Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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America is closing in fast on 160 million shots in arms and the pace is accelerating with new sites
COVID-19 deaths and cases in US nursing homes plunged more than 90% since vaccinations began, a leading industry group said (yahoo.com)

COVID-19 deaths and cases in US nursing homes plunged more than 90% since vaccinations began, a leading industry group said
  • COVID-19 cases and deaths plunged in US nursing homes from December to March, a report said.
  • The decline is faster in nursing homes than elsewhere, said the industry group behind the report.
  • This drop can be attributed to the fast vaccine rollout in the US, the authors said.
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COVID-19 cases and deaths in nursing homes dropped by more than 90% in the months since vaccinations became available, a report from a trade association said on Tuesday.

The decline can be linked to prioritization of vaccination in nursing homes, the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) said in a statement.

The AHCA/NCAL is a trade association which represents 14,000 member facilities caring for some 5 million people. It published its findings on Tuesday, covering the period from late December to early March.

The report looked at data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) between December 20, 2020 and March 7. Here are the figures:
  • Weekly new cases of COVID-19 dropped by 96%, with 33,540 cases on December 20 vs. 1,349 cases on March 7.
  • Weekly confirmed COVID-19 deaths also dropped, by 91%, with 6,037 deaths in late December vs. 547 deaths early March.
  • The number of cases in nursing homes is falling faster than in the general population, with a decline of 96% in nursing homes compared to 72%, the report says.
The association said that the March 7 figures were the lowest numbers of weekly cases and of weekly deaths in nursing homes since data collection began in late May.

The huge decline is "thanks to initial vaccine allocations prioritized for nursing homes" the AHCA/NCAL said.

Both deaths and cases peaked in late December, a couple of weeks after the US vaccination campaign started (the first COVID-19 vaccine in the US was given on December 14, 2020).

People over 75 were prioritized in the US vaccination campaign.

As of April 1, 23% of people over 75 and 28% of people between 65 and 74 were fully vaccinated in the US, according to CDC data.

Twelve states are now expanding their vaccination campaigns to all people over the age of 16, and all 50 states are racing to meet President Joe Biden's target for all adults to be eligible for the vaccine by May 1.

"We are not out of the woods yet, but these numbers are incredibly encouraging and a major morale booster" for healthcare staff, Mark Parkinson, president and CEO of AHCA/NCAL, said in a statement.
Well over half of American adults have had one vaccine shot or more so far.
More Than 611 Million Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker (bloomberg.com)
"In the U.S., more Americans have received at least one dose than have tested positive for the virus since the pandemic began. So far, 158 million doses have been given. In the last week, an average of 2.99 million doses per day were administered".
I got my vaccine on Monday. First round of 2. I had only 1 side effect which was an extremely painful arm, it actually woke me up from sleeping. Lasted 3 days. Today i am good. Look, we need to crush this pandemic and if it gives even the slightest upper hand to us, helps protect from.people dying and keeps us from suffering further, then lets do what we can while we can. Plus wearing a mask with glasses sucks!!! I miss breathing and not having steamed up glasses.
TLDR... actually, I did read it, it’s just that I don’t have the motivation to deprogram people from Russian propaganda. Your suggestion that because censorship exist and politicians lie the government nor the media nor medical experts can be trusted on anything they say including verifiable truths is Rob Roy logic, i.e. it does not follow. No the entire world’s governments, medical professionals, scientific journals etc etc are not all in cahoots with eachother. You “are” in a disinformation loop. You are a successful result of Russian propaganda. Spread many versions of the truth, including the very opposite, and people will no longer be able to tell what’s true. Do you not see the irony.

And no, using Trump, the recent best example of disinformation and “alternative facts” doesn‘t have to tell the whole story on lying governments to still serve as today”s best example.

I stand by my statement. I did not say everything they say is a lie, when they tell me my bin will be emptied on a Tuesday it’s usually proven to be true. Whenever they’re telling me something that involves them taking huge sums of money from the taxpayer, there’s usually an agenda. There is usually false information, a biased selection of statistics, a relayed sense of urgency and panic, were made to feel like the danger we face outweighs the money we pay. Or that the danger to us outweighs any wrongdoing they must do to keep us safe. It’s full of shit, they’re all fibbing, probably not all the time but definitely when there’s an agenda to push. Just look at the big events over the last 20 years, global warming....scandals, pollution...scandals ,elections...scandals, wars....scandals, public votes....scandals, security services....scandals. Proven time and time again that officials in government lie to and deceive the public. Just in the same (maybe less stupidly than your last idiot) way that trump has.

you use trump (which fair enough is today’s best reference) as an example of lying to the public from the highest possible level, about so much of what he was responsible for. But fail to recognise that if he (the most powerful man on the planet) is up there sending a message he’s probably pushing every media outlet to say the same thing, And censoring credible sources left right and centre to sway public opinion.

