Auto Growers pot Size


Well-Known Member
I am trying Auto's for the first time this year. I have bought and intended to use 5 gallon grow bags. That was before I read somewhere that I should be using 1 gallon bags. Then I saw people using solo cups but they were growing indoor. Any suggestions are welcome
Are 1 gal fabric bags ok for autos? I've read not to transplant them, to plant directly into final pot but that just seems crazy to me
Are 1 gal fabric bags ok for autos? I've read not to transplant them, to plant directly into final pot but that just seems crazy to me

I grow autos start to finish in 3 gal fabric pots. I feel it gives the roots enough space and doesn’t take up mad space like 5 gallons do.
Are 1 gal fabric bags ok for autos? I've read not to transplant them, to plant directly into final pot but that just seems crazy to me
No, go with 5gal or you will be so disappointed on autos youll be permanently put off them. Yes you can transplant autos, you just have to not shock them.
These 3wk olds up potted on nothing happened. They're just another annual in the garden, they arent fragile french chandeliers
Medium matters.
If you're growing in soil, 3-5gal is good. Bigger is a waste with autos, smaller will result in pretty small plants.
In coco, that all changes. Pot size isn't as much of a factor for plant size but then watering frequency comes into play.
Just don’t make the mistake I did. I only put about 2/3 of the 3gallon pot full of soil. As they grow, the soil compresses, so now they look half of soil. Plants are OK, but I wish I filled them to the top. #whatmighhavebeen!
Thank you for all the replies. After reading them all I will stay with the 5 gallons that I have. Repotting will not be an issue because I use the paper towel method to germinate, then they go into jiffy pellets until they have 2 true leaves, then into the final pots. I am using soil and I will be sure to fill the pots. Right now I have Northern Lights and Dwarf Low Flyer between towels. See attachment.


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A well-known member on here always used to say any more than 1 gallon and you are just wasting soil,,, until he did a side by side,, he now uses at least 3 gallon pots,,
Do you put your feet in shoes that are 3 times to small ??
As for transplanting,, no problem
Good luck