Have you recently sprayed your plant with anything?Hi guys, anyone can advise wtf this might be? Havent noticed anything in the tent/near the plant
Thanks in advance
Have you recently sprayed your plant with anything?
Because I have seen people spray their plants with the lights on & the damage that resulted looks similar
As long as you don’t spray in flower that’s ok
Hi guys, anyone can advise wtf this might be? Havent noticed anything in the tent/near the plant
Thanks in advance
I had something similar to this on a current auto. It was like something was chewing the end of the leaves and a few small holes were appearing here and there. The other was untouched so I left it. Then the other plant started to get the same issue. It was still in early veg so I sprayed both plants top and bottom, along with the dirt, with Safers 3 in one. No issues at all since. Not sure if this'll help if you're already in flower.
Take from my post what you will.
if your in the uk you have to report it to the authoraties as they cause havoc among squash plants
Hi guys, anyone can advise wtf this might be? Havent noticed anything in the tent/near the plant
Thanks in advance
This is definitely not a jumping spider, I can’t quite tell if it’s a wolf spider, but it’s not one I’d welcome (because it looks like one that would bite if I get too close)