Site safety? Not allot of veterans around?


Well-Known Member
This question related to rollitup and to other sites in general. A little disclaimer proceeding to hopefully get some product from these questions as oppose to a butt load of flameing. Dont get me wrong there is a wealth of information on this forum and others. My question is based on a couple observations, not intended to start an arguement, but just looking for information related to how secure our information is such as IP addresses visiting sight, where registrations are stored etc. So here are my following questions:

1. Allot of sites seem to have several posts in relation to each other, is there just a general competition amongst these sites and attract different clients, that are extroardinarly different and hostile with eachothers sites?

2. How is information stored with this site, is it housed in the US? Now that there's a law against providing information on growing; what is to keep the dea or any other organization from getting a warrant or subpenoa for information on visitors and registered users?(WTF ever,my opinion is: so please dont flame about this question,just want info as a cautious individual. freedom of speach, if it's legal to threaten murder on a site due to FOS, why is it illegal to talk about growing,. we all know the answer to that)

3. I see that the host of this site (, the host not the client:rollitup) is in LA, california, do we have any garantuee of privacy or safety with them, or no ones really ever varified. I see that the website of the host is in dutch, maybe anyhow, i didnt recognize any words so wasnt sure on the language, are they hosting in another country?

4. Why arent there many veterans on this site besides staff? It seems like there is a general registered on date of just a couple months ago, I recall that the previous time i registered reading allot of posts posted by people only members for a couple months as well.

Please understand im asking as a cautious person, not a site flamer, i love rollitup, have been on site for a couple years just lost my old password and registered to a old email address so...


a law against providing information? what? show me

sounds rediculous


Well-Known Member
part d of thhe controlled substances act, on communication how to produce a controlled substance.

you are right though i am in complete agreement on the ridiculous part, freedom of speach applys to anything else in an online forum... so, wtf right?

But anyhow I am very curious and timid on posting until i get a feel for these subjects.


Well-Known Member
fuck em...i could give a shit less...i rather do and say what i please and rot in jail then die a bitch...all of you are free to be "timid"...but still water goes stagnant


stays relevant.
Nobody can see your IP addresses aside from the moderators... and none of them are affiliated with any law enforcement agency... Also, the server is not in reach of the US government, which has the only anti-drug agency desperate enough to try to turn this website into a bunch of warrants.

You're safe. :)


Active Member
i agree with the above post i mean if it really was a problem the feds would have already shut the site down to say the least


Well-Known Member
but also i dont think its a well kept secret how to produce marijuana...its a plant...also i can still go buy a marijuana growing book at my local Barnes And Noble or in the latest issue of High times....maybe a forum on how to cook meth would be an issue...considering it is not as common of knowledge on how to cook it...but anyone whose grandma ever had a garden could easily make a marijuana plant produce...shit through it outside and come back when its almost winter..thats not alot of knowledge to obtain


i've been here a while...
a few of us have

most other people that have left this site have done so becuase of little internet quarrels and what not... there are now a couple other grow forums created by defected RIU members.. heh


Well-Known Member
ok that makes sense, argueing on the internet is like winning the special olympics, you may have won but your still retarded. But hey to each his own. Thats not an insult to you, just people that run off butt hurt because someone else could cry more or less than them.

In responce to your earlier post, this sight isnt housed in the US then? That is a relief.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Some people start stuff for no reason. Then some people let that get to them. And all of us lose out on good information.

But here's some tips to keep you safe. All these programs can be downloaded from:

First is one called Ultra Surf. It routes your ip address through a private over-sees server. Making it immpossible, even for the sites you visit, to know who/where you are.

Second: File Barricader 2004. If you have a grow hournal or anything you don't ever want seen. This program will allow you to encrypt any file or program by NSA standards with your own password.

Third: Peer Guardian. This program blocks educational/government and other entities you wouldn't want to track your peer 2 peer downloads. Like music or movies or something. Hides activity on programs like Limewire as well.

Last is: CCleaner: This erases all internet activity in any program logs or database files. Like internet activity or download history. Also has a handy registry sweep tool.

With these programs working and setup properly, your computer will exceed government standards for network security. With The Pirate you can find anything your looking for, free! I haven't paid to see a movie in years. Yet I haven't missed one! I have every program you can think of. All from the pirate bay. You can even find key generators and serial numbers for registering programs. Not tough to understand either. Bit torrent-The future of downloading.

Good luck, Stay Safe


Well-Known Member
I agree, FUck them! The worst thing they can do is put me in court. I'll take that it to the Supreme Court argueing Marijuana is not a drug. Furthermore it is a American constitutional right to smoke marijuana. We just haven't enforced it yet. It used to be illegal for women to vote. It used to be legal to own slaves in American. Technically up to about 150 years ago.

Just because something is technically still illegal doesn't mean it should be. That's why there can me amendments to the constitution. Because sometimes, people get it wrong! So, rest assured people. Should they ever arrest me. I will die before I plead guilty for something I don't believe to be a crime. I will make the case so drawn out and costly they will make Marijuana federally legal just to get rid of me.

All we need is someone with balls to make a legal president. I hope it's me! I'd love to be remembered as the man who gave MArijauna back to America! Where it has grown naturally, before our founding fathers were even born.

Love the religous nuts who say drugs are against god. But then ignore the part in the bible about using all plants and animals how we see fit. It's from God, just don't smoke it. Oh, ok. Cuz that makes sense. If God didn't want me to smoke it. He wouldn't of told me to do with it, how I see fit.

Peace yo


Well-Known Member
The lack of veteran growers is pretty easy to explain, I think. For me, I joined to learn to grow. Ive read almost everything on the site by now, and I can fairly confidently say "i know how to grow." Now that I know how to grow, I dont post on here nearly as often as I did when I was learning. Simply put, veteran growers dont NEED this site, so it isnt suprising that there would be less of them on here.


Well-Known Member
Nobody can see your IP addresses aside from the moderators... and none of them are affiliated with any law enforcement agency... Also, the server is not in reach of the US government, which has the only anti-drug agency desperate enough to try to turn this website into a bunch of warrants.

You're safe. :)
not so true is it? there is little protection for you the user. youmust use caution here or on any site.


i know its all cool to assume that they cant get our ips and stuff but think about it for a second, they are a government, thye do have millions possibly billions in rescourses, i hate to say it, but they can get anyones address on here, unfortuantley, thats the way tyrant america works now a days, i love riu get lots of info on here and dont want to be a nay sayer or burst a bubble, but im sure they got some hackers who know how to get down, if they want they can find out almost anything they want, unless maybe you guys have invested in a multi thousand dollar security system, have you?


Well-Known Member
Theyll always be able to get our info. We just have to hope that its not worth their time.

Unless youre posting pictures of hundreds of plants, it probably isnt.


Well-Known Member
Theyll always be able to get our info. We just have to hope that its not worth their time.

Unless youre posting pictures of hundreds of plants, it probably isnt.

thats why i stict to my limit of 99.5 plants max, per picture per day:)

most people come here read learn preach then STFU and disappear.
if you hang to long you have to ignore everyone or they drive you crazy


New Member
Do you really think anyone cares about our little closet grows? I think there are bigger things going on in the US than me and my few plants.