Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Yes we just went into another fucking lockdown. It was the partners last day of work yesterday :(. They’ve left schools open which now have a 1/3rd of the new cases so I doubt this one will do anything except prolong the agony. We have handled the vaccination program on par with some of the poorest nations in the world.......but hey we have free healthcare, yay :(.
Here the wife and I recently became eligible. Fairly short wait if you have insurance or a pre approved credit card.????? $19 for shot. No cash and non disclosed expenses to be billed. Health department. Actually free!!! Not receiving doses and not scheduling due to demand. TY REPUBLICAN reps in my state. 2nd highest infection rate in the country so you could kill children in schools by forcing their opening. While withholding fed money to at least improve safety. And holding up distribution of the vac by again blocking fed funds in our account for the acquisition distribution. So your donors continue to profit??

I got breath now. TY. But this is not as seen on tv folks.
People have a basic human right to the truth Rob and spouting lies and disinformation causes real harm as we have seen with Trump and covid.

which one of your corrupt lying politicians or organisations backed by the same corrupt lying politicians are you trusting to tell you the truth this time?

there is a reason why we as a people are lied to, and that’s to suit an agenda. Why are u gonna trust the people who lied or hid the truth about hitler, ufos, aids, Iraq, Afghanistan and so so many other hot topics over the years?
which one of your corrupt lying politicians or organisations backed by the same corrupt lying politicians are you trusting to tell you the truth this time?

there is a reason why we as a people are lied to, and that’s to suit an agenda. Why are u gonna trust the people who lied or hid the truth about hitler, ufos, aids, Iraq, Afghanistan and so so many other hot topics over the years?
Actually I’m still recovering from Trumps lies, the truth is like a breath of fresh air, thank you US brothers and sisters for doing your part in sacking that lying piece of baboon shit.
Just remember, the dance party doesn’t begin at the second shot: seriously, take it easy for the next 2 weeks - you might *not* need it, but if you don’t take it, you won’t have it if you *do* need it. Week 3 is better.
which one of your corrupt lying politicians or organisations backed by the same corrupt lying politicians are you trusting to tell you the truth this time?

there is a reason why we as a people are lied to, and that’s to suit an agenda. Why are u gonna trust the people who lied or hid the truth about hitler, ufos, aids, Iraq, Afghanistan and so so many other hot topics over the years?
A consensus of responsible media opinion and reporting that use professional standards and practices. The truth it out there bitch slapping you in the face, but yer too stupid to see it cause yer head is full of bullshit.
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