Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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Really? how do you know it's impossible?

you don't think it's possible, that in order to evade the shot, it'll mutate?

Is that your argument, that you avoid anything where it's technically possible to die? Did you know that everyone that has ever died, either died inside, or outside? Where do you exist?
Really? how do you know it's impossible?

you don't think it's possible, that in order to evade the shot, it'll mutate?
RNA only makes a one way trip out of the cell nucleus and is copied from DNA and after it's information is used to make a protein, it is usually destroyed. Your DNA is not just an instruction set that defines you, it is a chemical database that your cells read all the time to produce the things the need to survive and defend themselves. RNA's job is that of a messenger to the intracellular world called the cytoplasm, outside the protection of the cell nucleus
Wynn Las Vegas says employees must get vaccinated or submit weekly negative tests
Ok I'm a psycho, but a nice one! Learn when someone is trolling a Trumper. I can be very nasty and very nice too, just like most normal folks. I cared enough to try and inform you about how vaccines work, but information is not the issue, fear is.
Congratulations Let me show you another "nice psycho"..

Screenshot - 2021-04-09T182925.525.png
Is that your argument, that you avoid anything where it's technically possible to die? Did you know that everyone that has ever died, either died inside, or outside? Where do you exist?

well you guys seem to know so much, so im just asking
Ya know Charlie would have made a better POTUS than Trump, he was more popular with women too!
Not sure what Trump has to do with it, but almost anyone would make a better president. You seem a bit hyper-focused on someone who is out of office. I guess it's "normal" for psychos to be obsessed though. You might want to talk to your doctor about these psychotic obsessions you have. Perhaps let them know how you are thinking about murdering people you disagree with, with flame throwers. See what your doctor suggests, and follow their advice.
You guys are like paid advertisements from the government

Do you guys even smoke weed?
Just quit not too long ago and I'm shutting down my grow, except for a few in the backyard this summer that I will probably give away. Look, about 80% of the US population will probably be vaccinated by fall and a significant portion of the rest will have natural immunity from catching covid. Other than being real lucky you have two choices, immunity by catching covid or getting vaccinated. Covid gives you immunity too, but at several orders of magnitude more risk, it's a no brainer as they say.
It won't be long now but if you're anxious here's another link to get a vaccine in Ontario. Those turning 60 this year can sign up. We had already signed up at shoppers drug mart but my wife and Mom are now scheduled for their shot next Thursday in Woodstock.

On a different note, DoFo (Doug Ford) cancelled live streamed concerts. It's not like the two of us watching the KISS concert at New Year's in our home was a super spreader event.

Booked my appointment for first shot of Astra Zeneca for Tuesday afternoon!
well you guys seem to know so much, so im just asking

Yeah, but isn't just about anything possible? Of course it's possible that any vaccine can kill you. So then what does it mean? That you avoid anything that could possibly kill you?

Did you know that you have a 1 in 300 chance of dying of heart disease or cancer? I bet that doesn't stop you from grilling up a steak or burger on the weekend.
Just quit not too long ago and I'm shutting down my grow, except for a few in the backyard this summer that I will probably give away. Look, about 80% of the US population will probably be vaccinated by fall and a significant portion of the rest will have natural immunity from catching covid. Other than being real lucky you have two choices, immunity by catching covid or getting vaccinated. Covid gives you immunity too, but at several orders of magnitude more risk, it's a no brainer as they say.

But that's not the only 2 choices
Yeah, but isn't just about anything possible? Of course it's possible that any vaccine can kill you. So then what does it mean? That you avoid anything that could possibly kill you?

Did you know that you have a 1 in 300 chance of dying of heart disease or cancer? I bet that doesn't stop you from grilling up a steak or burger on the weekend.

Right - so there's risk in everything - but that doesn't mean the risk you take by getting the shot and doing whatever else you do, is any better than the risk of no shot and letting your own immunity do it's job
Not sure what Trump has to do with it, but almost anyone would make a better president. You seem a bit hyper-focused on someone who is out of office. I guess it's "normal" for psychos to be obsessed though. You might want to talk to your doctor about these psychotic obsessions you have. Perhaps let them know how you are thinking about murdering people you disagree with, with flame throwers. See what your doctor suggests, and follow their advice.
It's really the only thing you have to cling to isn't it? Killing people is generally a bad idea at the best of times, unless they pose a sufficient threat and then it plagues the conscience of the normally socialized anyway. Perhaps you should learn a bit more about psychopathy and the criteria for diagnosis.
Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia

While yer at it bone up on vaccines too.