How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Y’all heard about the scopex experiment? They want to spray particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sunlight cooling the planet. It just doesn’t sound like a good idea to me
I'm glad I got started early. It paid off this year. Were supposed to be breaking a temperature record today. Some years work out better than others. I just hope we don't get a late blast of cold.

Some lettuce growing next to the strawberries.


Garlic, onions, and Fava beans.


From top to bottom. Peas, turnips, broccoli raab, radishes. I should be harvesting radishes in about ten days. Going to plant a bunch more today. The brocolli raab and radishes are rather close but once I harvest the radishes there will be more room and I won't replant in that location.


I have two beds of peas like this one. I'm going to put some string up for them to grow on later today.


The Tayberries and Raspberries are looking good and the pear tree is in full bloom.


My winter spraying seems to have prevented peach leaf curl on my peach tree for the most part. I did find a couple leaves so I cut those branches back significantly and disposed of them in the compost bin that gets picked up. It's done flowering but I can see where there will be peaches from the flowers that didn't drop completely. If I get a couple dozen I'll be happy. It should be loaded but I've neglected the tree.


It's not much but it's mine. I'm actually amazed at the amount of food you can produce from a small garden. It looks a little rough right now but in a month or two it will be a jungle.

Do those berries produce the first year? And how far do they creep. Had my grandmothers. 2nd year before fruit. And invasive beyond belief. Best I've ever had. But what is a determinate of small sweet fruit size.? TY. Too lazy and distracted to look ATM.
Do those berries produce the first year? And how far do they creep. Had my grandmothers. 2nd year before fruit. And invasive beyond belief. Best I've ever had. But what is a determinate of small sweet fruit size.? TY. Too lazy and distracted to look ATM.

They will produce a small amount. You're supposed to pluck the flowers the first year as it's supposed to promote better growth for a larger yield the next year.

I have both Hoods and Seascape. The Hoods are June bearing and only produce one crop early season but they are a really good berry. The Seascapes are Everbearing and will produce berries all season long.
They will produce a small amount. You're supposed to pluck the flowers the first year as it's supposed to promote better growth for a larger yield the next year.

I have both Hoods and Seascape. The Hoods are June bearing and only produce one crop early season but they are a really good berry. The Seascapes are Everbearing and will produce berries all season long.
TY. Limited space and poor lay outs plague me. More thoughts and info for the build down the road. My grandmas were unknown. Went from a few dozen relocations to an entire 25x40' area the next year. A shamed. Berries were delicious. Had to eliminate. And condos on the stock now. GR!
. . . . . . . F1? I assume virtual. Got to try to drive an indy light once. Stalled it repeatedly. Then stucco'ed my drawers after a few laps. What a rush. I'll stick to shifter carts.

Best wishes and a better day to all.
I'm just watching on the TV. This is the 2nd weekend of the new Formula 1 season. ESPN bought the American rights. They broadcast the Sky Sport feed. It's much better coverage than the old three man Speed Channel crew who were always in Charlotte with one man actually at the track. The Sky crew is 10-12 deep, but they all speak English. It takes some getting used to that.

I have my DVR set to record all of it. On Friday there is P1 (practice) and P2, then on Saturday P3 and Quali and the Grand Prix on Sunday. Due to covid scheduling they are in Emilia. Just the 2nd time in the last 15 years or so.
I'm just watching on the TV. This is the 2nd weekend of the new Formula 1 season. ESPN bought the American rights. They broadcast the Sky Sport feed. It's much better coverage than the old three man Speed Channel crew who were always in Charlotte with one man actually at the track. The Sky crew is 10-12 deep, but they all speak English. It takes some getting used to that.

I have my DVR set to record all of it. On Friday there is P1 (practice) and P2, then on Saturday P3 and Quali and the Grand Prix on Sunday. Due to covid scheduling they are in Emilia. Just the 2nd time in the last 15 years or so.
No disrespect by any means. I lived go fast. Stupid me. It hurts now. And I cut the cable. Antenna here. Watched F1, Outlaw sprints and superbikes on road. LOL.

