any movrement just amplifies the pain). It was my fault, I told her I was sensitive to it and she used the shere anyway. I thought she was just lightly touching up some areas but she used them longer than I anticipated. Never letting anyone do it again.
Mindfulness meditation uses a different method and does not block pain, but encourages you to experience it fully and paradoxically provide relief and less perceived pain. It takes practice though and is not the primary focus of the practice which is connecting to your body and thus your basic feelings that drive the whole mental machine. When we do this exercise and become adept, we can sense and be aware of our emotional state from moment to moment and thus the contents of our mind. It is by taking conscious control of the mind with our formal training that we bring our practice into the rest of our lives. We can rest in the senses and present moment because the senses operate in real time, the mind does not.

The video is informative and the course will get you going, way better than the way I started out in the seventies and eighties trying to puzzle my way through Buddhism! Good luck and I hope you don't suffer too much, I just wanted you to know there is a way out, of the suffering at least and perhaps much of the pain. In any case it makes ya happy independent of external conditions and is worth it for that alone. It is also the most effective treatment for depression and MBCT has become the standard therapy along with drugs of course, but many drop the drugs (under their doctors advice and consent) when they take up a practice.
Mindfulness meditation uses a different method and does not block pain, but encourages you to experience it fully and paradoxically provide relief and less perceived pain. It takes practice though and is not the primary focus of the practice which is connecting to your body and thus your basic feelings that drive the whole mental machine. When we do this exercise and become adept, we can sense and be aware of our emotional state from moment to moment and thus the contents of our mind. It is by taking conscious control of the mind with our formal training that we bring our practice into the rest of our lives. We can rest in the senses and present moment because the senses operate in real time, the mind does not.

The video is informative and the course will get you going, way better than the way I started out in the seventies and eighties trying to puzzle my way through Buddhism! Good luck and I hope you don't suffer too much, I just wanted you to know there is a way out, of the suffering at least and perhaps much of the pain. In any case it makes ya happy independent of external conditions and is worth it for that alone. It is also the most effective treatment for depression and MBCT has become the standard therapy along with drugs of course, but many drop the drugs (under their doctors advice and consent) when they take up a practice.

Watched the vid. Half way she gives the experiment using heat as a pain trigger. I went through that with a neurologist. He stuck a needle into my hand to tough a nerve in order to measure the voltage potential it puts out. While doing that he was constantly looking at me asking me if I was ok. I said do what you need to, I can handle it as long as necessary. It really was very unpleasant but I was able to ignore it for as long as needed.