when you can grow like this come see me


Well-Known Member
Wow amazing how those outdoor plants stopped growing at the same height as the indoor.

If your not out to impress anyone why did you come on the forum, make a thread called "when you can grow like this come see me" with a picture of a huge bud that you found and claimed as your own??


Well-Known Member
yeah im not calling you a liar because i dont know for sure but there is no way in hell anyone else on this site could do that with a 400 watt light and there are alot of amazing growers on here. You start a thread with those pictures, then you get called out on one and admit its not yours but the others are just makes it look really bad. Then you claim you grow one plant at a time but there are alot more than 1 hanging in another picture so this discredits your own words. So pretty much get us some new pics from right now with the date and time stamp on them or with you giving a thumbs down with your right hand and that would help out your cause but otherwise i just gotta say man, it looks like your a bullshitter


stays relevant.
My whole thing is I would believe it if I wasn't so sure I saw that pic of the "1 pound bud" before.


Well-Known Member
hey fuck off and get out of my thread

Man if you dont want to hear it you shouldnt have posted the thread in a public forum....what did you expect, everyone here to praise you as some sort of growing god?

Instead of showing some proof you just continue to get pissed off...


Well-Known Member
we know enough to know when we see and hear bullshit, come on wheres your proof? show us some and we'll shutup and give credit where credits due.


Well-Known Member
Why are you all pissed data1? There are legitimate concerns that several experienced growers have expressed concerning the validity of your audacious claims. To which you have expressed nothing but usless wrath. If you truly were the king kind farmer, you would enlighten us by becoming our Guru. There is no place for anger in cannabis... tell us by what miraculous aeroponic dream we all can harvest nugs af this magnitude. "When you can grow like this come see me", I came to see you... but there was nobody home...


Well-Known Member
kids? ha lets see some pics of your grow space..its not that hard to press the uplink button..you have replyed many of times with replys on peoples rejections but offer no "back up " to further your claim.. i have grown with 400s and 600s and 1000s..to get 12 inch penitration with full buds you need 1000 watters...heres my pic of my room..wheres yours?



Well-Known Member
A riot is me kicking these idiots asses
HELLO!!! internet forum, tough guy! you only dig your hole deeper. if you really love RIU and dont want to leave, i suggest logging off and getting a new account where everyone doesnt think you full of shit.


Active Member
Just to clear things up! I use to be on hg420 before it crashed and those pictures are of HEATH ROBINSON'S HOG! The hog from TH seeds. Supposedly he found a really good phenotype which produce such big buds.:hump: