What has Trump done to this country?

This may come as a surprise, CNN has been working for the past four years to get Trump, it is not a revelation if it has been out in the open the whole time. Just like Fox pushing the Trump line over the same time. How is this anything new or even newsworthy? Fox and CNN were playing the same game but on opposite ends of the street.
Yeah, but CNN is on the right side of history and doesn't traffic in Russian or other disinformation, they follow journalistic standards and practices and their coverage is consistent in tone and content to other major networks, including international ones. The editorial people are light years above Tucker and Sean and the other Trump clowns on Fox and don't spin nearly as much. The clowns on fox lie to their audience, if they didn't, they would just move to Newsmax for the turd of choice.
The Fox News has more integrity than the 'News Commentators' that spin their stuff until it becomes news. The problem with Fox viewers is they do not want to determine what is fact and what is fiction.
Democrats to introduce legislation to expand Supreme Court - POLITICO

Democrats to introduce legislation to expand Supreme Court
The measure would increase the court's size to 13.

House and Senate Democrats will introduce legislation Thursday to expand the number of Supreme Court justices to 13 from nine, drawing more attention to the debate surrounding court reform.

The bill, led by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), is the first legislation in recent years designed to add seats to the high court, and its introduction comes as progressive organizations are pushing for court expansion, after watching Senate Republicans fill three Supreme Court vacancies in four years under President Donald Trump.

Brian Fallon, executive director of the liberal group Demand Justice, said the bill represents a “new era where Democrats finally stop conceding the Supreme Court to Republicans." He added that the task for progressives now “is to build a grassroots movement that puts pressure on every Democrat in Congress to support this legislation because it is the only way to restore balance to the Court and protect our democracy.”

President Joe Biden, however, has said he is “not a fan” of the idea, also known as “court packing.” Instead, the White House announced last week the creation of a bipartisan commission to study reforms to the Supreme Court and produce a report. The high court currently has a 6-3 conservative majority.

While advocates have been pushing for the addition of seats to the Supreme Court, the bill won’t see much movement in the evenly split Senate, with all Republicans and several moderate Democrats opposed to court expansion. The legislation is all but guaranteed to prompt attacks from Republicans, who during the 2020 elections warned that Democrats would expand the courts if they took control of Washington.

Justice Stephen Breyer, who outside groups are urging to retire before the 2022 midterms, recently cautioned against court packing for fear that doing so would only undermine public confidence in the institution.

The issue, nevertheless, served as a litmus test during the 2020 Democratic primary for progressives. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), then-Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Pete Buttigieg suggested they were open to the idea. But others, including Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), did not back it. The number of seats on the high court has fluctuated in American history, from as few as five to as many as 10.
Lol. What, no Facebook links?
A simple google search will provide a plethora of sites reporting this. I know it doesn't suit your narrative, but it's okay. I'm sure once you open your eyes to the facts it will be easier for your to navigate through the 5 steps of grief. Thanks for the chat!
A simple google search will provide a plethora of sites reporting this. I know it doesn't suit your narrative, but it's okay. I'm sure once you open your eyes to the facts it will be easier for your to navigate through the 5 steps of grief. Thanks for the chat!
How much does it cost to start a website?

Do you not understand that it is easy for the people spamming you with propaganda are tricking you by making it that you think 'a plater of sites reporting this' somehow means they are credible?

I don't know if you have said or not, but are you an American and if so are you ok with the attack that the Russian military is conducting on our citizens?
A simple google search will provide a plethora of sites reporting this. I know it doesn't suit your narrative, but it's okay. I'm sure once you open your eyes to the facts it will be easier for your to navigate through the 5 steps of grief. Thanks for the chat!
A simple google search will provide a plethora of sites reporting this. I know it doesn't suit your narrative, but it's okay. I'm sure once you open your eyes to the facts it will be easier for your to navigate through the 5 steps of grief. Thanks for the chat!

"Look!" "Look at the tree, it is a tree!"

"Yeah, so?"
Time to spend that stimulus moola !
My Pillow opened his MyStore site of ridiculous shit products .... like this .

Donald the Caveman children’s book set.
Get those kids brainwashed early !

