I may have made a mistake

This morning I was in a rush and fed my plants a tea, however I forgot to Ph the water before feeding. I tested what I had left over at a Ph of 8.1. Up until now I have been feeding at a Ph of 6.5, the soil is FFOF that I amended with Mother Earth’s farmers mix. Will this drastically change my soil Ph or will the microbes keep things neutral?
I personally wouldn't worry too much about doing it just this one time. Different microbes/bacteria/fungi like different PH ratios. Even if you wiped yours out they'd recolonize when the PH got where the liked it again. Real high PH will make some nutrients unavailable to the plant but it'd take a few feeds to mess up the plant.
If you are growing organically, you dont even need to ph your water, unless its either super high/low. So don't worry, ph-ing your water i guess its kind of a courtesy for your plants.
I tried an organic one last summer outside on the Bio line from Canna. I didn't PH the solutions for her ever. Too afraid the chemicals in the PH adjusters would mess up the soil/bacteria/fungi relationship. I was worried about my tap water at 55 PPM too.
My tap water has a very high ppm, around 350, I have no idea what the ph is, I dont have a ph pen.
It's the only source of water I have, but so far it has worked for me. My plants aren't perfect but they look green, and I think the problems I can have are there because I mix my own soil and im still learning.

I have a little bit of Nitrogen toxicity, im not super worried because they dont look that bad, I think next time I have to lower my dosage of fish meal.
They look ok; not too super green. I wouldn't say you had nitrogen toxicity; from the pic anyway. Some small clawing at her tips but no tip burn.