New 3x3 perpetual......

Gorilla glue ready for a round of snips20161230_075952.jpg

Just pot sum regs up 4 sour cherry and 5 Qqxblue. In the square pot at back iis my fbxsc female

I still have 8 fireballs to pot up but no space on bottom yet
I've found I need 4 square feet of floor space for flowering every square foot of plants vegging. Almost 10 years of perpetual grow, eh?

Good luck, BigSteve.
I won't be flowering all them at once, IL be taking cuts off the pips hoying the pips on top to sex as the cuts root then once I know what's male and female IL be ditching all but 1 male....
Also have the small tent for growing stuff I don't wana smoke with the cfl... My pollen collecting tent or mating tent
really nice :) i have two tents tho wayyy easier heheh
I have a 8x4 tent now