Further still you don’t see that this isn’t new behaviour, it has allways happened and will continue to happen, particularly in times of tension. It is wrong to view this solely as the actions of an individual within an organisation anymore, it’s now time that we realise that these are the actions of the organisation. these people aren’t impartially running a country with the best intentions of the masses, they’re running a company with the best intentions of the few.
Obama was the same so will Biden be. U.K. governments the same infact were probably being sold the same shit as you guys most of the time. Especially when it has came to war.
Thankyou for your reply, if you read carefully you will see the threshold for information about lying politicians had allready been met before I decided to speak of it. You’re using Donald trump as the example of disinformation? Would it not be far more accurate to say that the source of disinformation is the government? Considering lies and scandals like these have been at the centre of us administration for over a century ? Long before trump. How do you compare trumps disinformation with the likes of George bush Jnr telling the world Iraq had wmd? And then subsequently invading that country costing the tax payer and killing our brave armed forces?. It’s not wrong to use a specific example. But it’s certainly not the whole picture.

I agree we have to make our own choices based on the information we have to hand. But what information do we actually have to hand that hasn’t at some point been subject to censorship? Healthcare professionals vetted for tv or radio based on their personal belief. The closest u have to an accurate source is the personal experience of someone you trust or yourself. You make the choice to trust a source or many based on how legitimate each source sounds, but remember these are all subject to censorship.

We won’t ever know what’s true and what’s not because we’re being lied to in order for an agenda to be pushed. Been happening for millennia. And it’s certainly not Covid specific. Far from it. People are waking up to this every day, others who believe what a government push through the media as gospel continue to believe. But once u start seeing through lies then it becomes impossible to place ur trust in a government.

And it’s not even just western government, it’s all of them, they all have an agenda. They need to keep the great tax machine running, making the rich richer and maintaining the poor. If we were to be told something that totally blew us away and made us question the validity of the government then like I said there would be unrest, martial law, yada yada yada tax machine stops.

the conclusion that you and many others have come to , that the negatives of the virus far outweigh the negatives of the vaccine is based on information either subject to government censorship or directly from government. Therefor if I can’t trust a government how can I trust the information?

Aaaaand still I haven’t made a comment about my stance on the vaccine, just on the validity of the information provided to the public.
Biden has degrees in history and political science and, unlike Trump, probably actually went to school himself.

Of course they're both draft dodgers.
Biden has degrees in history and political science and, unlike Trump, probably actually went to school himself.

Of course they're both draft dodgers.

The draft dodging part is the only good thing about both of the clowns.

A degree in Political Science is a notch above basket weaving.
History and political science work very well together. I'm assuming you have superior degrees and aren't trying to stand on a pedestal that's really at ground level? Because it's always amusing when uninformed people try to tell the informed people that they're idiots.
History and political science work very well together. I'm assuming you have superior degrees and aren't trying to stand on a pedestal that's really at ground level? Because it's always amusing when uninformed people try to tell the informed people that they're idiots.

Right now I'm about 99 degrees, but I always run a little hot.
My age group hasn't become eligible yet, but I was offered the shot early and hopped on it. They didn't indicate in advance which shot I'd get, so I reckoned it'd be awhile before I was immunized (for purposes of the law anyway). Turns out I got the J&J so I don't have to wait nearly so long.
My body my choice..Nobody can push bullshit propaganda upon me...Fuck you..Fuck Biden..Super fuck Pelosi Fuck Kamala...Major fuck you to ALL libtards. ..AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP....Imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested just to know if you have it...And a vaccine that requires full blown constant promotion..A vaccine that will soon be FORCED upon you...Idiot..I'll take my chances..Sit back and be stripped of your rights.. Tyranny is in full force and to many except it...USA is doomed
What language was used in that post?

I mean, ever word seems like it's English but taken together, they make no sense.
Oh, how cute. An anachronism speaks. so 2020
You can always tell the Trumptard trolls - they always overuse and improperly use the ellipses.
NEWSFLASH...Many many of my family members have all had covid.. Including myself... TWICE...All alive and well..Not sure why not wanting a fucking needle being shoved into my arm with God knows what has anything to do with Donald damn Trump???You Libtards are definitely more shot out than the Pshyco conservative group