Thankyou for your reply, if you read carefully you will see the threshold for information about lying politicians had allready been met before I decided to speak of it. You’re using Donald trump as the example of disinformation? Would it not be far more accurate to say that the source of disinformation is the government? Considering lies and scandals like these have been at the centre of us administration for over a century ? Long before trump. How do you compare trumps disinformation with the likes of George bush Jnr telling the world Iraq had wmd? And then subsequently invading that country costing the tax payer and killing our brave armed forces?. It’s not wrong to use a specific example. But it’s certainly not the whole picture.
I agree we have to make our own choices based on the information we have to hand. But what information do we actually have to hand that hasn’t at some point been subject to censorship? Healthcare professionals vetted for tv or radio based on their personal belief. The closest u have to an accurate source is the personal experience of someone you trust or yourself. You make the choice to trust a source or many based on how legitimate each source sounds, but remember these are all subject to censorship.
We won’t ever know what’s true and what’s not because we’re being lied to in order for an agenda to be pushed. Been happening for millennia. And it’s certainly not Covid specific. Far from it. People are waking up to this every day, others who believe what a government push through the media as gospel continue to believe. But once u start seeing through lies then it becomes impossible to place ur trust in a government.
And it’s not even just western government, it’s all of them, they all have an agenda. They need to keep the great tax machine running, making the rich richer and maintaining the poor. If we were to be told something that totally blew us away and made us question the validity of the government then like I said there would be unrest, martial law, yada yada yada tax machine stops.
the conclusion that you and many others have come to , that the negatives of the virus far outweigh the negatives of the vaccine is based on information either subject to government censorship or directly from government. Therefor if I can’t trust a government how can I trust the information?
Aaaaand still I haven’t made a comment about my stance on the vaccine, just on the validity of the information provided to the public.