Too late to trim bottom larf off?

Since you just transplanted alittle while ago, she should have some fresh nutrient and room to grow for now. But 3 g is not enough for a plant that size..
She looks hungry.
I would lollipop, up the nutrients, and repot to a 5g
Oof def gonna lollipop over the next few days and I'll up the nutes, but do you think the transplant is super necessary?
Yes OP definitely would benefit from up potting in that fashion.
It also continuously introduces fresh soil/nutrients every time you up pot, and you get a better root ball that way.
I kinda thought that. Well damn I'm always flipping back and forth between what I'm gonna do for my next grow. I meant aeroponics from the start but that was hard for a beginner. Still have a set of flora nutes I mite just do that for my next one as germinating in rockwool is pretty easy for me now
I kinda thought that. Well damn I'm always flipping back and forth between what I'm gonna do for my next grow. I meant aeroponics from the start but that was hard for a beginner. Still have a set of flora nutes I mite just do that for my next one as germinating in rockwool is pretty easy for me now
I've planned out my next 3-4 grows just to scrap it and try something else haha it happens
I kinda thought that. Well damn I'm always flipping back and forth between what I'm gonna do for my next grow. I meant aeroponics from the start but that was hard for a beginner. Still have a set of flora nutes I mite just do that for my next one as germinating in rockwool is pretty easy for me now
If you want to go hydro, choose DWC or Coco instead of aeroponics.
Alot simpler
That sounds awful. I'd probably tear up myself
Oh....those girls are rugged......some people break branches intentionally to make them stronger......I think it's gonna be a beauty...........I, personally would certainly start eliminating a lot of that lower shit......the giant fan leaves way down low along with other small branches and leaves.....probably suckers all over.......I notice all of the leaves are a light green........probably chlorosis......lack of chlorophyll......somethings up........May wanna check pH which will really screw up nutrient uptake.........not positive, certainly not an authority... .careful with the water.......
N toxicity, the claw and yellow from bottom up. Id say the new potting mix has excess N and the flower nutes adding extra chocking her out. I wouldnt be watering any extra and if you can check the EC and PH of your run off.

If you dont fix it now, very little growth from here.
The science ? Holy shit, are you kidding , don't think many people could ..........the chemistry-physiology-physics behind that explanation eludes me. What I know is what I read , hear and witness............I've always " heard " , when an injury occurs , the plant responds by flooding site with healing/strengthening compounds. Supposedly the wound site even stronger............I've seen it many times.