Time to spend that stimulus moola !
My Pillow opened his MyStore site of ridiculous shit products .... like this .

Donald the Caveman children’s book set.
Get those kids brainwashed early !

View attachment 4879628View attachment 4879628
Did someone say DOS attack? I hope he has a good service provider that can handle lot's of traffic and spoof orders. I wonder if the FBI talked to him about those documents he was holding while photographed? Their destruction would be a federal offense and they would like to know about his chats with Donald too.

This guy has destiny written all over him and it won't be a good end either. I figure he will go down with Donald and a lot of others. Once Garland staffs out the DOJ and gets his ducks lined up, then you'll see some movement, the FBI is still investigating and gathering evidence. Having Donald in state prison as a convicted felon will make the whole thing go a lot easier, no harm in waiting a spell on some of the shit.
Did someone say DOS attack? I hope he has a good service provider that can handle lot's of traffic and spoof orders. I wonder if the FBI talked to him about those documents he was holding while photographed? Their destruction would be a federal offense and they would like to know about his chats with Donald too.

This guy has destiny written all over him and it won't be a good end either. I figure he will go down with Donald and a lot of others. Once Garland staffs out the DOJ and gets his ducks lined up, then you'll see some movement, the FBI is still investigating and gathering evidence. Having Donald in state prison as a convicted felon will make the whole thing go a lot easier, no harm in waiting a spell on some of the shit.

Exactly ... I believe those suits have mentioned that all “ documents “ be saved for the litigation. Kraken girl and “ Goo-liani “ have tried to get suits tossed but got nada. Even Gaetz is plugging an ad to help “ clear his name “ ....

Repubs SHOULD worry as their grifts , dark money and assorted crimes come to light....

MAGA sweating , looking over their shoulders ....
Clarence Thomas' Tech Opinion May Signal a Free Speech Shift | Time

A Surprising Opinion From Justice Thomas May Signal an Ominous Shift on Free Speech

Acurious thing happened at the Supreme Court a few days ago. One of the justices, Clarence Thomas, broke from his traditional judicial role and weighed in on a matter of public policy. He tried to put his thumb on the scales of a political dispute and floated legislative ideas that would profoundly and negatively impact First Amendment rights.

The issue is so-called Big Tech censorship. Thomas wrote a concurrence to a Supreme Court decision vacating a court of appeals opinion that had held that Donald Trump violated the First Amendment when he blocked Twitter users from following his account. But since Trump was no longer president (and indeed had been kicked off Twitter entirely), the case was moot.

Thomas, however, wrote separately to opine not just about the merits of the case itself, but about Big Tech censorship more broadly. He wrote to suggest ways in which legislatures could limit the freedom of tech companies to block or ban people from their sites. In other words, he wrote to suggest ways in which the government can override the liberty of private citizens to manage and moderate speech on their own private platforms.

The context here is important. Millions of Americans are deeply concerned about the power and reach of America’s largest tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc.), but their concerns often diverge sharply depending on their partisan affiliation. As a general matter, progressive Americans are concerned that Big Tech censors too little speech while conservative Americans are concerned that Big Tech censors too much.

Many progressives look at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other tech companies and demand that they do more to combat disinformation, conspiracies, and so-called “hate speech”—words or images that are deemed to demean others on the basis of characteristics such as race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
How much does it cost to start a website?

Do you not understand that it is easy for the people spamming you with propaganda are tricking you by making it that you think 'a plater of sites reporting this' somehow means they are credible?

I don't know if you have said or not, but are you an American and if so are you ok with the attack that the Russian military is conducting on our citizens?
Lets see how this story progresses.
One thing i notice on all these political threads is how blinkered up the vast majority of the people are. I think the USA is one of the most divided nations, and the best way way to destroy something is to split it up and watch it rot it from within. The whole world watches the USA, have you not considered the fact that the enemy countries are sitting watching, taking notes... Your country is fucked my dudes. You're squabbling about rubbish instead of leading the world. I hope you dudes are happy with the possible outcomes. This coming from a person who votes left in a country where socialism is so rampant that 15% of it's people are funding the rest via hand outs..

Anyhoo, back to your squabbles and bitching.