Problems with my flowering plant


Active Member
Hello, hope everyone's doing well. I was looking for some advice on what could be wrong with my plant.

Two weeks before switching to flower I started having a watering problem. From either overgrowing the pot or not saturating the soil enough. I moved it from a 3 gallon to 5 gallon pot and started watering it properly to saturate the soil. It seemed to work but while figuring out the underwatering problem it wilted several times, and I burned the plant pretty bad with nutrients shortly after switching light cycle.

It's 4 weeks into flower now and leaves, mostly the middle and top of the plant, are slowly staring to yellow off. The problem started progressing at week 2 of flower, not sure if it's a feed issue or light burn/dehydration. So a week ago I raised the light from 20 to 24", it's a 250w led.

So does this look like overfeeding, underfeeding, root problems, or burn from the lights? Something else?

4 weeks since 12/12 switch.
Soil: ocean forest, 5 gallon pot.
Nutrients: foxfarm trio, at most I've given 2tsp tiger bloom, with 4 tbs big bloom.
Temp, humidity: 82-86, 30-40%
Water every other day, 1 gallon. Alternate nutrients at 6.6-7ph and plain water.
Don't know exact ppm.

I'll put up some pictures, thank you for any help.20210326_224027.jpg20210326_224007.jpg20210324_150258.jpg20210324_150231.jpg20210326_223932.jpg20210326_223907.jpg20210322_004946.jpg


Well-Known Member
Personally I love the FFHF soil. Always used it always will. But I don’t particularly like their nutes. I’ve burned plants before using half strength and suffered some K lock out as well. Looks to me like that might be your issue. If it were my girls I would cut down to 1/4 strength and cycle water, water, feed. But like I said that is what I would do. It is your grow. Get other opinions before deciding your best solution. Best of luck to you and yours.


Well-Known Member
Come on man, look at all of the tips on the leaves - lower ones, upper ones and sugar as well. Visible potassium def agreed, but does it mean they are hungry?
More likely a lock out.
He said he burned them pretty bad right after switching to flower, than not long after thi started happening.

I vote for a flush, then fresh nutrient mix.

OP, what strength is your feed that burned the plants? What strength are you feeding now?


Well-Known Member
Do. Not. Flush. You’ve already got enough problems.
What are you talking about? Flushing is a vital part of soil grows when you salt based nutrients.
The build up of salts is going to happen in the soil from aggressive feeding, the only way to fix that is by doing a flush to clean the soil. Followed by a fresh feeding to rejuvenate the soil.
This helps alleviate lock-out and PH issues.


Well-Known Member
Looks more like Zinc deficiency and everything else catching up. Id lower the PH to start with. Not much you can really do at this stage to fix it, the damage was done 4 weeks ago when you cooked her. It should finish fine from here.


Active Member
Looking back the burns started a week before I switched to flower, 2tsp grow, 4 tbs big bloom. Switched back to half that after I noticed the burns.
I had also transplanted into some fresh soil a week before, which probably contributed. Along with the dry spots maybe.

As of now she's getting 2tsp tiger bloom, 4tbs big bloom for the last few feedings.

I feel like I may be feeding too frequently.


Well-Known Member
Go through and pull off any leaves that come off with an easy tug. Especially the full yellow leaves. I wouldn’t flush. If you think you have over fed just use water only next couple of waterings.


Active Member
I've been pulling leaves off when they get yellow and crispy. Going to give it plain water today, see how it looks in a couple days. I'm leaning more towards it being locked out but idk. Afraid to up the nutrients as its already burned.
Since I water every other day, should I feed every other water or every third watering?


Well-Known Member
I've been pulling leaves off when they get yellow and crispy. Going to give it plain water today, see how it looks in a couple days. I'm leaning more towards it being locked out but idk. Afraid to up the nutrients as its already burned.
Since I water every other day, should I feed every other water or every third watering?
Look, this is a litlle bit more complicated, than you think. Small “burn” is just fine when you do it by rising the dose gradualy to figure out maximal EC for your plant. But once the burn is strong and processes further the leaf inwards followed with curling tips up and making circles, than you will be no more able to set the plant on the same feeding. The real nutrient burn is nothing else but pulling the water out of plant, because of EC of the medium got too high where roots can not make more sugars to keep the EC inside them higher, which leads to osmosis flow to reverse. And the roots my brother they are not on switch, today like this and tommorrow like that. There is nothing like buffer of nutrients inside the plant except leaves and when she is hungry with sad roots than she takes the leaves, not good. Flushing is good to in some cases and it wont hurt the healthy plant but it is usually the last thing you can do in potting mixes when the things go down the hill. IMo you should never to “flush” with plain water, thats stress for the plant as well. Every EC fluctuation is stressful together with flooding the medium with too much water causing another pH drift here and back. And in flower every stress costs you a lot.


