Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

Isn't historical knowledge a bitch. I hate when I'm reading an other wise good book, and they are so far off base on something so easily researched.
Pisses me off, this is a good book I tell my brother and he goes but Livia never killed them she was 2k miles away at the time, gotta have accuracy in a book.
Masterpiece Theater's I Claudius . . . . . .
Talk about a flashback. I watched a few of those Sunday afternoon episodes with my running mate, and her school teacher/Baptist church lady mother and grandmother. We would always get right before viewing. Not sure when it came out, but that was 1977-78 when we were watching it.
I forgot Ian Banks he's great, I've already got 12 bags full of unread books in the cupboard lol funny, funny because they are unread and I'm looking and ordering new books.
I was an early fan of Cussler's from the get go with "Dirk Pitt". He passed away last year at 88. I hope his co-authors continue with his legacy
I didn't realize he passed away last year, very sorry to know that. Unfortunately his son can't hold a candle to his writing, I am prett sure I have all of Clive's series, I reread them from time to time, I do that with Stuart Woods, Stone Barrington series and a lot of James Pattersons stuff too. Just keep them on a bookcase in the basement and every couple of years dust them off starting with the first in the series until finished. Now that I think about it I do that with a lot of authors, Robin Hobb, I reread her stuff all the time. Same with wheel of time and sword of truth. I might need to start reading more newer stuff :D
I didn't realize he passed away last year, very sorry to know that. Unfortunately his son can't hold a candle to his writing, I am prett sure I have all of Clive's series, I reread them from time to time, I do that with Stuart Woods, Stone Barrington series and a lot of James Pattersons stuff too. Just keep them on a bookcase in the basement and every couple of years dust them off starting with the first in the series until finished. Now that I think about it I do that with a lot of authors, Robin Hobb, I reread her stuff all the time. Same with wheel of time and sword of truth. I might need to start reading more newer stuff :D
Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta series is the only near full collection I have in hardback.
Many other authors but only a sampling of their works.


I have a large digital collection that we listen to on road trips. Audio books help the road boredom go faster on a long trip. Much more intriguing than the same tunes repeated on the local stations state after state.
Moon from car animated emoticon
Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta series is the only near full collection I have in hardback.
Many other authors but only a sampling of their works.

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I have a large digital collection that we listen to on road trips. Audio books help the road boredom go faster on a long trip. Much more intriguing than the same tunes repeated on the local stations state after state.
Moon from car animated emoticon
I've recently become a fan of audiobooks. They are great for drives.