Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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My body my choice..Nobody can push bullshit propaganda upon me...Fuck you..Fuck Biden..Super fuck Pelosi Fuck Kamala...Major fuck you to ALL libtards. ..AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP....Imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested just to know if you have it...And a vaccine that requires full blown constant promotion..A vaccine that will soon be FORCED upon you...Idiot..I'll take my chances..Sit back and be stripped of your rights.. Tyranny is in full force and to many except it...USA is doomed
what is your view on abortions?....
NEWSFLASH...Many many of my family members have all had covid.. Including myself... TWICE...All alive and well..Not sure why not wanting a fucking needle being shoved into my arm with God knows what has anything to do with Donald damn Trump???You Libtards are definitely more shot out than the Pshyco conservative group
You make it all so complicated. It's not.

It's a matter of competing risks and choosing the least risky.

Risk of death or extended illness from Covid >>>> Risk of negative reaction from vaccine

lulz at "many many of my family members have had covid". Dumbshit. Wear a mask and follow other CDC guidelines. What? are you all retarded?

Assuming what you said is true (very doubtful), then you assholes have been spreading the disease around. Resulting in deaths of other people's loved ones and helping breed variants, some of which are going to extend the pandemic if they take hold.

If you don't want to take the jab then at least keep your dirty ass away from other people. I saw a video of Trump walking his infected ass into the WH and felt sorry for the people who work there.
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The U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts upheld the constitutionality of mandatory smallpox vaccination programs to preserve the public health.

By this time, many United States schools required smallpox vaccination before children could attend. Some students and their families, however, sought the help of the courts to avoid the requirement. One such case was considered by the U.S. Supreme Court, when Rosalyn Zucht, a student from San Antonio, Texas, was excluded from a public school for failure to present proof of vaccination.
The complaint alleged that the city ordinances requiring vaccination to attend public school violated the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. The court dismissed the writ of error that brought the case to them, stating that the constitutional question presented was not substantial in character, and citing previous cases which had determined that a city ordinance was a law of the state—and that it was “within the police power of a state to provide for compulsory vaccination.”

The Commonwealth of Virginia passed an act to consolidate previously passed acts regulating smallpox inoculation into one. The new act included a penalty of $1,500 or six months’ imprisonment for anyone willfully spreading smallpox in a manner other than specified by the act.

Wanna bet new troll's grandparents all had smallpox too?? lmao.
You make it all so complicated. It's not.

It's a matter of competing risks and choosing the least risky.

Risk of death or extended illness from Covid >>>> Risk of negative reaction from vaccine

lulz at "many many of my family members have had covid". Dumbshit. Wear a mask and follow other CDC guidelines. What? are you all retarded?

Assuming what you said is true (very doubtful), then you assholes have been spreading the disease around. Resulting in deaths of other people's loved ones and helping breed variants, some of which are going to extend the pandemic if they take hold.

If you don't want to take the jab then at least keep your dirty ass away from other people. I saw a video of Trump walking his infected ass into the WH and felt sorry for the people who work there.
My freedom don't end where your fear begins...point simple
You make it all so complicated. It's not.

It's a matter of competing risks and choosing the least risky.

Risk of death or extended illness from Covid >>>> Risk of negative reaction from vaccine

lulz at "many many of my family members have had covid". Dumbshit. Wear a mask and follow other CDC guidelines. What? are you all retarded?

Assuming what you said is true (very doubtful), then you assholes have been spreading the disease around. Resulting in deaths of other people's loved ones and helping breed variants, some of which are going to extend the pandemic if they take hold.

If you don't want to take the jab then at least keep your dirty ass away from other people. I saw a video of Trump walking his infected ass into the WH and felt sorry for the people who work there.
Stay away....I'm a FREE american...my freedom does not end because ppl like you live in fear...get a grip sweet pea