Well-Known Member
Are you watering with 2tsp and 4tbsp
Looking back the burns started a week before I switched to flower, 2tsp grow, 4 tbs big bloom. Switched back to half that after I noticed the burns.
I had also transplanted into some fresh soil a week before, which probably contributed. Along with the dry spots maybe.

As of now she's getting 2tsp tiger bloom, 4tbs big bloom for the last few feedings.

I feel like I may be feeding too frequently.
Is that what your giving them per gallon per water???


New Member
Calcium def all the way. No strong cell wall equals burnt tips . Anyone who says potassium just doesn’t know. That’s why grows are messed up everywhere cause of online forums like this. You need a amino acid to unlock calcium uptake. 1/16 of a tsp per gallon or use fulvic acid and kelp extract at 5 parts to 2. Just remember calcium is just as important than any n-p-k ratio. Calcium is a critical micro nutrient that everyone forgets about. I would look into a soil conditioner as well like rock dust, azo mite etc etc ..cheers everyone


Well-Known Member
Calcium def all the way. No strong cell wall equals burnt tips . Anyone who says potassium just doesn’t know. That’s why grows are messed up everywhere cause of online forums like this. You need a amino acid to unlock calcium uptake. 1/16 of a tsp per gallon or use fulvic acid and kelp extract at 5 parts to 2. Just remember calcium is just as important than any n-p-k ratio. Calcium is a critical micro nutrient that everyone forgets about. I would look into a soil conditioner as well like rock dust, azo mite etc etc ..cheers everyone
Amino acids or fulvic acid are not going to correct the issues with those plants. The reason grows are messed up is usually from overfeeding and Fox Farms is notorious for growers having issues as the feed chart has people overfeeding their plants. Some people use it without problems but there are constantly posts from growers using FFOF and FF nutrients having issues. The OP said they burnt their plants and started having issues after switching to flower. Overfeeding can cause nutrient antagonism locking out some nutrients. In a situation like that the best thing to do is reduce the amount of feed and alternate between plain water and reduced feed. Rock dust or azomite also will do nothing to correct the issue at this stage. Those need to be mixed in as a soil amendment prior to planting as they take some time to break down and become available to the plant.


New Member
Amino acids or fulvic acid are not going to correct the issues with those plants. The reason grows are messed up is usually from overfeeding and Fox Farms is notorious for growers having issues as the feed chart has people overfeeding their plants. Some people use it without problems but there are constantly posts from growers using FFOF and FF nutrients having issues. The OP said they burnt their plants and started having issues after switching to flower. Overfeeding can cause nutrient antagonism locking out some nutrients. In a situation like that the best thing to do is reduce the amount of feed and alternate between plain water and reduced feed. Rock dust or azomite also will do nothing to correct the issue at this stage. Those need to be mixed in as a soil amendment prior to planting as they take some time to break down and become available to the plant.
[/QUOTE It’s not going to correct the tips and color but it will make the plant healthier to proceed with flowering and thc production. Yes any soil amendments takes time to break down but feeding the soil conditioners via teas or water will help out immediately. My family has owned a operated a green house /flower shop in Michigan for 32 years. I back my data, I don’t send misrepresentation to anyone bucko..also bio char helps the break down of micro nutrients to make it more ready and available. Those flowers are about week 3-5 and any amendment will help char/ gypsum. Amino acids unlock lil receptors in the plants root system to assist with the uptake of nutrients. Like the poster stated the problem started after switching to flower. Cannabis/hemp uptake more calcium than corn or tulips. Sprinkle high powered LED you have a recipe for disaster. You are right about conditioners taking time but we’re trying to save my mans grow here. I have saved so many plants with this exact method

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
That feeding chart FF has is for plants under optimal, controlled conditions with much more powerful lights. You gotta downscale that shit immensely for your home setup and ease into those nutes. In comparison, my 3 plants were just flipped and I do 1/4 strength and feed every two waterings - water, water, feed
If you are giving a gallon of water and feeding every other day at the amounts you said (2tsp & 4tblspn) you're causing lockout with all that shit you're pumping in.