Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Is it luck?

what about the guy who just got done posting about his wife hacking away while he slept next to her but never caught it?

you think that's just luck?
you guys were all science and now we're talking about LUCK

Right - so there's risk in everything - but that doesn't mean the risk you take by getting the shot and doing whatever else you do, is any better than the risk of no shot and letting your own immunity do it's job

That's totally true depending on who you are. If you're young and fit with no conditions, you should have good odds of not needing hospitalization if you get it. But, we're arguing about the general concept of vaccinating, not so much with you specifically. And I know that us Americans are selfish and narcissistic as fuck, thinking we're all hot shit and the only awesome person left on the planet, but this has never been about you, or me.

I'm not worried so much about Covid myself, but I wear a mask for other people, because I'm a considerate person and I recommend that anyone who isn't in the optimum health category gets the shot, as well as anyone that is around people that are not in optimum condition, because this is about not letting our dipshit redneck egos cause us to kill other people. Ignorance leading to someone else's death is pretty much the definition of manslaughter.

It sucks that we have to argue so much just to get people to be considerate of each other. All we care about is the bare minimum, which is what we *have* to do, but nobody seems to care about what we *should* do.

Dear America, please stop being selfish cunts before you implode from a toxic mix of narcissism and down syndrome.
These guys seem to need a list of all the times science was wrong in the past. It's like a blind religion with them.
Nuclear power is safe guys. Science says so. Don't forget that Chernobyl melted down as part of a safety test. But's it's all good. More positive things have come from nuclear power than negative, right? Right? Bueller?
Is it luck?

what about the guy who just got done posting about his wife hacking away while he slept next to her but never caught it?

you think that's just luck?
A high vitamin D level and a good immune system, he said he never caught a cold or flu either. I dunno if he was tested, he could have had covid and been asymptomatic, 30% of people are. If you have the right immune response you can have preexisting conditions and still be asymptomatic, covid is a crap shoot. Remember though 1 in 3 have mental issues like brain fog and other things and even more have physical problems long after recovery. The biggest risk from covid is not death, it's being fucked for life.
you guys were all science and now we're talking about LUCK

Ok probability, luck kinda means the same thing, you can't get lucky in the lottery unless you buy a ticket, though your probability of good luck is low and the probability of bad luck is high.
A high vitamin D level and a good immune system, he said he never caught a cold or flu either. I dunno if he was tested, he could have had covid and been asymptomatic, 30% of people are. If you have the right immune response you can have preexisting conditions and still be asymptomatic, covid is a crap shoot. Remember though 1 in 3 have mental issues like brain fog and other things and even more have physical problems long after recovery. The biggest risk from covid is not death, it's being fucked for life.

ok but by the same logic, you can be fucked for life taking that experimental warp speed shot

look - theyve trying to find a vaccine for the common cold forever and nothing - now all of a sudden, they've found it!
OK psycho.
Speed reader are ya, read a bit more about Hare's PCL-R, it was (and still is) my business to know about some of this stuff, since I used to teach meditation and trained with psychiatrists and psychologists many decades ago from the same Buddhist masters. Mediation training does not interest most sociopaths since they lack the qualities that allow them to make progress in a practice or even comprehend the concepts. Mindfulness involves training the PFC and many sociopath's are brain damaged in these areas or along the limbic pathways.
That's totally true depending on who you are. If you're young and fit with no conditions, you should have good odds of not needing hospitalization if you get it. But, we're arguing about the general concept of vaccinating, not so much with you specifically. And I know that us Americans are selfish and narcissistic as fuck, thinking we're all hot shit and the only awesome person left on the planet, but this has never been about you, or me.

I'm not worried so much about Covid myself, but I wear a mask for other people, because I'm a considerate person and I recommend that anyone who isn't in the optimum health category gets the shot, as well as anyone that is around people that are not in optimum condition, because this is about not letting our dipshit redneck egos cause us to kill other people. Ignorance leading to someone else's death is pretty much the definition of manslaughter.

It sucks that we have to argue so much just to get people to be considerate of each other. All we care about is the bare minimum, which is what we *have* to do, but nobody seems to care about what we *should* do.

Dear America, please stop being selfish cunts before you implode from a toxic mix of narcissism and down syndrome.
I agree with a lot of that, but I think the argument is more about whether or not we will allow people to be forced to vaccinate against their will, simply to have the same freedoms which we were all originally born with. You want me to inject something new in my body that I can never take out, just to keep my freedoms? That sounds quite a bit like coercion to me. If this vaxx is so great, just let people who want it have it, but vaccination by force seems fundamentally wrong, and very much too reminiscent of Orwell's 1984. That's what really what people want? No one learned how many freedoms we lost with 911? You want to throw away more freedoms??? FFS, *facepalm*.
That's totally true depending on who you are. If you're young and fit with no conditions, you should have good odds of not needing hospitalization if you get it. But, we're arguing about the general concept of vaccinating, not so much with you specifically. And I know that us Americans are selfish and narcissistic as fuck, thinking we're all hot shit and the only awesome person left on the planet, but this has never been about you, or me.

I'm not worried so much about Covid myself, but I wear a mask for other people, because I'm a considerate person and I recommend that anyone who isn't in the optimum health category gets the shot, as well as anyone that is around people that are not in optimum condition, because this is about not letting our dipshit redneck egos cause us to kill other people. Ignorance leading to someone else's death is pretty much the definition of manslaughter.

It sucks that we have to argue so much just to get people to be considerate of each other. All we care about is the bare minimum, which is what we *have* to do, but nobody seems to care about what we *should* do.

Dear America, please stop being selfish cunts before you implode from a toxic mix of narcissism and down syndrome.

But this shot isn't about the team

it's about protecting yourself and yourself only
ok but by the same logic, you can be fucked for life taking that experimental warp speed shot

look - theyve trying to find a vaccine for the common cold forever and nothing - now all of a sudden, they've found it!
There have been no reports of anybody being fucked for life or dying from the mRNA vaccines to the best of my knowledge, plenty of people have died from covid and more have been fucked for life.
There have been no reports of anybody being fucked for life or dying from the nRNA vaccines to the best of my knowledge, plenty of people have died from covid and more have been fucked for life.
Then you aren't really looking hard enough at the other side of things. You have a bias perspective. How do you account for all of the adverse reactions to the vaccine on the CDC website?
I agree with a lot of that, but I think the argument is more about whether or not we will allow people to be forced to vaccinate against their will, simply to have the same freedoms which we were all originally born with. You want me to inject something new in my body that I can never take out, just to keep my freedoms? That sounds quite a bit like coercion to me. If this vaxx is so great, just let people who want it have it, but vaccination by force seems fundamentally wrong, and very much too reminiscent of Orwell's 1984. That's what really what people want? No one learned how many freedoms we lost with 911? You want to throw away more freedoms??? FFS, *facepalm*.

But what are you talking about with being forced? Are you worried the gov't will kick down your door and pin you down and give you a shot? That will never happen. I'm worried you're talking about being forced, as in, private businesses requiring you to have a vaccine in order to do business with them, but if you know anything about rights, then you know it's not being forced, it's just you throwing a tantrum. Your concern of being forced to do anything sounds like paranoia fueled in your own mind. Do you have anything to show where the gov't will come to your house and physically make you take the shot? Do you have any support whatsoever for this concern?

Who cares what people "want". That's not really a thing that imposes anything on you. Taco Bell "wants" you to go down and buy their food, but it doesn't mean anything.