Matt Gaetz

You will never know. And lest we forget. We are discussing southern Republican laws that allow marriage as young as 12. Hell 16 is legal in MI.

I say expose them all and correct the statutes they enacted to indulge in their hypocritical bible thumping blasphemy. Wake up people.
Liz Chaney is more of a man than Matt will ever be. She will be happy to put a boot in his ass.
Feds Closing In On Trump Loyalist? Gaetz's iPhone Seized In Sex Crime Probe

There are new indications the DOJ probe into Rep. Matt Gaetz is heating up. According to Politico, federal investigators now have possession of Gaetz's iPhone. They are also probing a 2018 trip the Congressman took to the Bahamas. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber explains the significance of this development.
Feds Closing In On Trump Loyalist? Gaetz's iPhone Seized In Sex Crime Probe

There are new indications the DOJ probe into Rep. Matt Gaetz is heating up. According to Politico, federal investigators now have possession of Gaetz's iPhone. They are also probing a 2018 trip the Congressman took to the Bahamas. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber explains the significance of this development.
I'm wondering if that phone also has evidence that Gaetz participated in the Jan 6 conspiracy.
Report: Matt Gaetz Upgraded From Just F--ked to Royally F--ked | Vanity Fair

The hits keep on coming.

ince the news broke that the Justice Department is investigating Rep. Matt Gaetz for allegedly paying women for sex and, separately, sleeping with a minor and transporting her across state lines, things have gotten exponentially worse for the congressman on a near-biweekly basis. For instance, last Friday we noted that the Republican lawmaker was “well and truly f--ked,” in light of Venmo transactions showing Gaetz had paid $900 to his accused sex-trafficker friend, Joel Greenberg, which Greenberg proceeded to send to three young women. On Tuesday, though, new reporting indicated that he has been upgraded to exceptionally, royally f--ked.

The New York Times reported that Greenberg, Gaetz’s close friend who was first indicted last year and has now been charged on 33 counts, including sex trafficking of a minor, bribery, stalking, and defrauding the Paycheck Protection Program, is said to have been providing investigators with information on “an array of topics, including Mr. Gaetz’s activities,” for several months now. Greenberg, who is currently in jail after violating the terms of his bail, reportedly told prosecutors that he and the congressman “had encounters with women who were given cash or gifts in exchange for sex,” according to two people familiar with the matter. The DOJ is also investigating if the two men had sex with a 17-year-old girl; it’s not clear if Greenberg, a former Seminole County, Florida, tax collector, has offered up any information on that front. (According to The New York Times, the minor Gaetz allegedly slept with is said to be the same one Greenberg was charged with sex trafficking.)

Per the Times:

Mr. Greenberg, who is said to have met the women through websites that connect people who go on dates in exchange for gifts, fine dining, travel, and allowances and introduced them to Mr. Gaetz, could provide investigators with firsthand accounts of [his and Gaetz’s] activities.
Mr. Greenberg began speaking with investigators once he realized that the government had overwhelming evidence against him and that his only path to leniency lay in cooperation, the people said. He has met several times with investigators to try to establish his trustworthiness, though the range of criminal charges against him—including fraud—could undermine his credibility as a witness.... Speculation about Mr. Greenberg’s cooperation began mounting last week, after his lawyer and a federal prosecutor both said in court that he was likely to plead guilty in the coming weeks. “I’m sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today,” Fritz Scheller, Mr. Greenberg’s lawyer, told reporters afterward.
A spokesman for Gaetz has insisted the GOP lawmaker did nothing wrong, telling the Times, “Congressman Gaetz has never paid for sex,” and suggesting that Greenberg was “trying to ensnare innocent people in his troubles.”
Come on guys, maybe he hasn't paid for underage "sex." I'm thinking of that $900 venmo listed as "salad." It's the age old question, is a "tossed salad" still considered sex? I guess we'll find out courtesy of Matt Gaetz..
Predicting an epstein ending for the pompous pussy ...

Inmate : “ Hey chica ! .... I like your lips .
Gaetz : “ Look , I’m from a rich family and i could
help you out ... you know “ white power “
and all that ! MAGA !

Inmates look at each other and laugh loudly ......
Just then , a large 320 pound cell block Boss pushes forward toward Gaetz .

Boss : “ STFU bitch ! “ .... fists rain down on lilly white.

Gaetz is ass hammered screaming ....
Guards smirk and finish game of solitaire.
Predicting an epstein ending for the pompous pussy ...

Inmate : “ Hey chica ! .... I like your lips .
Gaetz : “ Look , I’m from a rich family and i could
help you out ... you know “ white power “
and all that ! MAGA !

Inmates look at each other and laugh loudly ......
Just then , a large 320 pound cell block Boss pushes forward toward Gaetz .

Boss : “ STFU bitch ! “ .... fists rain down on lilly white.

Gaetz is ass hammered screaming ....
Guards smirk and finish game of solitaire.
And I thought I had a vivid imagination...