Some people say don’t flush at all some say do?

I used to put them in paper towels but now I just stick them straight in the soil and that also works, only you skip a step and you handle them less.
I grow in rocks in pots. So for me a need a tap root before placing on the rocks and the paper towel has worked almost without issue. If you forget they are in there it becomes a problem after a few days haha.
This is precisely why you use organics. Plus I've noticed that chemo bud just doesn't look or seem as strong. Like organic tomatoes vs organics taste better and when has a decent crop ever taken less than 10 weeks to harvest....

Wait so if I run organic my crops finish faster?
If you do when is your flushing window? If you don’t why not?
Well, to be true to the OP, I only rinsed my soil once when my compost was too hot and it was N-toxing the plant.

After watching a video where a lab tech put dye in their water (which dyed the plant), then proceeded to FLUSH THE LIVING BEJEBUS OUT OF THE MEDIUM FOR DAYS AND DAYS, and the plant was still dyed, I decided plants can't be flushed. Also there is the science and lab research and all that I was able to discover.

Doesn't the drying-in-the-dark process take care of any issue bros might be trying to take care of with "flushing?"
Never hurts I suppose.... I just don't see the point of even bothering though. Why skimp out and get chem nutes when you can use organic....I'd guess if you have a large opp you would use chem ferts with a flush, but I don't think that really falls into the bounds of "when do I flush?". Just run organics botanicare is like $50 a gallon.

But Botanicare is owned by Scotts Miracle-Gro and they sell Roundup for Monsanto. Why would you buy from the Devil? :fire:

I used Pure Blend Pro for a few grows years ago and while it was a perfectly good nutrient it was overpriced and gummed up my hydro stuff.

Using so called organic nutrients that come in a plastic bottle made from fossil fuel does not equate to organic. A compost pile, worm bin, burning bones with wood in a firepit for potash and bone meal to add to your soil. That's organic.
But Botanicare is owned by Scotts Miracle-Gro and they sell Roundup for Monsanto. Why would you buy from the Devil? :fire:

I used Pure Blend Pro for a few grows years ago and while it was a perfectly good nutrient it was overpriced and gummed up my hydro stuff.

Using so called organic nutrients that come in a plastic bottle made from fossil fuel does not equate to organic. A compost pile, worm bin, burning bones with wood in a firepit for potash and bone meal to add to your soil. That's organic.
I feel like I just got bitch-slapped by a hippie.