Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Finally i get a little of a break..................sheesh...whata morning.....owe well least i'm making money....

Hope everyone had a good weekend....

Welp got my Bell Pepper in they're pot this weekend, also freshened up my tomato plants with some new soil and some dry amendments......

Also found out my new little project is a female.....and so were the others.....so i notified certain parties and guess what sold most of them...kept one....


shhhh don't tell.....i got two more like this near a pond.....:wink:


Well-Known Member
Had a funny happen to me over the weekend with my dad....he calls me up yesterday afternoon cause he need a hand doing a few things around the hows....i get over there and while we are taking care of things he mention that he isn't sleeping well after he had been vaccinated, say he prolly only gets 2 to 3 hrs a sleep a night or in a pattern.....so i asked him if he's been taking melotin.....he said yeah but it doesn't make him sleepy kinda ups him where he really can't sleep....so he looks me dead in the eye...and asks do you have any cannabis.... :shock:...i said yeah..why.....he say to me i know you smoke, seen you on the riding mower smoke and wonder how it help me....it takes care of a few things, lungs, pain, eating, stress, anxiety and such. and my wife partakes on occassion too for stuff similiar....i say do you really wants some.....he says yes....ok i'll be right back....so i go into my collection pick out a nice nug and head back with my pipe in tow....i hand him the nug and say a little goes a long way with this stuff make sure you eat after a smoke and don't hold it in cause your lung aren't used to this....and i wink....and i go home...

welp this morning i get here to the shop, i'm having coffee dealing with phones and customers, after that..he arrives smiling....asks me to go to back....i say what up.....he said you weren't kidding bout a little goes along way.. said he loaded the pipe with a little bit, said he accedently help it in cause him to cough...i say ok...then what....i went inside the house made him and mom something to eat.....he said after that......he just fell asleep......he slept a full 8 hrs....say he feels great

strike one up for the space tomatoes


Well-Known Member
that he isn't sleeping well after he had been vaccinated, say he prolly only gets 2 to 3 hrs a sleep a night or in a pattern..
Same thing happened to me with the sleep after the first dose of the vaccine. This post just made me realize it & put 2 in 2 together. The weird sleeping only lasted a few days after first dose of Phizer vaccine though. I’m getting the second dose on the 23rd


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me with the sleep after the first dose of the vaccine. This post just made me realize it & put 2 in 2 together. The weird sleeping only lasted a few days after first dose of Phizer vaccine though. I’m getting the second dose on the 23rd
my dad has had both injections.........i gave him a heavy indica space tomatoes for the sleep.....