Light stress?

de 1000whps bout 4 feet - 5 feet
Ph 5.8 ppm 1000 700 scale
Temps about 81 canopy
Humidity about 40-50RH

might’ve been a PH fluctuation for like3-4 days I just got a blue lab PH controller to control my PH on my automatic top feed drippers
2 hours after lights turn on 170ml shots 5 times until hour 5 then 2 refresher shots of 170 ml 1 hour each after.
Trying this new dripper system feeding shots instead of flooding 1 time each mornjng. so it might be from the PH fluctuations in the beginning

Looks like a nutrient issue. What lights are you using how far are they from the canopy ? What is the ph, ppm, temps., and humidity ?