Maniacs aboard!
I know. The climate is getting crazy with the weather patterns. Mother Nature is sipping the hooch and is out of control.
The last three winters I have grown a spring crop. I've lost plants every year to cold, but this year was crazy. We had 17 frosts before Christmas and it's 2-3 most years. I lost all my round one plants, and had to keep round two under glass/gas lantern way longer than I'm comfortable with. Then we had two huge sand storms. Not sure if sand in flowers lead to the grey rot, but I had it in spades this year. I saved about 1/3 of the crop. I would love to get out of the Cultivare de Gorille business.
The last three winters I have grown a spring crop. I've lost plants every year to cold, but this year was crazy. We had 17 frosts before Christmas and it's 2-3 most years. I lost all my round one plants, and had to keep round two under glass/gas lantern way longer than I'm comfortable with. Then we had two huge sand storms. Not sure if sand in flowers lead to the grey rot, but I had it in spades this year. I saved about 1/3 of the crop. I would love to get out of the Cultivare de Gorille business.
I'm 2 weeks behind this year. And how about them food prices? Crazy stuff.
No disrespect by any means. I lived go fast. Stupid me. It hurts now. And I cut the cable. Antenna here. Watched F1, Outlaw sprints and superbikes on road. LOL.

Maniacs aboard!
I raced trail bikes when I was a kid. Just with the kids in the neighborhood. We built a little track with a couple of jumps. But yea, my bones don't let me do anything in a hurry anymore. I guess that is why walking is my most active sport. Speaking of which, judging from the radar, it looked like I had about an hour and a half break in the rain. I turned out to be about an hour, but I had my frog toggs poncho with me. I got in my 3-4 miles early tonight. Did get passed by two cars due to the early start.
I raced trail bikes when I was a kid. Just with the kids in the neighborhood. We built a little track with a couple of jumps. But yea, my bones don't let me do anything in a hurry anymore. I guess that is why walking is my most active sport. Speaking of which, judging from the radar, it looked like I had about an hour and a half break in the rain. I turned out to be about an hour, but I had my frog toggs poncho with me. I got in my 3-4 miles early tonight. Did get passed by two cars due to the early start.
Oddly I laugh as I get passed now. No rush and my little sleeper Jetta will get me points I have not had in over 30 years. 160mph speedo is no joke. LOL.
Back to plants if any are watching. My Milkweed is not sprouting. No idea. And my sad LED improv till the wife lets me put hooks in the ceiling. LOL.001.jpg
Another busy weekend. Friday picked up 1.5 yards of soil after work. Saturday built and filled 5 raised beds and moved most of soil. Today I finished unloading the last of the soil filling a 40 gallon can, 4 15 gallon poly pots and 7 burlap bags all after giving few wheelbarrows out to the neighbors, pays to buy in bulk. After that my wife and I received our first doses of vaccine and then spent time with her family in the country.
Milkweed is up. 3 days longer than expected. Cheap 80's widows give off a cold draft.
Snowed this morning. An inch or so tomorrow. And about 60% of my lilies are above ground. Glad I have a few rolls of fabric just in storage. Less loss of money than the bulbs.
I am trying to creatively remove chipmunks alive here. Got several in live traps for relocation last year. Then they got smart. Any ideas? Wish them no harm. Even now that I have to replace the drive way and some siding on the garage. Damn critters.
I'm not saying I will never get close to an 80's widow. (after all I'm 60 now, and my wife will not live forever) But if I do, she is going to be rich and hot.
4 ways would be a one way ticket these days. Not sure why I looked through as many as I did.

The wife still hasn't allowed hooks in the ceiling. I'm stuck with a mini set up. Have to pull 2 more lights out. Just hang one more on the frame and one from the ceiling. Hopefully. But the stretch is stopped. Over 100 sprouts up and another tray loaded this morning.

Snow missed us. Still in the 30's for highs. Best wishes to the fruit and berry folks. 001.jpg002.jpg