Pot heists.

There's a dude on an ATV who once stole my plant back when I only had one or two outdoors in the back bush. He comes back year after year looking for more. I can see his tracks he makes as he runs through fields of ferns. I imagine he stops and stands up on his ATV to look around for any possible plants.... Guy is lucky I'm the peaceful type!
Had two horse trainers steal one plant from me several years ago. That plant had over 1.5 lbs on it. With eight more of the same ant near by.
I went out to check on them while hunting and found the one was missing. Then I heard them putting along the trail, drunk, with some woman, in a gator. They were talking about how good the one they already grabbed was... I waited, in full camouflage, until they got close and then stood up with my cell already calling the cops on them for trespassing. Scared them half to death... They tried telling me they had permission to be there and after hunting there for years I knew better. They didn't get anything else. And since I knew who they were they still got a visit from the DNR and sheriff's department. Lol. I'm still pissed about that plant...
I’ve said this before. I’ll say it again. Do not booby trap anything. In any way. Injure someone and you’ll never be able to grow near there. Further these thieves can sue and recover if it can be laid on you.

Lastly, injure or kill any kind of cop or investigator and you can prepare because Hell will be coming to town.
As we get closer to outdoor grow season in New England and southern Maine specifically. I wanted to tell y’all the story of pot heists in my area last fall. They’ve always happened so keep shit close to your house. But last year the assholes stepped it up a notch now they are using drones to fly over Entire neighborhoods and spot your grow. Then in the dead of night they roll In on dirt bikes and atvs and hack it down. Sometime way before it’s ready which somehow makes it even sadder. I had several friend get robbed and even spotted the drone flying in my neck of the woods. I think this year I’ll be spending a lot of time sleeping in my tent with my dog right next to my grow. Anyone else seeing drones used for heists?
How much footage of chainlinlk fence would you need to secure your garden?
i fly paramotor and i see many grows but i won't steal... i mean, growing cannabis is as easy as growing weeds
Same here, I’d never take another persons plants.
I’m an arborist in residential areas and constantly spot beautiful plants in nice patches from the tops of trees, so much so it’s a game now each summer.
I just giggle and think nice garden and keep working.

A friend was walking his dog at the local park and found some out of place rootballs the bandits had pinched, sad times.

I keep mine safe with an American staffy and a Boxer!
I go with either being a 'High-Tech Redneck' (laptop and cantenna to access drones and disable them)
Or, the silent option...

Blow darts!
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Damn those blow darts.... my neighbors kid and his friend put several of them into the side of the hoop house. They were also stuck in the fence and scattered around the backyard. Lol. When the mom next door found out the blow gun got bent in half. I hope it was across the kids' backsides lol.
All you
I’ve said this before. I’ll say it again. Do not booby trap anything. In any way. Injure someone and you’ll never be able to grow near there. Further these thieves can sue and recover if it can be laid on you.

Lastly, injure or kill any kind of cop or investigator and you can prepare because Hell will be coming to town.
All you deep woods country gorilla guys dealing w/thieving rips What about the FN DEER those Mf's will eat everything, I'd assume they are just as much trouble as the FN douchbags who rather steal than do their own work.ccguns
All you

All you deep woods country gorilla guys dealing w/thieving rips What about the FN DEER those Mf's will eat everything, I'd assume they are just as much trouble as the FN douchbags who rather steal than do their own work.ccguns
All you

All you deep woods country gorilla guys dealing w/thieving rips What about the FN DEER those Mf's will eat everything, I'd assume they are just as much trouble as the FN douchbags who rather steal than do their own work.ccguns
Alaska? It’s dogs. Hurt someone’s dog out taking a walk and the owner will be mad and looking to kick ass.
If someone wants to sneak around at night climbing fences to get a few plants I might have growing in the backyard they probably need it more than me and I'm not setting traps and I'm definitely not going outside with a gun. That old motto "If you pull a gun you better be ready to use it". And that's not something I'm willing to do over a few plants. Plus I don't want to spend 15 years in prison for manslaughter. Now if someone is inside my house that's a different story and I sleep with something within arms reach.

Now the growers with larger outdoor grows, what they do is their business.